
(5,342 results)
Jesus as Expiation
Jesus as Expiation
Kendal Rasnake  •  West Point Road Church of Christ  •  Sermon  •    •  278 views  •  33:02
Substitutionary Atonement
Substitutionary Atonement
Back to Fundamentals
David Thomas  •  FHCC  •  Sermon  •    •  53 views  •  31:42
Jesus - The Altar of Sacrifice
Jesus - The Altar of Sacrifice
Jesus in the Tabernacle
Pastor Scott  •  First Baptist Church of Belmont  •  Sermon  •    •  18 views  •  41:41
The Foundation of Our Faith
The Foundation of Our Faith
Preaching Through The Bible
Gabriel Hilleson  •  Paw Paw Bible Church  •  Sermon  •    •  18 views  •  30:04
The Atoning Sacrifice
The Atoning Sacrifice
Highlights in 1 John
Leigh Johnson  •  Phenix Baptist  •  Sermon  •    •  126 views  •  20:03
Christology (Atoning Work)
Christology (Atoning Work)
Systematic Theology 2
Sermon  •    •  175 views  •  1:27:32
Pursuing God
Mike Gonzalez  •  Sermon  •    •  201 views  •  26:05
Jesus - The Good Shepherd
Jesus - The Good Shepherd
Leigh Johnson  •  Phenix Baptist  •  Sermon  •    •  50 views  •  17:00
Behold The Lamb (3)
Behold The Lamb (3)
Behold The Lamb
David Hildebrand  •  Victory Baptist Church Holly Ridge  •  Sermon  •    •  8 views  •  56:33
He Bore Our Sins
He Bore Our Sins
Highlights in 1 Peter
Leigh Johnson  •  Phenix Baptist  •  Sermon  •    •  149 views  •  16:45
Isaiah 26-27, "New Life for Exiles"
Isaiah 26-27, "New Life for Exiles"
Ken MacLeod  •  Community of Grace  •  Sermon  •    •  48 views  •  1:01:33
Listen to the Son
Listen to the Son
Matthew: Christ The Promised King
Matthew Round  •  Hope City Church Edinburgh  •  Sermon  •    •  12 views  •  33:02
The 1st matter of Life
The 1st matter of Life
Life & Death
David Thomas  •  FHCC  •  Sermon  •    •  33 views  •  28:14
The Greatest Sacrifice
The Greatest Sacrifice
Bible Boot Camp
Jesse Hammonds  •  First Baptist Church Three Rivers  •  Sermon  •    •  109 views  •  28:24
It's a Mystery! -- The Mystery of Faith Alone -- 10/30/2022
It's a Mystery! -- The Mystery of Faith Alone -- 10/30/2022
It's a Mystery!
Jeff Hale  •  Emmanuel CRC  •  Sermon  •    •  26 views  •  35:18
The Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement
Matt Haywood  •  Bethlehem Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •    •  53 views  •  28:11
Substitution Work of Messiah in Suffering.
Substitution Work of Messiah in Suffering.
Teaching Through the Bible
Jedidiah Cary  •  Paw Paw Bible Church  •  Sermon  •    •  36 views  •  26:18
Laundry Day
Laundry Day
Rock Solid: God's Immovable Love for Us
Tony R Baker  •  Gateway Church  •  Sermon  •    •  58 views  •  38:19
1 John 4:12-21, "God Loves in Us"
1 John 4:12-21, "God Loves in Us"
1 John, Counter-Cultural Living
Ken MacLeod  •  Community of Grace  •  Sermon  •    •  1,305 views  •  33:28
Jesus: Lamb & Shepherd
Jesus: Lamb & Shepherd
Lee Corpier  •  Salem UMC - Springtown, PA  •  Sermon  •    •  45 views  •  31:32
Jesus as Propitiation
Jesus as Propitiation
Kendal Rasnake  •  West Point Road Church of Christ  •  Sermon  •    •  283 views  •  29:28
Restoration? Or Not?
Restoration? Or Not?
John A. Murphy, Jr.  •  MISSION WOODS CHURCH  •  Sermon  •    •  3 views  •  1:14:20
Isaiah 1, "The Gospel in Isaiah"
Isaiah 1, "The Gospel in Isaiah"
Ken MacLeod  •  Community of Grace  •  Sermon  •    •  642 views  •  48:55
1 John 4:7-12, "How Will the World Know Love?"
1 John 4:7-12, "How Will the World Know Love?"
1 John, Counter-Cultural Living
Ken MacLeod  •  Community of Grace  •  Sermon  •    •  53 views  •  40:50
The Virgan Birth
The Virgan Birth
David Welch  •  Faithway Baptist Church Elk Grove  •  Sermon  •    •  51 views  •  42:39