(69 results)

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 22:49
This sermon explores how Jesus' own brothers misunderstood His mission, urging Him to publicly display His miracles at the Feast of Tabernacles. However, Jesus, focused on God's timing, refuses to seek worldly approval. The text highlights how people had conflicting opinions about Jesus—some believing He was good, others accusing Him of deception. Despite opposition, Jesus remained committed to revealing truth and offering salvation. The passage challenges believers to recognize Jesus as the only way to God, avoid distractions from faith, and live in a way that reflects His truth, as their lives may be the only "Bible" others ever read.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 9 views • 31:03
In this compelling sermon, No Turning Back, we are confronted with the true cost of discipleship. Following Jesus is more than just words—it’s a life-changing commitment. Drawing from John 6 and Matthew 7, the message highlights the struggle of faith, repentance, and the danger of mere head knowledge without heart transformation. Some disciples turned away, unwilling to surrender, but Peter declared, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ Today, we face the same choice. Will we fully commit to Christ or turn back to the world? The decision is eternal—there’s no turning back.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 28:42
This sermon explores the core message of John 6, where Jesus declares Himself the "Bread of Life." It confronts fundamental questions about life, death, and eternal destiny, emphasizing the inadequacy of human efforts, ancestral heritage, or religious rituals to secure eternal life. It highlights the necessity of recognizing Jesus as the sole source of salvation and eternal life.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 23:07
As we head into 2025, let’s grab hold of the amazing chance to serve the Lord with open hearts and
ready hands. Looking back on 2024, we’ve seen God move in big ways, and now it’s time to step up and do even more.
Like Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, we’re called to tackle the work ahead with courage and faith, knowing
God is with us every step. Serving the Lord isn’t just a duty—it’s a joy and an adventure! Let’s keep growing, facing
challenges together, and celebrating the victories along the way. We’re in this as a family, and the reward is eternal:
hearing Him say, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant!” Are you ready to take on 2025 with me? Let’s do this!

Dec 24 Candle Light Service
Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 7:54
This message reflects on why we celebrate Christmas, centering on the significance of Jesus Christ. Christmas isn't just a holiday; it's a celebration of Jesus' birth—a pivotal moment remembered for over 2,000 years. Jesus is special because He is eternal, present throughout history as Creator, Redeemer, and Savior. From the promise in the Garden of Eden to the prophets' foretelling, Jesus' role is evident in the Old Testament. His birth, foretold by angels and celebrated by shepherds and kings, marks God coming to earth as "Immanuel"—God with us. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection restore humanity's relationship with God. Christmas reminds us that Jesus is not just a baby in a manger but the Savior of the world, worthy of our worship and celebration. Let us honor Him by sharing His love and truth. THIS IS JESUS!

The "Why" Behind Christmas
Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 26:28
This sermon explores the key questions of the season and centers on the ultimate question: What will you do with Jesus? Reflecting on Simeon’s encounter with Jesus in Luke 2:25-35, the sermon highlights themes of waiting for God’s promises, recognizing His provision, and embracing His gift of salvation. Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, fulfills prophecies and offers peace, hope, and eternal life. Listeners are challenged to reflect on their relationship with Christ, remain faithful amidst life’s challenges, and accept the greatest gift ever given—salvation through Jesus. Let this message inspire a turning point in your life this Christmas season.

The "Why" Behind Christmas
Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 24 views • 31:46
In this sermon, we explore the "Why" behind Christmas, focusing on the "When" of Jesus' birth. While the exact date is uncertain, evidence suggests Jesus was born in September 5 BC. The sermon examines Old Testament prophecies that point to Jesus' birth, showing how everything in the scriptures foretold His coming. It also highlights the significance of events like Herod's census and Jesus’ birth during the Sukkot festival. Ultimately, the message emphasizes the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus' birth, encourages trust in the Scriptures, and parallels His first coming with His prophesied second coming, urging listeners to accept Jesus for salvation.

The "Why" Behind Christmas
Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 26:44
This sermon dives into the heart of Christmas, urging Christians to focus on worshiping God in spirit and truth, free from distractions and idolatry. It explores the origins of Christmas traditions, from the date of December 25th to symbols like the Christmas tree, emphasizing the importance of intent over ritual. While many customs have historical or cultural roots, true Christian celebration centers solely on remembering the miraculous birth of Jesus, God’s ultimate gift of redemption. Let’s ensure our hearts remain solely devoted to Him, letting the joy of Christ’s birth inspire worship, gratitude, and a bold proclamation of His eternal love and light.

The "Why" Behind Christmas
Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 26:15
Christmas celebrates God’s promise to redeem humanity. In Eden, Adam and Eve’s sin brought death, but God promised a Deliverer in Genesis 3:15. This thread leads to Jesus’ birth, fulfilling the hope of restoration.
The virgin birth is crucial; Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born without sin, unlike humanity through Adam. This made Him the perfect sacrifice to redeem us.
The wise men’s gifts revealed His mission: gold for kingship, frankincense for divinity, and myrrh foreshadowing His death. They likely arrived months later, with their gifts sustaining His family’s flight to Egypt.
Christmas celebrates Jesus—the Light of the World and fulfillment of God’s promises. Do you know Him?

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 23:57
The sermon encourages thankfulness, emphasizing gratitude as a choice rooted in faith. It highlights God’s presence in our lives, even during hardships, and the importance of maintaining a relationship with Him. Reflecting on the origins of Thanksgiving, it calls for a heart of gratitude for God’s blessings, regardless of circumstances. Christians are urged to live distinctly, focusing on God’s goodness, loving others, and seeing His hand in daily moments. The message concludes with a practical exercise to share and reflect on gratitude, fostering a deeper sense of community and worship.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 30:36
The sermon emphasizes seeking Jesus for eternal life, not just physical or intellectual needs. Drawing from John 6:22-40, it contrasts temporary sustenance with the eternal fulfillment Jesus offers as the "Bread of Life." The sermon explores Jesus' divine authority, sealed by God, and His call to believe in Him for salvation—a gift, not earned by works. It highlights Jesus as the source of eternal life, contrasting physical manna with spiritual nourishment. The message assures believers of their secure salvation in Christ and invites listeners to pursue a personal relationship with Him for lasting fulfillment and eternal assurance.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 27:10
This sermon explores service and sacrifice, drawing parallels between the devotion of veterans and Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. Inspired by John 15:13, it urges us to honor those who serve our country by praying for them, expressing gratitude, and preserving their stories. Just as veterans sacrifice for our freedom, Jesus gave His life for our salvation, demonstrating the greatest love. This love, seen in His life, death, and resurrection, calls us to a relationship with Him. The message challenges listeners to embrace God’s purpose, recognize His love, and live in gratitude for His and others’ sacrifices.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 20 views • 30:25
The sermon emphasizes Jesus' power over sin, death, and judgment, symbolized by the sea. It connects Jesus' act of walking on water to Moses parting the Red Sea, both representing deliverance from bondage. Jesus rescues Peter from drowning, an allegory of saving humanity from sin and death. The disciples, facing a storm, accept Jesus into their boat, symbolizing faith and salvation. Like them, believers face life's storms and cannot overcome sin alone. By accepting Jesus, they gain peace and eternal life. This story encourages believers to trust Jesus as the one who can lead them through life's turbulent “sea.”

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 34:31
The sermon emphasizes Jesus as the Bread of Life, who fulfills both physical and spiritual needs. By feeding the five thousand, Jesus illustrates that He alone can truly satisfy, contrasting Himself with temporary, worldly solutions that leave people empty. The miracle serves as a life lesson on relying on Jesus rather than earthly provisions or personal abilities. Jesus shows us principles of faith, service, and reliance on divine provision. Ultimately, He invites believers to turn to Him for sustenance that transcends physical hunger, offering eternal fulfillment and salvation as the true “Bread of Life.”

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 21 views • 36:55
The sermon "Can I Trust Jesus?" based on John 5:31-47, discusses the reliability of Jesus' message. It presents four key witnesses to His authority. First, John the Baptist, called a "burning and shining lamp," testified to the truth of Jesus, though his message was rejected by some. Second, Jesus' works, given by God, confirm His divine mission and fulfill prophecies the religious leaders should have recognized. The third witness is God the Father, who testified to Jesus, but many hardened their hearts and ignored this. Lastly, the Scriptures, especially the writings of Moses, point to Jesus as the Messiah. Despite diligently studying the Scriptures, the religious leaders missed their true message, which confirmed Jesus’ identity. The sermon calls on listeners to trust Jesus and the testimonies about Him, emphasizing that Jesus is the only path to salvation. The choice is clear: to either accept or reject Him, with a call to embrace Him for eternal life.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 34:50
In the sermon "What Is Your Verdict?" based on John 5:24-30, we look at the divide between the spiritually dead and alive. Jesus assures that those who believe in Him have eternal life and will not face judgment. This promise is central to the doctrine of "once saved, always saved," affirming that salvation is permanent for those who trust in Christ.
The key question posed is: "What is your verdict?" Each person must decide whether they will accept or reject Jesus, as this determines their eternal destiny. We're urged to reflect on one’s spiritual state, emphasizing that Jesus offers freedom from judgment and eternal life to all who believe.
The sermon also highlights Jesus' unique authority to grant life and judge humanity. As both God and man, He has been given life by the Father and the power to execute judgment. At the final judgment, those who have accepted Christ will be raised to eternal life, while those who have rejected Him will face condemnation.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 37:02
In *Equal with God*, Jesus affirms His equality with God the Father in nature, power, and authority, as seen in John 5:17-24. He declares that both He and the Father have been working since creation, establishing His co-equal status with God (vs 17-18). Jesus’ unique Father-to-Son relationship with God is essential for salvation, as no one else shares this bond. He also asserts His authority over the Sabbath, showing that as Lord, He has the right to determine its purpose. Next, Jesus claims equality with God in power (vs 19-21), stating that just as the Father gives life, so does the Son. His miracles, including raising the dead, confirm His divine power. Finally, Jesus declares His authority in judgment (vs 22-24), stating that God has given Him the responsibility to judge humanity. Those who honor Jesus honor the Father, and eternal life is found only through belief in Him. In summary, this passage highlights Jesus’ divinity and the need to accept Him for eternal life.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 31:43
The sermon encourages listeners to seek healing, embrace their new identity in Christ, and live fully in the freedom offered by faith. The invitation to call on Jesus for salvation is central, culminating in a reference to Romans 10:9, reinforcing the accessibility of grace for all who believe.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 31:32
This sermon prompts us to examine our own faith. Are we like the Galileans, seeking signs and wonders to validate our belief, or are we ready to trust in Jesus’ words and promises without requiring physical proof? The nobleman’s faith, demonstrated through his trust in Jesus’ promise rather than a miracle, challenges us to secure our faith in Him. It calls us to embrace Jesus’ sacrifice and His assurance of eternal life.
John 4:43-54 teaches that faith is not about seeing miracles but about believing in Jesus' promises and His role as Savior. Just as the nobleman’s faith led to the healing of his son and the salvation of his household, our genuine belief in Jesus can transform our lives and impact those around us. This passage encourages us to trust Jesus wholeheartedly and to share the message of His salvation with others.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 31:05
A discussion with Youth for Christ and Chaplains in the Parks examining the work they are doing to impact local communities. This is a continuation of the study of the Book of John and how having an encounter with Jesus changes our lives. The relationship we build with Jesus causes us to pursue others that need His saving grace.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 38:43
In this sermon, we explore Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4, highlighting what God truly expects from us. Religion often burdens us with man-made rules, but Jesus offers freedom through a personal relationship, not a list of requirements. Salvation isn't about our works; it's about what Jesus has already done for us.
In His encounter with the Samaritan woman, Jesus breaks through cultural and religious barriers, offering her "living water"—eternal life and true fulfillment. Her life, once marked by shame, is transformed, and her testimony brings others to believe in Jesus. This shows how God uses our brokenness for His purposes.
The message challenges us to leave behind the weight of religion and embrace the grace and freedom found in a relationship with Jesus. As Christians, we are called to share this gift with others, helping them experience the living water that only Jesus provides.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 33:13
The sermon focuses on John 3:22-36, highlighting two critical decisions every person must make: accepting the offer of eternal life in Jesus and surrendering fully to Him. It emphasizes that many want salvation but struggle to commit their lives entirely to God, continuing to live in ways contrary to their faith. Using John the Baptist (JtB) as an example of unwavering commitment, the sermon teaches that believers must decrease so Christ may increase, avoiding the trap of religion without relationship. It calls for genuine devotion, warning of the consequences of rejecting Christ, and urging immediate faith in Jesus for eternal life.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 2 views • 35:03
This sermon based on John 3:1-21 explores the essential question of eternal life and the necessity of being "born again." It examines the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, a Pharisee and seeker of truth, highlighting how Jesus cuts through superficial concerns to address the core issue of spiritual rebirth. The sermon emphasizes that being born again through faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
It also draws parallels between the unwavering qualifications to be President and the non-negotiable requirement of spiritual rebirth to become a citizen of Heaven. The message underscores that no religious affiliation, good works, or knowledge of Jesus can save a person—only accepting the gift of salvation through Christ can. The sermon encourages believers to reflect on their own eternity and to share the life-giving truth of the Gospel with others, stressing that Jesus offers eternal life, and the decision to accept it is crucial

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 6 views • 37:52
This message is about making a relationship with God a matter of the heart and not just head/intellectual knowledge. The challenge is to remove all distractions from the heart that are hindering God with having a full relationship with the Christian.

Pastor Jim Gould • Living Faith Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 35:05
Jesus's first miracle and the beginning of His personal ministry.