Top Bible Verses about Complaining
Numbers 11:1–3
Job 7:1–21
Jeremiah 12:1–4
Jonah 4:1–3
John 6:41–43
Philippians 2:14–16
Famous Christian Quotes About Complaining, Criticism, Ingratitude, Murmuring
A Resolution to Not Act as One’s Own
Henceforth, I am not to act, in any respect, as my own. I shall act as my own if I ever make use of any of my powers to anything that is not to the glory of God, and do not make the glorifying of him my whole and entire business—if I murmur in the least at affliction; if I grieve at the prosperity of others; if I am in any way uncharitable; if I am angry because of injuries; if I revenge them; if I do anything purely to please myself, or if I avoid anything for the sake of my own ease; if I omit anything because it is great self-denial; if I trust to myself; if I take any of the praise of the good that I do, or that God does by me; or if I am in any way proud.
Suffer with Christ and Reign with Christ
When Christ was in the world, He was despised by men; in the hour of need He was forsaken by acquaintances and left by friends to the depths of scorn. He was willing to suffer and to be despised; do you dare to complain of anything? He had enemies and defamers; do you want everyone to be your friend, your benefactor? How can your patience be rewarded if no adversity tests it? How can you be a friend of Christ if you are not willing to suffer any hardship? Suffer with Christ and for Christ if you wish to reign with Him.
The Green Sailor Moves, Not the Rock
Why do you complain of waters going over your soul, and that the smoke of the terrors of a wrathful Lord almost suffocate you, and bring you to death’s brink? I know that the fault is in your eyes, not in Him. It is not the rock that flees and moves, but the green sailor. If your sense and apprehension are made judge of His love, there is a graven image made presently, even a changed god, and a foe god who was once a Friend God.