Top Bible Verses about Foolishness
Proverbs 9:13–18
Proverbs 12:15
Proverbs 26:11
1 Corinthians 1:18
Titus 3:3–5
Famous Christian Quotes About Foolishness, Error, Folly, Gullibility, Ignorance, Mistake
Dishonest Reasons for Going to War
I am well aware of the excuse which men, ever ingenious in devising mischief to themselves as well as others, offer in extenuation of their conduct in going to war. They allege that they are compelled to it; that they are dragged against their will to war. I answer them, deal fairly. Pull off the mask; throw away all false colors; consult your own heart, and you will find that anger, ambition, and folly are the compulsory force that has dragged you to war, and not any necessity; unless indeed you call the insatiable cravings of a covetous mind, necessity.
Forgetting the Prize
It is a most lamentable thing to see how most men do spend their care, their time, their pains, for known vanities, while God and glory are cast aside; that He who is all should seem to them as nothing, and that which is nothing should seem to them as good as all; that God should set mankind in such a race where heaven or hell is their certain end, and that they should sit down, and loiter, or run after the childish toys of the world, and so much forget the prize that they should run for.
Man’s Whole Duty Is to Think as He Ought
Man is obviously made to think. It is his whole dignity and his whole merit; and his whole duty is to think as he ought. Now, the order of thought is to begin with self, and with its Author and its end. Now, of what does the world think? Never of this, but of dancing, playing the lute, singing, making verses, running at the ring, etc., fighting, making oneself king, without thinking what it is to be a king and what to be a man.