Top Bible Verses about Miracles
Exodus 3:20
1 Kings 18:37–39
Matthew 24:24
John 14:10–14
Acts 3:1–7
Famous Christian Quotes About Miracles
New Miracles Not Needed to Prove Christ’s Office
We have the full use and benefit of the Holy Ghost which was given then. That seal that was then set to the Christian doctrine and Scriptures stands there still. When Christ has fully proved to the world the truth of his mediatorship, office, and doctrine, must he still continue the same actions? Is it not enough that he sealed it up once, but must he set a new seal for every man that requires it in every age? Then miracles would be no miracles.
God May Perform Miracles
All nature is the work of the divine art. Now it is not inconsistent with a work of art that the artist make some alteration in his work, even after giving it its first form. Neither, therefore, is it contrary to nature if God does something in natural things other than that which occurs in the ordinary course of nature.
God Uses Nature as His Instrument
Who is the guide of nature, but only the God of nature? In him we live, move, and are. Those things which nature is said to do are by divine art performed, using nature as an instrument; nor is there any such art or knowledge divine in nature herself working, but in the guide of nature’s work.