Top Bible Verses about Righteousness
Genesis 15:6
Psalm 71:19
Jeremiah 23:5–6
Romans 1:16–17
Romans 3:21–26
Philippians 3:8–9
Famous Christian Quotes About Righteousness
The Mercy of God the Only Haven of Safety
The only haven of safety is in the mercy of God, as manifested in Christ, in whom every part of our salvation is complete. As all mankind are, in the sight of God, lost sinners, we hold that Christ is their only righteousness, since, by his obedience, he has wiped off our transgressions; by his sacrifice, appeased the divine anger; by his blood, washed away our stains; by his cross, borne our curse; and by his death, made satisfaction for us. We maintain that in this way man is reconciled in Christ to God the Father, by no merit of his own, by no value of works, but by gratuitous mercy.
The Nature of Righteousness
Do we work nothing for the obtaining of this righteousness? I answer: Nothing at all. For the nature of this righteousness is, to do nothing, to hear nothing, to know nothing whatsoever of the law or of works, but to know and to believe this only: that Christ is gone to the Father and is not now seen; that he sits in heaven at the right hand of his Father, not as a judge, but made unto us of God, wisdom, righteousness, holiness and redemption; briefly, that he is our high priest entreating for us, and reigning over us and in us by grace.
Renounce Sins, Live Righteous Lives
Beloved, knowing that the world is passing to its doom … make it your chief concern to live righteous and holy lives and renounce your sins. Next, give earnest heed to the things that are heavenly; and, finally, love God with all your heart and put your trust in Him; for He will honor you in His glory for the merits of Jesus Christ and will make you partakers of His kingdom.