Sabbath and Rest
Top Bible Verses about Sabbath and Rest
Genesis 2:2–3
Exodus 16:27–28
Exodus 20:8–11
Exodus 23:10–11
Mark 2:27–28
Colossians 2:16
Hebrews 4:8–11
Famous Christian Quotes About Sabbath and Rest, Jubilee, Leisure, Lord’s Day, Rest, Sleep, Sunday
You Are a Sojourner on Earth
Awake, you everlasting spirit, out of your dream of worldly happiness! Did not God create you for himself? Then you cannot rest till you rest in him. Return, you wanderer! Fly back to your ark. This is not your home. Think not of building tabernacles here. You are but a stranger, a sojourner upon earth; a creature of a day, but just launching out into an unchangeable state. Make haste. Eternity is at hand. Eternity depends on this moment—an eternity of happiness or an eternity of misery!
Finding Excellency and Happiness in Christ
Worldly men imagine that there is true excellency and true happiness in those things that they are pursuing. They think that if they could but obtain them, they should be happy; and when they obtain them, and cannot find happiness, they look for happiness in something else, and are still upon the pursuit. But Christ Jesus has true excellency, and so great excellency that when they come to see it they look no further, but the mind rests there.
Why Jesus Bowed His Head on the Cross
Why did Christ bow His Head on the Cross? To teach us that by humility we must enter into heaven. Also, to show that we must rest from our own work. Also, that He might comply with the petition: Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth. Also, that He might ask permission of His Bride to leave her. Of great virtue is the memory of the Lord’s Passion, which, if it be firmly held in the mind, every cloud of error and sin is dispersed.