All right, good morning.
The. Tile for the messages, good stewardship.
And it's been a topic that's been on my heart for some time now, I first wrote it down on a little sticky. Bad thing I'm just been sitting on my laptop for a while and I just been asking God want to share with you guys this morning. And this topic has been spent on my arm for a while and it's it's it's a topic that affects each one of us
You know, it's this message not just for you and for me, as well as, you know, God gives us things. And we're need to take care of those things that he's given to us. And the keepers is Matthew chapter, 25 verse 29. And if you guys can read it together with me on the screen there, that's at that's read together. To those who use. Wow, what they are given even more will be given and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. And that's sad. That's the New Living Translation. How bad that turkey Bible verse that God has given us things. I'll have 24 out the same 24 hours in a day, is giving us our bodies is giving us their family going to sing this money given us. This church has given us a lot of things and, you know, God wants us to be a good Steward of what he's given to us. And you know yesterday we're here at the cleanup at the church and you know, clean thing fixing things and so we're you know being at Stewart taking care of this church then building that.
And I just look at some of these things that you could give it. How are you taking care of the things that you have?
We don't have to look at what God has given to a size 10 and kind of reflect over. And what is it that I had? And I am I taking care of things that God has given to me. And, you know, if we neglect then you know Things Fall Apart things break down, you know, just recently you know that the grass on half of my yard is dying and we have to get some construction crew coming in here and they, they tore up it even more. Put in there to bring it back to where it needed to be again. And so John, when she would have been stronger and you know, that equipment coming in there, And that she was right. You know, I have neglected it Am I rational, at. You know, I'm trying to make the grass stronger but, you know, making it more resistant to Drought. That's what I was thinking I was doing, but it didn't work out so well. So I wasn't very good Steward and that's the same thing in our life to where. Where is it? That we're neglecting the things in our life. Are they being neglected? The point where they're getting broken down, you know, God wants us to be good stewards at what he's given to us. So how are we using those things that God has given to us? And what does God want me to do with what he's given to me. So at the question we need to ask Brian Lord, what is it that you want me to do with this that you've given to me? How do you want me to take care of it? And we need to ask those questions about all those points that were looking at a time. You know, our family, Your school work. Everything that that you have that part of your life. And I just got this. New job is a supervisor in the pharmacy and I got all these new responsibilities. You know, I got you think that I can start taking care of those things?
Effective supervisor at the effective manager. If I neglected, then things are going to fall apart and it's the same thing in the church. Do if, you know, if we don't all do our part, if you guys don't practice the piano, you know, on Sunday and you're not able to do what you need to do or if you you know if I forget to send out the schedule or something, you know, things can fall apart because they're otherwise things are not going to work the way they're supposed to. And do this. This passage that we're going to look at here is where we get that that keevers this morning. I just want us to to read through this and dumb. I'll just I'll just read it out loud for you guys, so you guys just follow along on the screen there. Okay? So again, the Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip.
He called together his servants in a trust of his money to them while he was gone. He gave five bags of silver to 12 bags of silver to another and one bag of silver to the last dividing it in proportion to their abilities event laptop.
The servant who received five bags of Summer, began to invest in money and her + 5 more. The sermon with two bags of silver, also went to work and earn two more. but the servant who received the one bag of silver, got the hole in the ground and hid the Masters money. After a long time, their math returned from his dragon and call them to give an account of how they have used his money. The servant to whom he hadn't wanted the five bags of silver came forward with 5 more and says Master. You give me five bags of silver to invest and I have learned five more. The master was full of Praise. Well, done, my good and faithful servant you have been faithful in handling the small amount. So now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together. the servant who had received the two bags of silver came forward and said, he gave me two bags of silver to invest, and I have burn to more The Mansion said, well done my good and faithful servant you have been faithful and handling. This small amount. So now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together. Then the servant with the one bag of silver came and said, master, I knew you were a harsh man. Harvesting crops that you didn't plant a gathering crops that you didn't call to me. And I was afraid. I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look here is your money back. But the math reply, you Wicked and lazy servant. If you knew I harvested crops, I didn't plan and gathered prompts. I didn't talk to me. Why didn't you deposit my money in the bank? At least, I could have gotten some interest on it.
Did anyone take the money from this servant and give it to the one with the 10 bags of silver?
To those who use. Well, what they are given even more will be given and they will have an abundance. Do nothing or little they have will be taken away. Wow. This is a powerful powerful words that Jesus is speaking here.
Yeah, we we want to do the right thing when we get to see pieces. We want to hear those words. Well done, my good and faithful servant, right? We want to invest with our lives that which God wants us to do, right? It's important. We can see you that the one that didn't bat, he just wasted isn't what God gave to him and just buried it in the ground. That wasn't what I wanted him to do, right?
now, throw this useless servant into outer Darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,
Strong words.
so, from what we can see here in this passage
Where, where are people who are the people that get thrown into outer Darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, who are those people that are going to end up there?
Does unbelievers, those people that reject Jesus, right? So we can see that this is man, that that didn't take what was given to him in the believer.
Well from what I heard this is this is a possibility of one reason why he might have done that. He might have not. Well, my master is going a long journey and he might not come back. Send me back to Minot if I bury the treasure out of the Earth.
I can put it in the bank.
you know where that we can discuss wrong is he was actually wasn't just, you know, master and I'm trying to avoid being, you know,
you know, criticized are, you know, having this effect from losing the money, that wasn't the case at all because he couldn't do is put in the bank at 8, right?
So we can see you. Then this person was not a Believer. Believe in God, he buried this treasure that guy to give it to him and he just left it there. Hoping that Possibly hoping that the master would not ever come back. And that's that's not where we want to be, right? We want to be like the other two examples that Jesus taught the two Faithful Servants. How can we do that? Is going to be multiplied and, and God will be glorified and God will be pleased by what we do. Now, we have to look at it from from one perspective. It's not about us doing good. And that's how we gained acceptance from God. Have to be careful, not to think about it that way because we don't learn acceptance from God by the things that we do. We are acceptance from God, by what Jesus did on the cross. He made it possible for us to have a relationship with God and have all our sins taken away. And what we want to do is we wanted to live in obedience to his friends and I hear his voice and be guided by him. That's all you want. That's what this relationship. I meant to this relationship and to being a good Steward. I first requires us to to learn how to walk in obedience to God. God. Cares about us and he cares that we're willing to obey him, right? So in a before we can do that we need to focus on a relationship with him is is he truly the one that you really love? She truly the one that you treasure in your life. Got it. Had to take Center place. He has to be number one, and a wanted to build up our relationship with him. And he is the one that will actually help us to be a better Steward of what he's given to us. Remember, it's not about that. He is seeking to glorify himself.
In and through US seven, Holy Spirit, comes in and lives in us. And God wants to live out his life through us. And so, it's learning to be obedient and learning to walk again. First day of God is living with me. Now, I'm walking with him, we should be talking with gone all the time. And that's not just know, praying in the morning or bringing them in the evening. Am I start there? But developing that relationship with him, where we talking to him all the time. All drowned today. About everything. You're doing doing things together with him and asking him what he wants you to do. And again to know what God's word says,
God speaks to us through his word. So we're not reading his word where we're not going to be able to receive all the directions that God has for us, right? God has given us this book and he speaks to it through its butt. So we need to spend time of the word and it's through his word that he'll speak. So we need to start being faithful with little things about that. Think about the little things that you've been given. Are you faithful with those little things?
Start doing the little things, don't think the little things are not important, everything is important in your life and your relationship with God. And so, Let's let's say you're at your house and you're walking around and you see a piece of garbage on the floor. Do you just walk right by because you didn't talk the garbage or do you pick it up and throw it away? Because it this is your house and you're being a steward over. What you could get it.
So you have to look at things as per my kingdom perspective, your part of the kingdom of God. Now what you have given to you and you need to be a good Steward of it. Start thinking about these little things. And, you know, when you're when you're doing something or using something, do you just leave it there or do you put it away, clean the dishes?
is someone going to have to clean up a mess because of what you left behind or Are you being faithful to those little things and going to have them and clean them? So this is something I I had to learn this really good and reminding me where I'm feeling that these days. You know, I might leave my songs on the floor or something like that and so she will point that out to me.
Until God is speaking to me, through 13. So God speaks to you through your parents. And so, And God is using these people to keep us accountable and Alive. Our families, there to keep us accountable and to help us
and no big deal.
But God wants us to be thankful. He wants us to be a good Steward and so when you hear the boys were your parents Because they are acting on God's behalf to help direct you. And so you're going to have that all your life and things that you need to be doing. And they will remind you that you need to be doing this.
And you might not want to hear it. but, God speaks through those that he's brought into our lives and we need to reflect on what we're doing. And it's something we need to do something about the correct it, cuz if we don't, then we're not faithful stewards. And in the end, You know, it affects our relationships with others, only don't do what they. What they need from us. So don't just think about what's good for you write. Thank
And we need to ask God to help us to do these things, right. So just remember, yeah. You guys might be really weak at certain areas in your life right now. Alright I'm good areas that I need to improve on to you know and God still at work in me just like he's working in your life too and so just be aware that we're all a work in progress. Is it working you? Any you might see. You got a lot of things to work on and that's okay but it's God will help you to do that and it's up to you to ask him to do it.
You know, Jesus, Jesus wants us to ask if he wants us to lean upon Him. Jesus said, you do not have because you do not ask. Example prayer, I reflected on my cell now how am I in those early days when I started that you guys can get started with or maybe give you some ideas about how closely I would do that. So we can find him first thing in the morning would get up to the Lord I give myself to you or you can even start the night before.
In the morning. I have a Hearts focused. I am. That's what I always do. We always pray together at 9 and we just ask God that want to wake up in the morning then he will be on our hearts. That is not the best way to wake up in the morning. That guy's the first thing we think about that, he's the most important and so when you get up in the morning and you start asking, God Lord I give myself to you. Lord, I invite you to come in and take over. Walmart, I want to walk closely with you. Father, help me to be sensitive to you. I want to be able to hear you. I want to follow you more it.
I want to do everything together with you and for you, please help me. Please help me to stay connected with you throughout the day. Please let me be aware of your presence. Arby's magnify yourself here. Thank you that you're here with me. You said that you would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you that you will be with me to the very end. We need to be given to us and we see if we need to say, this is my reality, this is really real. And we just, we just talked to the guy and so you may not feel his presence close to you. It's a lot of things that you need to start doing and I need to do, is I need to start claiming that promise. And it starts saying thank you that you're here with me. Thank you that you said you would never leave me a sing. Me, that you'll be with me beforehand. Don't we claimed that when we at the Claret, when we thank him for it, we are magnifying God in our life, and God starts to become greater inside of us. And we start to feed him or because we're doing that. I want us to do this. We thank him for his promise, that he's going to make everything work together for good.
Cuz you don't know what? What's lies ahead of you guys. You don't know what's going to happen this afternoon or at school tomorrow. Or at work for me. We don't write. But God promised he's going to make everything work together for my guy. So we keep our eyes on him in the midst of whatever, difficulties going to be. Lord help me to give myself to you. Please show me what to do. These are these are all parts of a prayer. Lord, not what I want, but what do you want to be focused on God? Focus on what he wants to do and I'll at work in me and through me. What's pleasing to you Glorify your name. Jesus name, I pray. We need to know who we are. We need to know what we have. God has given us great things.
Another Bible verse hear from Luke chapter 16. If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you're dishonest with little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities. And you're untrustworthy about worldly wealth who will trust you with the true Riches of Heaven. and if you're not faithful with other people's things, why should you be trusted with things of your own?
How does it sound words? Right? You know. God wants us to be faithful and you might be you might be using somebody else's name maybe it's a school computer or maybe something else. Maybe, you know, you're living somewhere. You go off to college and you're living in the dorm or you live in an apartment and it's not yours. And so, the guy wants you to still take care of those things that are are aren't yours. It's all from his word that he does, right? And he even says that if we don't take care of the things that aren't ours, Why should he give us anything of Our Own? So we need to be good stewards of other people's things that that have been entrusted to us to write. Born to God.
So what do we do? When we feel we're going to fail? We are going to make the steaks going to happen. So, first off guy will connect us when we fail. the holy spirit's job to remind us about where we, where we blew it to, you know, and we need to be honest with God, his praise of talk to him, you know, I, I did, I blew it, and I feel bad about it, the holy spirit's laying it on, on my heart and I just be honest with him and tell him that, you know, Tell him that you want to do it right next time. Ask him what you should have done.
And ask him to help you correct mistake. You might have to apologize to somebody. You might have to pay somebody something because of what's happened? I don't know. But we need to take responsibility. We need to do what's right? And you know, a guy lays it on a hard. We need to come before him in and make it right, you know. We don't want to break our fellowship of God, you know, God's presence is so good. I just love walking closely with him. And if I make a mistake, I want to get it right because I don't want there to be any distance between me and God because God is so good and I just I need to get it right? And so I've blown it, I've made mistakes. And I've had to do, you know, Neil down and in my room and I just had should have done it this other way, and I'm sorry I didn't wrong.
And in that place, there is restoration, there's forgiveness. There's this loving God that reaches down and he knows more you. Or he knows your weakness right now and you guys are getting older. You know you got all these hormones going through right now and it's getting stronger and bigger. And you guys might say things that you didn't mean to say or do not do things that you didn't mean to do and you going to have to come back to God and talk to him about. And apologizing and you may have to go to that person that you blew out and you may have to go and apologize to them too. It's going to happen. We all make mistakes but I've been going to go on and getting right with him about it and getting him in his power. You know God gives us the Holy Spirit and the holy spirit gives us the power to do the things that he has to do everything God as you to do, he gives you the power to do it.
Just expect you to do it on your own. If that's if you do it on your own, where's the glory in it for him to glorify himself and everyone is so great, you know you make this week so that he can show himself to be strong and I was What he's doing?
Don't need to have Kingdom thinking. We need to start thinking about who we really are. Jesus is your king, that's when you are. You belong to him? You don't belong to yourself anymore. You know that you were bought with a price. 9 gold silver up with Precious Blood, the blood of Jesus, with the blood of Jesus. He purchased you, breathing, you watching out of the kingdom of darkness slavery is in. He brought you, he bought you into the kingdom of God. And you belong to him. That's who you are? You on your line tan?
If Jesus didn't come and die on the cross.
There's no way for us. So Jesus headline, he gave it to you. Gave it to you, right? He died in a plane. and, We owe him our life.
His life, you're lying. And now because Christ died for us, we should live for him. And Christ wants to live his life in us and through us. A person of the Holy Spirit comes inside of us and it's our job to develop a sensitivity to him to walk in obedience to him, to listen to a bang the way ourselves down. To stay focused on a relationship with a man.
So we always need to ask where I was going to seek the leading of the Lord, in all them are doing Lauren. What do you want me to do? Everything that happens? God has set direction for you. Everything that happens in your life, right? You know. Your brother hit to you. I want you to do.
something happens at school once the Lord wants you to do, How to take something from you if you want you to do. Everything that happens. Lord, this has to be the first question that comes out not automatic reflexes. Not the fight-or-flight reflex that might come up, right? It should be Lauren. This happen. You're making all things work together for my good. What do you want me to do? And at that moment, God will remind you I'm a verse in the Bible. Of what it is that you want to do. That happens all the time to remind you.
Some guy wants to work in us and through us to glorify his own name. We need to remember that. We are the branches. He is divine, we are connected to him. And that's our close connection with him. That would give that life would get that life coming from him. It comes in the eyes. and we, Have his life coming through us. The closer we are to him.
The strong-arm relationship with Jesus. The more fruitful, we're going to be. Because Jesus said, if we're disconnected from him, will useless to him.
If you want to have proof of life, if you want to have Jesus more of Jesus in your life, we have to be close to. Then we have to be connected closely with him and kind of Jesus. He wants to flow through, it weird to be like a vessel, like a channel for him to flow through.
That's a wonderful to think about that. That God wants to use us. See you soon. Flow through to speak through the work through that, you are his representative at home. You are his representative School. Church. Wherever you go, you're his Ambassador, you represent him, you know, the father sent Jesus. End of the world and Jesus said that the father has sent me. I am sending you Ukraine has capacitor, you represent him, you're part of his kingdom. The kingdom of Jesus Christ,
Let's read news. Keepers again. Here, a drink together to those who use. Wow, what? They are giving even more will be given and they will have abundance, by from those who do nothing, even what little they have, will be taken away with brain to you. Lord. Thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for loving us, always being with us. Help each one of us here, that develop a close walk with you. When you become greater and greater in our life, Happened to be sensitive to you. We want and need your help in every area of our life. We thank you that everything that you've asked us to do, you don't expect us to do it on her own. You're seeking to glorify your own name. As our dependence on you. That you're going to work in us and through us to be good. Stewards that what you give him? And to glorify your name. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.