September 25, 2022 Sunday Worship

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Life of Christ (lesson 90)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:57
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No man.

Good morning church.

Alright, we're continuing with our study of the Life of Christ. We really want this study to be more than just the Life of Christ. We need to think about the love of Christ. How is Christ as a human? We know he was a man. How was he? Did he? Have deep love and affection for his fellow man. Did he love? Those around him. Did he hold them with reverence and respect?

what we're looking at right now, Is that? On the Friday before it is death. Remember Christ, travel to Bethany.

And now we're adding studytube out. What happened there? He went to dinner this Saturday evening at the We believe to be Simon the lepers house. It may have just as easily been the house of Lazarus, but Lazarus, Tony raised from the dead. And his daughters Mary and Martha live there and they all went to dinner and then Mary anointed Christ. Was pure nard. And then the next day,

Sunday, Christ, travel to Jerusalem.

where, He sent the disciples to to find the a donkey not just any donkey but a cult one that had never been ridden and he knew that it would be there when he told the disciples where to go to find it and he told him what to say. If anybody question them

About taking the Donkey.

So not only did he know the code would be there. He knew exactly what to say to. The man, whose donkey at was so allow him to take the Donkey knew what was going to happen.

You got on that donkey.

And it came to the top of the hill. Mount Olivet. Are the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives, he could see all of Jerusalem, he can see right to the Golden Gate and the temple. From which he would go into.

Which is also.

Where he wept and felt sorrow for what was coming to Jerusalem. Cuz he knew what was going to happen. They knew that Jerusalem would be completely destroyed.

By her enemies.

And he knew that Jerusalem would reject him and that would bring that about.

And he wept.


While they were hearing, they weren't listening.

They weren't taking the actions that have been foretold in it that the Old Testament and told them they needed to be ready for four years. They weren't ready to accept the Messiah when he came.

And so, he cried. and then, After that, he made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

All the people laser outer garments in the road and they laid Palm leaves in the road.

Which traditionally meant the arrival of a great team.

The Palm leaves had a tendency to me more of a Conquering Hero. Tell you once again, they were expecting their Messiah to be a Conquering Hero. He's got to come in and take care of these bad guys, right?

Well. he further went after he went into town, he walked into the temple and a

He took a look around. And left.

How do you think that made them feel well? I think they probably would have felt like this is our Conquering Hero, this is the mighty warrior that's going to Throw the Yoke of bondage off of us from the Romans. That's going to get the tax collectors out of here. Going to make our life. Perfect, this is him.

They were expecting. Some great thing to happen. And then it didn't,

So that's good. Very well could have been the point. It started turning them back the other way against Jesus.

What are you turning left and went back to Bethany and the next day. And the disciples got up and they started back to Jerusalem. Well, they were making the trip.

Jesus spotted, a large fig tree, all leased out and beautiful.

And so he went to get cigs from this tree. Well, there were no figs on the tree. So Christ curse, the tree. You said, you will give your fruit to no one ever again. And the disciples heard him say that.

yes, these days we say you was hangry

Are there any food there? So, you got upset curse, the tree. I don't know how upset he was. He said, you just won't get any more fruit.

When your Jesus, you don't have to be very upset for what you say to make things happen. Do.

Looking basically at Matthew 21 today, verses 23 through 27. and now,

Mark, 11:27 through 12 12. And Luke 21, at least remember. These events are all recorded. And multiple gospel. So I we're not going to go after.

Trying to keep track of all of these days we go through. I just told you which which one's it was so that you can kind of compare them. Later, as it go through.

But I know it's a genius when into the temple for the last time.

It was teaching the crowds that gathered there for the Passover.

And so all the people were there, but who else was there? Well, I had Chief priests were there. The scribes were there. The Sanhedrin was there. The same group was there. That is recited. Jesus Must Die.

You looking John chapter 11 verses 47 through 53. You'll see where they made that decision.

I'm looking at math, Matthew 21, 23 through 27, the authority of Jesus. Now after Jesus entered the temple courts, the chief priests, and Elders of the people came up to him as he was teaching and said by what Authority are you doing these things and who gave you this Authority? What was he doing?

Where's the temple? He threw. The moneychangers tables over here.

Had already done this once before and you told him don't bring this stuff in here. This is my father's house. This is not Walmart. Get it out of here.

Cuz they were selling a little bit everything in there, plus, they were loaning money.

They were doing all kinds of things that the temple was never meant for. On, where they doing that. They're using the temple.

A shortcut to get because neither had to walk all the way around the outside of the Temple.

Do I get? Into Western Jerusalem or you had to cut through the middle and everybody was cutting through this. And can you imagine if everybody going to Gore from the lake is cutting through only. They're dragging their cows and and their chickens and big everything else. You know I shouldn't even be in the temples.

And Jesus said that's enough of that.

So, we know that.

After cursing, the Fig Tree, cleanse the temple. And then Here Comes the big cheese is right, the guys who are running religion in Jerusalem,

And they want to know.

By, what Authority are you doing these things and who gave you this Authority?

Well. We know.

and I think after three years of doing miracles, And after going out and listen to John, the Baptist say. Siri is Is the messiah. Don't you think they knew who they were dealing with two?

but, What they wanted to do was get Jesus to say, well I'm here cuz it got and then they were going to scream well that's blasphemy. Stone him. Let's kill this guy. They were trying to get him to slip up.

And why do you say that he said?

Well, I will also ask you one question. If you answer me, then I will also tell you by what Authority I do these things.

He said where did John's baptism? Come from? From heaven, or from people.

Where did it come from? From heaven. Or from people?

We know that John's baptism.

Came from God.

so, if you're The Sanhedrin. And And those guys, I didn't you say well it came from God.

What's going to happen?

What did John say about Jesus? He said.

Right. Here is the Messiah. Here's your deliver, here's your salvation. So if what John was doing came from God and John said that Jesus was all these things.

How can we say, something's wrong with this guy? Cuz John and Doris this guy,

That's what you tell him. We can't really say that. It was from God. Well, what about if we say? People just made it up.

So if they say, well, people just made it up, that means all of those followers of John who are there for the Passover and then they're in the temple to hear Jesus speak Jesus heal. You're just going to tell them that the person they've been following is just all made up.

So they're talking to themselves to these high-ranking guys and they say that they're just going to kill us. Because we're just going to be saying that their Prophet John who they believe is a prophet, which they should believe his property was a prophet. If it if we say that he's just made up then they're going to kill us because we're saying if their profits not a prophet.

So you see what kind of place Jesus stuck?

All these people that were out to get him in.

Stockholm right in there. Where, what could they say? What would you have said? Yeah. Well we all hope that we hadn't said well John is from God and hear from God, and go on and do your thing Jesus, but that's not what they said.

so, they said, they discussed among themselves. And see, if we say from Heaven, he will say, then why did you not believe in him? But if we say from people, we fear the crowd for, they all consider John to be a prophet. So, they answered Jesus. What did? We don't know.

The favorite. Saying of everyone from 6 years old to 17th. Why'd you do that? Who did that? I don't know. Where did you go? I don't know.

But that's what they said.

So he said well if you don't know, if you won't answer me, I want it to you. So he said to them. Neither will I tell you by what Authority? I am doing these things.

So why did he do when he did that? He bought himself some time this evening. because now, They can't take action on him right now. because, If they do, John's people that are there or going to revolt against them, Jesus's people, there are going to revolt against them. So they're kind of stuff and it where they were hoping to make it look like a blasphemer so that they could Stone him or crucifying there. They couldn't do it. Question where they was in there. Right to ask him these questions.

You bet.

Are we start getting a camel? Caravan going through the back of the lobby. I expect the elders to be up and asking why are you doing this? So, they were within their rights.

What is that?

Jesus had water day today.

I get up in the morning.

If I go fishing and catch a lot of fish, what do I say? What a day? what a day this is, What day God is giving me today? I look at the sun's out. Sometimes I say what a day. Sometimes if it's raining on excited and save a lot of day. But what about those days, where everything goes wrong?

Hearsay. Water game. Well, Jesus had one a day. and,

So did all those.

Top dogs at the church. You know, they went home. What a day, he did it to us again.

I like Jesus is quite a day better. because once he was done with this,

He was able to. Go back to doing what do you like to do? You like to teach Jesus was always teaching.

he cursed the Fig Tree to teach the disciples, how to pray, and how to repent before they pray,

It cleanses the temple to teach people. That some things are not appropriate in the church.

and then,

He answered the way he did.

West, Seattle, at the elders with the Sanhedrin. The teach them that he wasn't a pushover. He showed them.

That there was more going on here than they wanted to admit that they needed to look at those chances. Remember, he talked he wept up at the top of the hill and he was, he was crying about Jerusalem going to suffer because they didn't take the opportunity to you. I'm accepting a messiah, when he came.

But then he began to teach you. One of his favorite ways to teachers with parables.

Any talk 33 Parables at day, I'm going to go go with just one of them this morning.

but the reason you talk, with these variables, because

You wanted. People to think deeply about what they were after what they were looking, what he was teaching. As you know, I usually have several applications that you can draw from From a magnet walk normally teaching who are one of Christ Parables normally teaches more than just one thing. And several applications can normally be made from each bearable. but he asked them this first, he said, verse 28, Matthew 21 He said, what do you think?

You think he really cared what they think.

She said, what do you think? Because if I say, what do you think now you're going to have to listen to the rest of my story? So, you can tell me what you think, right? So he kept them from stopping off and turning their backs on him. He said, what do you think? A man had two sons and he went to the first said, Son going to work in the vineyard today and he answered and said, I will not but afterward, he changed his mind and went and went to the other son, said the same thing and he answered, I go sir. But he didn't go.

So which of the two did the will of his father.

Well. They said the first. Jesus said to them, truly, I say to you the tax collectors and prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you

Well, were they right in your answer or not? I said the first one gets the will of God.

You agree.

If you disagree say so. the fact is, We don't always do the will of God.

But just like the freak tree. We have to repent of not doing the will of God.

so, the first son repented, Because he did not do what? His father asked him? But then he went so he did the will of God, Jerusalem would have repented of their sins. Accepted their Messiah. Then they would have been doing the will of God. But they didn't. And that's what he means.

If you don't repent that all of these Tax Collectors, who guess what they did, the will of God, when they first heard it, when John preached to him prior to Jesus arriving in, they were all getting baptized. They were getting well and got the first time they were at

But the other people.

They didn't do it the first time they were asked and they didn't repent of it and do it. The second time they were asked and now forsaken, your opportunity to do the will of God and save themselves.

Verse 32 times has, for John came to you in the way of righteousness. And you did not believe him, but the tax collectors in the prostitutes believed him, And even when you saw it, you did not afterwards change your mind and believe him.

so what we're looking at,

Jesus had momentarily silenced his critics critics by responding to their question with a question.

Could not or wouldn't they could not or would not answer his question. You've been asked a question that could answer you had an answering, they had invited themselves

Some Jesus day was just getting started with these guys. We're going to cover more about that next week. cuz he also,

Brings a couple more Parables into play.

Do one more look at that when people repent, what do they do? This is what you needed to do, right?

They need to change their mind about Sin.

They need to stop saying no to God and start doing his will. It's not enough to give lip service to the father. We must do what the father tells us to do, it's not enough to be the fig tree that puts on all the beautiful lie and then produces no fruit. It's not enough to pretend to be a Christian and come to church. Three times a week.

But never.

Try to spread the word of God to those around you. The never talk to that person. You meet. On the River Bank while you're fishing her, or the person you meet in the market. Your own children.

Cousins nieces, nephews, all those people who can't get away from you at the family reunions. Talk to him. You need to talk to him. It's not enough. The come here.

And sing some songs and leave some money. And and say I'm, I'm doing great. We need to spread the word.

We need to bring somebody with us. We need to be the one that says that one sentence, that keeps them over and dads and send them to God. We might never even know it. We do not know how many people we have influence in our lives. But are we influencing them in the right way? That's where we need to concentrate. And that's what Christ is trying to do here. He's trying to tell you, you look, I'm giving you these extra chances. God loves you and I love you and I want you to have these extra chances.

Even though he knew it probably wouldn't come to pass, maybe he could save one of them.

Maybe one Church Elder would come across and say we've been looking at this wrong. Maybe we don't want to kill this guy.

Maybe we need to listen to God and what God Said in the past.

So we need to look at the real world application. Just this simple Parable, when people repent, they change their mind about Sin. Stop saying no start doing. God's will. It's not enough? Did you just say I'm a Christian?

You need to live like a Christian. We all need to live like Christians. We all need to show those around us that Say, well, you're a Christian, you're a hypocrite.


I'm just smart enough to realize that I've done a lot of bad stuff. and I'm not a hypocrite, because God has forgiven me and as far as God is concerned, I carry those sins of my youth, no more. I only carry the ones I did today, and I'm not saying there's not a few of those.

if I get right with God and I repent and I pray Do you forgive me? Those as well?

So that I have a place to go with him.

And that's what we have to do. We know what our responsibilities are. So let's fill the seats. Talk to everybody. You meet somebody new, where do you go to church? I don't assume that they don't. Although many people don't. I asked a lot of people. Where do you go to church? If nothing else. Maybe I can get getting them thinking about. Maybe I need to go to church.

I can't expect everybody. I meet to listen to the sermon. I can't expect everybody. I meet to have time for me to convert them on the spot, but I can let him know that. Hey, there's this little church down here, that cares about you, and loves you. And God cares about you, and loves you. And we have a place here for you. That you can learn about him and be saved.

I realize that most of us here have are already made that trip.

but if you haven't made that trip and you want, you want to make sure that you're saved. If you want to seek out Christ, love through baptism and repent of your sins. Then you're welcome to to do that today. If you just need the church to pray for you, you're welcome to come forward and we will pray for you. Whatever we can do to help you with your journey to God. We're here to help. If you need that help today, please come forward. If we stand and sing,

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