Last Words, Loving Words, Life-Giving Words
“What’s your business? How’s business?” “What on earth am I here for?” “Are the things you’re living for worth Christ dying for?” / “Are you ready for your last heartbeat & final breath?”
Of course those aren’t your typical questions with which to start a conversation. But for today, they’re pertinent & hopefully pump-priming questions with which to begin this message.
As we acknowledge, embrace & face our mortality, my prayer is that the words we’ll hear from the apostle Paul will stir in us a deeper desire to be more diligent & disciplined when it comes to knowing God & making Him known. After all, when all is said & done, only what’s said & done for Him will last.
Some of what we learn from Paul’s last meeting
in Miletus with the elders from Ephesus includes …
1. the clarity of God’s call on his life.
We too have been called by God for a specific purpose & plan right here & right now.
Acts 20:17-21
2. the passion & boldness with which He lived for Christ & the gospel.
We too should be passionate & bold because of the power & importance of both.
Acts 20:22-24
Making It Real
1] Do you have a clear sense of God’s calling on your life?
2] Do you exhibit the passion & boldness that accompanies a Christian
who knows who they are, why they’re here & what they’re to do?
Action Step
Pick whichever point this morning that speaks most deeply to you & ask God for
the wisdom & strength to make it be more than it’s ever been to & through you.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page September 25, 2022