Woven into a Community

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God works through communities and is weaving those woven into the story of Jesus into a community of new people.

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Cain and Abel story…am I my brother’s keeper?
Yes you are
brothers and sisters, best friends, and moms and dads


Check bulletins
Shannon - Fall Fest
Thank you to deacons - 30 days, please help your kids respect those barriers
Two new deacon candidates:
Bill Ferber and Ted Domingos (stand)
Reminder of what deacons do…should be noted, these two guys have been at work with the deacons on that project out front as much as any of the current deacons.
30 day window to give the congregation the opportunity to share any concerns.
A note on this process. You should know that the elders do not bring forward names without a lot of prayer and conversation, we do not rush the process in order to fill a slot. At this point we have determined that we have confidence in our nomination.
We do recognize that there may be things we are missing. That’s why this 30 days exists, and this is how we would like you to use the opportunity.
First, if you have a concern, I’ll ask you talk with them. That’s Matthew 18 resolution right there. How we ought to handle concerns anyway. Because it is first and foremost about people, not leadership candidates.
If that does not resolve it, please speak to me or one of our elders so we can determine if there is any reason they not join the leadership team.
I am thrilled that both of these guys are willing to be a part of this team.
Second announcement: Men’s breakfast next Saturday (you could read that anywhere) But this is a breakfast and workday
Here’s some of what’s on the agenda:
Removing and trimming bushes and trees
mowing, weeding, cutting wood, moving dirt
It’s going to be a fun day of (manly grunts)
Please come with some tools,
Axes, chainsaws, rakes, wheelbarrows, gloves, pruners, shovels…it’s an all kind of tool day.
There will be a backhoe here, if you have big equipment like that you would like to bring, please check with our deacons to see if if would be helpful. email the office if you don’t know who to talk to.
It’s definitely more than a half day job, but with many hands…Some guys are planning to bring sack lunches, but even if you can only help for an hour or two, thats great.
Great chance to tear stuff up and build new friendships.


oops: Community is important
At the risk of minor ptsd, travel back with me to summertime of 2020. I know…it’s not pleasant.
We were in about week 20 of two weeks to flatten the curve, church was online only, It was usually Dave and I and a couple others, giving space, doing the dance... (don’t miss the lights and camera right here…and you not here.)
Well on a nice morning I decided to take a walk through downtown Camas and in the distance saw my friend Brandon who owns a coffee shop down there.
I waved and walked toward him, properly trained to automatically stop about 6 feet away.
Brandon clearly hadn’t been trained and broke into the bubble with an outstretched hand.
This prompted an older training, deeply ingrained in my soul to override the more recent 6 feet and no contact training. I shook his hand.
As I walked away I noticed tears in my eyes. Which was weird. I hadn’t felt any overwhelming emotions, I wasn’t exceedingly happy or sad, then it dawned on me.
That was my first handshake in months. At an awake level, it didn’t seem like that big of a deal, but my heart knew how deeply that sense of connection was needed and my eyes responded.
I had the chance to tell Brandon that story a little while back. I think it made him happy to know his subversive activity had had that impact.
Genesis 2:18 “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.””
Made in his image, means we were made for community. God has eternally existed in 3 persons. 1 God, 3 identities. Whole other subject matter, but when we were made in his image, we were made as “ones”
So it was not good for us to be alone.
In isolation, we are not as we were made to be.
ugh: We sometimes fail to prioritize it…or value it
But when I look at the world, when I look at my own life, I have to ask:
Does humanity see the need?
Do we look for others who have that need?
If you want proof of the need, turn on an NFL game today and don’t look at the field, look at the stands. Strangers hi-fiving. Yesterday watching the Oregon-WSU game...
I watched WSU fans, with their team firmly in control the whole game hugging strangers, all wearing matching maroon and grey, laughing at the out of place green and yellow people in there.
and then with three minutes left, the clock struck midnight and their coach turned back into a pumpkin and those same people were consoling each other, while the Duck fans began to seek each other out so they weren’t enjoying this improbable day alone.
We need community. We need to feel like we are a part of connected community and that that community matters.
As just noted, we do that with sports teams
politics, the vast majority of people when given deep level questions do not agree with their political party of choice on many issues, and taking away that affiliation, (being given a scenario without names or a D/R next to it) find the behavior of most of the politicians to be unacceptable. Yet add back in the details and they will defend the tribe they belong to and attack the other.
We do it with fandoms, books, shows, movies
If we aren’t connected, we will find connection…even if it is meaningless…or even if it’s counterfeit.
Every study on social media proves it isn’t social.
People get the chemical hit of social connection, but not the substance behind it.
Higher ratings of anxiety, isolation, and depression abound when social media becomes our primary connecting point. But we would rather have that than nothing.
An Interesting study was done on Twitter specifically, but I think it applies accross the board.
The short of it was that those who had the most to say on social media about a particular cause were the least likely to actually do anything.
The reasons they found were that the simple typing of a statement: “Save the Whales” triggered the brain chemistry that rewards the body for actually doing something, thereby reducing the urge to actually make a difference.
We need community so much we will fake what we don’t have. And unfortunately, much like other substitutes for the genuine, we can become addicted to it despite never receiving what it promises.
Hence we have seen an increase in offenses taken, real relationships broken, and an increse in loneliness
Not that loneliness was invented with social media. It’s just the soup de jour.
loneliness is pervasive in our culture. We are more mobile, families living far apart, more busy, and with the deep cultural and political division, more angry than ever.
If you are here this morning, the odds are good you recognize the need for community at least at some level.
But I still find myself wondering if I value it the way God does. And when I look at the way God lived in the person of Jesus…I have to say no.
aha: Jesus does.
Take a look at the life of Jesus and you will see it:
Early in the gospels, you see him choose 12 guys to come with him
In Matthew 8 a man with leprosy came asking to be healed.
These were “untouchables”. They were actually required to stay away from others, and if they had to walk the roads, they were supposed to shout “unclean” to ensure no one accidentally got close…Look what Jesus valued:
Matthew 8:2-3 “a man with leprosy came up and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Reaching out his hand, Jesus touched him, saying, “I am willing; be made clean.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.”
We could go for days on examples of him engaging people meaningfully
John 4 is a favorite. A woman of questionable moral character comes to a well where Jesus is sitting. And in a culture where men were not supposed to talk to women, he asks her for water. Then turns the conversation to spiritual matters and she becomes an evangelist in her community 10 minutes later.
Or even as he hung on the cross…listen
John 19:26-27 “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.”
He saw Mary’s need…how alone she would be…So he did something about it.
whee: Why does Jesus value community? Why should we?
So why? Why did Jesus? and logically following, why should we?
Woven into A Community
No Story Can Be A Solo
I can hear the objection: What about castaway? That’s just Tom Hanks on an island.
But no.
The movie establishes his love for Helen Hunt’s character. That drives him.
He saves a package to be delivered to give him purpose. Opens all the rest, but keeps one sealed so he has a reason to get off the island.
And who can forget the strong but silent “Wilson”
We called this series threads, because there is something in the way threads are distinct, and yet…rarely does thread reach it’s potential on it’s own.
In this art that was put together, it was many overlapping lines that give what would otherwise be nails randomly placed in wood meaning. We’ll come back to that in a bit. Image
So if you and I are threads, that God is weaving into his story, into his beautiful piece of art...
1 Corinthians 12:13-14 “For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and we were all given one Spirit to drink. Indeed, the body is not one part but many.”
We have joined a common story! Different threads, culturally, economically, positionally, but same story now.
And if we’re a part of the same story, then don’t we need to look at ourselves and others differently?
One, as we discussed last week, it’s God’s story, not mine. And where my story intersects with God’s story, that’s where the greatest life happens. The life that has caused men and women since 33 AD to give up their very lives, their homes, the story they were writing for themselves because they found one more beautiful.
Two, others are in that same story…and we we have the chance to be a part of their beauty in it. (Oh, and that is exactly what makes our story beautiful! Denying ourselves for others in the name of jesus!)
Three, we can recognize that everyone is somewhere in the middle of their story. And in the same way we need grace, and need people to come along side us when our character in the story is still messy, they do too.
Four, we can’t write anyone else’s story. Even how they choose to interact with ours.
We’re all a part of one story. And
Every Character Overlaps
A little obvious…but we forget
There is no such thing as a decision that only affects you.
Even if your decision is to isolate.
Pull your thread from the pattern and the whole design suffers loss
Back to 1 Corinthians, Paul point out how this applies specifically in the church:
1 Corinthians 12:14-16 “Indeed, the body is not one part but many. If the foot should say, “Because I’m not a hand, I don’t belong to the body,” it is not for that reason any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I’m not an eye, I don’t belong to the body,” it is not for that reason any less a part of the body.”
1 Corinthians 12:21-22 “The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” Or again, the head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that are weaker are indispensable.”
What do we learn here?
There’s a lot, but let’s key in on 2:
1. You can’t decide you aren’t needed
2. You can’t decide another isn’t needed
Let’s be real for a moment.
Not everyone, in any church with more than 1 person is going to get along all the time.
Let’s go further…there are going to be people in the church you might not naturally get along with any time.
What if…what if…hear me out…What if God does that on purpose? (look around a bit)
What if that person who is nothing but frustration for you was put in this place, with you, so you could grow? What if you were put in this place…so someone else could?
One, shouldn’t we work really hard to give one another grace?
Two, shouldn’t we be thankful for the opportunity to grow?
Three, if we trust (as we said a couple weeks ago) that God works all things together for good that God knew exactly what he was doing and it’s for our good and his glory that we, a motley crew of differing threads are still woven together to make one beautiful story?
Threads Together are Stronger
Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
One person can be overpowered. Two can resist…and just wait until we get three.
I have seen a marked increase in my personal evangelism life over the past year. It’s funny, as a pastor, I do so much talking about Jesus, that it’s easy to forget that I still have personal faith work to do outside. I had let it slip.
The difference? My ministry coach asks me about it. All the time. He asks me in front of Caleb. And he asks Caleb in front of me. Think that doesn’t change the dynamic?
In the life groups we have been a part of at HCC, I have seen the power that happens when the group chooses to let each other in.
Side bar: You can be around people and not be in community. I’m an expert in this. Unless you choose to be real, choose to share your needs, your hurts, and your joy…you can stay isolated even in a group.
But when we let people in, and when we discover it is safe to share our heart. When we can say, THIS IS MY STRUGGLE and not be rejected, but embraced…One can be overpowered, two can resist…three strands, woven together…watch out.
yeah: We can take steps to resolve it…but we have to choose.
You Have The Power of Choice (You Choose)
One of the greatest lies we believe when we are lonely, is that we have to be.
Or that we were designed to be.
Introverts in the room, let me talk to you for a minute. Extroverts, you can listen in if you want to.
I speak to you as one. People are surprised by that. But truth be told, I get energy from solitude. If you have known me any length of time, I tend to dodge out of small talk or at least i can be awkward in it, like I don’t know what I’m doing.
I am not comfortable introducing myself to new people
I get nervous in new groups where I am unknown
I get tired in crowds or even small groups easily, especially if I’m not with a couple people who make me feel safe.
Two things:
One This all still applies to us. And it’s no one’s responsibility aside from ours to build community.
It is a risk taking venture, but one we have to.
Two, we have the opportunity to invite extroverts into a quieter, more contemplative space. They need us.
Extroverts, if you’re still with me, let me talk to you for a minute. Introverts, you’re already listening…it’s kind of what we do.
Two things
One, You are probably like, “I love community! WOO HOO!” That’s my impression of extroverts… As i said, I need grace. But, Community isn’t just communication. It’s connection.
You may feel right at home in small talk, but intentionally get in smaller groups and get real.
Two, you have an opportunity to invite introverts into a greater number of relationships, and help the find that community.
We were invited to a BBQ by some dear friends a couple weeks ago. She is a Total extrovert. They invited some others. That created the opportunity for us to build a connection, and Monica and i have some new friends that we would never have connected with otherwise.
For all of us. We have a choice, and we have an opportunity to help those who aren’t wired our way.
Worship team up
As the worship team comes forward, I want to challenge you to take steps this week. And ask you to help me with something fun and meaningful.
1. If you aren’t in a Life Group, I can’t encourage you strongly enough to prioritize it. You will never have enough time…unless you make it.
2. If you are in a Life Group, choose to be vulnerable. If your group feels surface level…be the one who takes a brave step and share.
3. If you struggle to make and keep friends, be willing to examine yourself and ask why. The old expression “hurt people hurt people” is so true. The problem? When we are hurt, and act hurtful to others, we cut off the healing that could come. When I am hurt, I know my tendency is to take offence, to become demanding of others, to try to prove my value by knowing it all…none of it helps me. none of it helps others.
It is so easy to just say this is how it is…but bottom line, you have agency, you have power to follow Jesus into meaningful relationships.
If you don’t struggle this way, know there are many who do. Help them out. When they act hurtful, speak kindly and honestly to it. That gives them a choice. To be vulnerable, or to take offense. But it’s their choice. You can be loving either way.
There are those waiting for someone bold enough to ignore the bubble and shake their hand. God created the church because the life following Christ is hard…we weren’t supposed to do it alone.
Now for something fun…and something that I believe will be meaningful.
I pointed out the “threads” art earlier. I put that together on my own. A picture to go with the sermon series. But…that’s not the point. The point is how we are connected. So here is a second one. As you can see, the word is Woven.
It’s sitting up front here, and I want you to share in this one. Around it are stacks of threads. Different colors, different styles, Come and take one, tie a little loop at one end. Put it on a nail. Then stretch it to another nail, wind it, another, wind, another, until you have enough to tie it off. Then wrap it a few times and put a little knot in it. If it’s not perfect, we can tighten it later.
Then write your name on the paper laying next to it. In the end, I’m going to attach it to the back so we have a record of everyone who was a part.
Don’t go over the places where there’s tissue, that’s a temporary thing to show where we need to leave it blank.
Parents, please have your kids do one. I want as many hands as possible a part of this.
But help them
Note that on one side where the wood is thinner, there are nails coming out, so help them.
Do one today, we want to leave room for folks who aren’t here, but we’ll keep adding until it’s all filled up.
In the end, these two will be up in the back over a space we are developing to help you connect to life groups and ministry opportunities both inside the church and in our community.
Will you stand as we close in prayer and song?
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