Romans #10 What's The Payoff
Romans Series #10
What's the Payoff?
Romans 6:1-23
READ 6:1-23
should we "Continue"
Continue - (def) Epimeno - ep-ee-men'-o
1. to stay at or with, to tarry still, still to abide, to continue, remain
a. of tarrying in a place
You've seen signs that say - "no loitering" - So should we loiter or continue, hang out with sin, so that His Grace may INCREASE even MORE?
Should we continue to sin?
Maybe the Bigger question is CAN YOU?
Everything we're talking about here is calling us to reflect Christ
As we are born enslaved to sin, so he was born innocent but destined to die because of our sin so he was born a slave by choice to the consequences of our sin
Sin leads to death
Grace leads to life
But you and I were …
1. Born - Slaves to Sin
A. Slave by Nature
1. You aren't a sinner because you sin
2. On the Contrary; you sin because you are a Sinner, because you have a sin nature
a. I've been around athletics most of my life, but I am NOT competitive because I am an athlete
b. No, I am an athlete because I am competitive! It's just part of who I am. Some people play sports because they want to and some people play sports because they have to. Those folks will turn a drive across town into a race. They will turn a balled up piece of paper into a detailed sporting event with elaborate rules. Why because it is in their nature
3. ALL of us are sinners by nature and because of that we commit sins!
a. Your sins didn't make you a sinner
b. your sins are just the overflow and evidence that you are bound in slavery to sin
B. Under Control
1. Sin enslaves you and drags you where you don't want to go.
2. Even though you may turn away to "do good things" ultimately as a slave to sin you will be pulled back to ever increasing wickedness
3. "Those were the days" - when you were "free from the control of righteousness" -
a. you could sin and it never seemed to be enough.
b. You could do what you want and never feel really bad -
c. righteousness was something you didn't have to worry about -
d. Ahhh - "those were the days" J LOL
C. Good News
1. As we are born dead IN sin, Christ was born to Die for our Sin
2. He died that God's justice might be satisfied, so that you might be set free
a. remember you are NOT forgiven simply because of God's love and mercy - That would short change God's JUST nature
b. God's love was displayed in that while we were still sinners Christ DIED for you but it is BY his Death that you are forgiven
c. God's Judgment was poured out on sin at the cross of Christ
3. When you receive his payment/penalty for your sin, then you appropriate the forgiveness that is available and through God's grace you are SET FREE from the slavery to sin
2. Baptized - Slaves to Righteousness
Just as Christ died for us, we are called to Die to the Death of sin in which we are born
A. Dead to Death - double negative that is we are alive to Christ
1. "consider" - the greek word is defined - to account for, to calculate, it is a term which means that the value has been imputed or added from one account to another. It means to be reckoned as equivalent, to weigh on the scales and find to be equal to having like force and weight. However there is one very important point. This word deals only with REALITY. In other words if I "reckon" or "consider" that my check book has $100 then it has in reality $100. Otherwise I am fooling myself. This word deals with facts NOT suppositions.
James 2:23 - ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS," and he was called the friend of God.
Hebrews 11:19 - Abraham considered God was able to raise men from the dead
B. Immersed in Christ -
1. we're not talking about dipping into church and getting a little taste of religion or getting ourselves "wet" spiritually
There are two words used in scripture that have the same root. Bapto verses Baptizo
Bapto is to dip -
luke 16:24 - Rich Man / Lazarus dip his finger and cool my tongue
john 13:26 - dipped bread and gave to Judas
Baptizo - to dip repeated, to immerse, to submerge like a sunken vessel (like the arrogance of the titanic that said "I'm unsinkable" until we our pride is sunk and we immerse ourselves in the grace of Grace of Christ we are not changed
But this word is NOT "Bapto", It is "Baptizo". It is Not to be confused with 911, bapto. The clearest example that shows the meaning of baptizo is a text from the Greek poet and physician Nicander, who lived about 200 B.C. It is a recipe for making pickles and is helpful because it uses both words. Nicander says that in order to make a pickle, the vegetable should first be 'dipped'(bapto) into boiling water and then 'baptised' (baptizo) in the vinegar solution. Both verbs concern the immersing of vegetables in a solution. But the first is temporary. The second, the act of baptising the vegetable, produces a permanent change. When used in the New Testament, this word more often refers to our union and identification with Christ than to our water baptism. e.g.Mark 16:16. 'He that believes and is baptised shall be saved'. Christ is saying that mere intellectual assent is not enough. There must be a union with him, a real change, like the vegetable to the pickle! Bible Study Magazine, James Montgomery Boice, May 1989.
As he was raised to life so we are raised to live for him on this place and we will be resurrected when our physical life ends
2. "UNITED" with him in death and resurrection
a. greek - sumphutos - (soom' - foo - tos)
b. def - born together with, of joint origin, (congenital, innate, implanted by birth or nature)
c. This is significant because this word is used only here in the whole New Testament
C. You can't help but live because you are ALIVE to Christ -
1. Hold your breath, see how long you can go. What happens eventually? You bust out and breathe! Why? Because you are alive!!!!
2. You don't walk in New Life because of you, nor even because you chose to receive his offer and precious sacrifice. As we've said all along, it's "not about us … but it's all about him"
3. v4 "through the glory of the Father"
3. By-Product -
A. Sin - Death - Dead Things - Empty Things
V21 - what "Benefit" will that get you? The word also means "fruit of a tree"
1. try as you might you can't do long-standing good and you can't live in their enjoyment because your "master" won't let you
Isaiah 64:6
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
2 Peter 2:21,22
It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit," and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."
2. you are a slave to sin and it won't let you look long at righteousness and continue in it
3. doesn't pay what it promised. V 23 - The greek word means a substitute pay in the form of the soldiers' ration. Promised one thing but pays out in another
4. So, don't waste your time - Don't "PRESENT" yourself to sin but present yourself to God
a. def - "to come near or lay beside" - stay clear, don't come alongside those things
b. instead "present" yourself or come along the things of God
B. Righteousness - Holiness
Because of grace we have become slaves to righteousness that ever increases leading to holiness. You are heading there, you can't get around it. You are "chained to righteousness". You may take the occasional glance at your sinful nature. But you can't loiter anymore, because your new Master won't allow you to CONTINUE or STAY there. When you've been set free from your slavery to sin and offered yourself as a slave righteousness (bondservant - a choice) You are compelled by your choice to continue in righteousness and move upward toward living in the holiness that God has already declared for you.
1. Does the righteousness/grace of God lead you to sin all the more? Of course NOT! Paul says "God Forbid"! or "I Don't Think So"
2. On the contrary as a slave to God and righteousness you can't linger any longer at the things of the flesh
3. I've got bad news for you, you are holy by position through the declaration of God and you will BECOME holy in practice because that is what the righteousness of God that you are now a slave to naturally produces
4. I don't know if that's what you signed up for, but when you surrendered to Christ in faith and offered yourself to him as a slave, bond-servant, it will lead you to holiness.
5. You won't be able to help it!
6. Have you noticed since you came to the Lord that you just don't enjoy some things anymore? You might negatively see that as guilt, but you need to see it positively as the spiritual change in your life
So, should we sin all the more that grace may increase?
God Forbid
For sin pays off in death and dead things, but the free gift of God is LIFE - the payoff now of the grace of God is eternal things not dead things!
You can't Loiter anymore
Verse 1 question is answered by verse 23
Slavery - Sin
Slavery - Righteousness
Sin - reaps nothing - death
Righteousness - reaps holiness