Be Pure - Youth
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Introduction: (Following the last worship time) Thank you everyone for being here tonight. To close things out, we want to turn our attention back to God’s word for some final thoughts. Our whole theme tonight has been: Be Pure! One of the best places that I’ve studied recently where this theme rings loud and clear is Proverbs 5. Please turn there for some closing thoughts tonight. There we meet a father who shares with his son Biblical wisdom about being sexually pure. Why does the father have to sit down and have this conversation anyway? Why does the Bible even have to address this topic? The fact that the Bible addresses it all indicates that being impure, the opposite of being pure, is a problem.
Being impure is a problem.
Caused by our sin nature.
Being impure and all sin resulted from rebellion (Romans 5:12)
Sin is any disobedience against what God has told us to do in the Bible
The event referenced took place shortly after God created all things perfect and good.
Adam and Eve, the first two people and representative of all mankind, disobeyed God, though God gave them every good thing they’d ever need
This rebellion broke their’s and our relationship with God, we’re alienated from Him because of sin
All of the brokenness we see in the world whether it’s: disrespecting one another, stealing, lying, cheating, abuse, murder, sickness, etc. - it all resulted from sin!
Being impure and all sin brings risks
Temporal Risks (Proverbs 5:11-13)
Picture someone whose later days are filled with regret over their life they lived wasted in immorality
All sin brings shame, guilt and regret
Pornographic images burned on mind, can’t be removed
Though you may not regret it now, you will
Eternal Risks (Proverbs 5:21)
God sees everything, regardless of place or time
God notes everything, therefore we’re accountable for all our actions
Any immorality/impurity committed, and therefore all sin, deserves punishment (Romans 6:23a)
Think of a wage as something you earn for something you did; if you disobey God, you deserve death
The Bible clearly identifies that we all have disobeyed God and therefore deserve death (Romans 3:23)
This death not only refers to physical death but also being separated from God forever in a place called hell, where sinners are punished forever for their sin against God.
Because God always does what is right, He must always punish sin
Christ’s sacrifice is the only answer for our guilt from all sins (Romans 6:23b)
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to this earth as a baby and live a perfect life of obedience.
He died on a cross as the only payment that God could accept so that we wouldn’t have to suffer for our sin
Accept Jesus today by believing that He died for your sins and rose from the dead never to die again, repenting of your sins and receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9)
Jesus will not only save you but will give you a right relationship with God wherein you can call God your Father and He will accept you as one of His children.
Be Pure because that’s what God Wants
That’s His design (Genesis 2:24)
Here we read God’s Words on what marriage is supposed to be
Using Adam and Eve, the first two people, as the model, marriage is between one man and one woman for life!
God approves of sexual pleasure, only within marriage! (Hebrews 13:4)
That’s why He wrote us
Be Pure Always!
Be Pure by following God’s Plan
Be Pure and Avoid Immorality
Avoid Immoral People (Proverbs 5:1-3)
The strange woman represents any person who might tempt us to immorality
No matter what people may say, don’t give in to immorality
Avoid Immoral Places (Proverbs 5:8)
The strange woman’s home represents any place that tempt someone to immorality
There are places in our home, on the internet, books that we can read, friends that we can hang out with that we must avoid, pure and simple
Love superheroes but can't watch some of the modern stuff as it's immoral.
My wife and I love to spend time together and sometimes when we're out shopping I have to be led around by her so that I won't see something immoral.
I've had to throw out movies I've bought or gifts I've been given in order to be pure.
You’ve got to make plans to get these things out of your life
Though you may have money invested in some of these things, it’s more important to follow God’s Word and Be Pure!
If it means you lose money then lose the money in order to follow God’s Word!
Be Pure with only your spouse (Proverbs 5:18)
The Father asks God to give good things, or a blessing, to the son and his wife in their marriage because they’re being pure and therefore their marriage is worth blessing!
Marriage is worth the wait, no matter how hard it may seem.
Be Pure Now!
Though you may have been impure, there’s always hope for change (1 Corinthians 6:11; b/c it’s written in God’s Word means that there’s hope!)
The Corinthians struggled with sin, including sexual immorality, and yet these words written to them are still in force, meaning that there’s hope for any and all who have trusted in Jesus.
Don’t think that just b/c you’ve been impure that there’s no point in trying now.
Since this is recorded in God’s Word and you’re able to receive it indicates that it’s not too late!
Choose to be pure now and avoid guilt and regret both now and later
Conclusion: Invitation; (Heads bowed and eyes closed); Raise hand if saved; (Pray for those w/o mentioning their name who did not raise hand); See Carrie and me after we close if you want to know more about getting saved; Stand if you’re willing to commit to being pure according to God’s Word. We have a gift for each of you before you leave. If you made a decision to Be Pure, we have something that we’d like for you to fill out and invite you to share this decision with others.