Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Preacher takes off their watch.
Absolutely nothing.
We got busy.
Terbush, but I have a good message.
I think today may not be as crazy as last week, but I think we'll get there and we want to thank Cecily for this message.
Because I was talking to her about this series.
Brilliant idea.
Presbyterianism, you know, five-part series were talking and she said, that's the most boring sermon series I've ever heard in my life.
So I wrote Teresa and Josh and I said I'm changing a little bit.
We're going to talk about Presbyterian stuff but I'm going to do it a little bit different and I'll save my brilliant lecture notes for a seminary course at some point.
So thank you, Cecily.
Proverbs chapter 3, verse 5 & 6, trust in the Lord, with all your heart and do not rely on your own Insight, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your path.
And from John's gospel and chapter 8, verse 31, and 32.
Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks for you.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight.
This day.
Oh Lord our Rock and Redeemer.
I'll men.
You know, we Presbyterians are odd lot and a certain set of Grandparents were talking to a certain grandchild about proper behavior in church and be quiet and behave in church.
She said, because people are sleeping.
Yeah, you know, we went we came and got a ton of bad rash.
That's we Presbyterians.
It's like, I remember remember that Meme?
I remember Old Barney back there when he was all dressed up.
This is kind of like a presbyterian, you know?
It's like yep, when we're excited.
When we like this sermon when we feel the spirit, all the same.
So I appreciate that.
Brought me, that was great.
Yes we are.
We are sometimes accused of being a little stale or boring and you know where rightly accused that way we have to have to write knowledge.
That it's not all our fault though.
I mean, look from which we came.
This was the inauguration of the first East African denomination that was indigenous, Lee formed the Presbyterian Church of East Africa.
It was a momentous celebration.
Can't you tell
That's Presbyterian Church.
There are other Presbyterian.
Churches to not all like this.
Let's see if that video wrong.
In East Africa, you know, we're all different.
So we can't really put ourselves in a box for his and some I think some of you all have been in this particular church.
I've never been in it, but I think it's a beautiful Church.
Anybody else been infinite Avenue prayers and New York City.
It's beautiful church.
But this is also a Presbyterian Church in the rift valley of East Africa in the Owasso Key, Don't area.
That's a Presbyterian Church.
This is a Presbyterian Church that's singing.
Praise to the Lord.
Like we are used to seeing every day.
But in another context here, as a presbyterian choir, singing Praise dancing jumping.
You know, that word
Illuminating, sounds like it.
You know, church is pretty different in different parts of the world.
We are different, but we're all a part of this same body as we learn a bit about the particulars of our own selves.
Our own denomination in our own, what we value.
We value deeply God's word now we've all been wait.
We've all been young once Cecily and I were young lunch and we were even before this we found out later in our marriage that we were guilty of double dipping.
I don't know if any of you are double dippers.
Cecily Daddy and Mom were National missionaries in Appalachian.
Mountains for the Presbyterian Church.
My family was died in the wall.
Presbyterians, we went to church.
Of course, we went to our Sunday school but at night, she went to the Baptist Church.
And I went to the Assembly of God.
We were double dippers.
Maybe you are too.
The church is so big and so brought in so wonderfully on this world communion Sunday, one of the things that we celebrate in our Presbyterian, tradition is our ecumenism.
The way that we think we are part of the entire body as we look at that is helpful.
I think to consider the scripture because Jesus is giving us a different idea of what it means to be a follower of his.
If we look at the at the scripture in John will see several key words that I just want us to touch him briefly as if you continue in my word.
Continue, this is big part of our Presbyterian history.
We are continuing and we'll hear a little bit more about that in our history, in a moment.
But continuing its, if you continue, then it's a conditional Clause.
If this happens, then this will happen.
If you continue, we are supposed to continue.
This is very difficult for.
He who are a product of the Enlightenment and Americans.
I mean, we not, we want to find a solution.
We want to get it done job.
Once you want to get it right and move onto the next project.
You know, Jesus says, it's not one in done but we take that idea and we put it into our spiritual life and we go out the Bible in John, 3:16 God.
So loved the world, I'm done, put on the Shelf.
One and done.
I'm all done.
Now, we continue, we continue in this journey of faith.
Ask you a question.
On Wednesday.
Six weeks ago.
Would you have for supper?
I may have been your anniversary or birthday, or you, binge ate some pizza.
I don't know.
But you might remember, but I doubt it remember, six weeks ago on Wednesday, what they ate.
Okay, I don't see any hand but unless you were fasting unto the Lord, do you think you ate something 6 weeks ago on Wednesday?
Yeah, I think so.
Because we get hungry, because our bodies need food.
Because we know if we eat food, then our bodies will be strong and nourished and we will be able to do the things that we want to do.
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