Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Water and Life
Brett Miller
Jesus is the Power that Pours out Water, Life and Rescue
Feast of tabernacles, is a feast of "presence" and Jesus is a presence at the Feast.
He appears, he fills, he pours out the spirit, like water.
( Will only reference this, Will not read it, do not translate)
ISBE Booths, Feast of
BOOTHS, FEAST OF This festival, known variously as the Feast of Booths, (Lev.
23:34; Dt. 16:13), Tabernacles (2 Ch. 8:13; Jn. 7:2), or Ingathering (Ex.
34:22), was one of the three major feasts in which all Hebrew males were required to participate each year.
It began on the fifteenth day of the seventh month (Tishri), i.e., mid-October, five days after the Day of Atonement (Tishri 10).
It continued for one week, and was associated with the end of the year (Ex.
34:22) when agricultural work concluded.
It was a “pilgrim” festival, the intent of which was to emphasize the nomadic character of the wilderness period (Lev.
On the first day the congregation ceased from all normal activities and presented burnt offerings to the Lord, a procedure that was repeated on the eighth day, after the festival proper had terminated.
The booths, which were simple shelters made of interlaced branches, were the people’s living quarters during the festival.
In each seventh year occurred a special ceremony, a public recitation of the covenant provisions agreed to on Mt.
Sinai by the Israelites in time of Moses.
This served the extremely important function of keeping at the forefront of the people’s minds the obligations assumed on that occasion, as well as reminding them of the blessings that would follow as long as the provisions of the covenant were honored.
The feast was celebrated against a background of rejoicing for divine blessings, represented by the bounty of the year’s harvest.
This was reflected in its occasional designation as the “Feast of Ingathering” (Ex.
23:16; 34:22).
In at least one instance Christ Himself was in the city when the festival was being observed (Jn.
By NT times it had become a custom on that feast for a procession to visit the Pool of Siloam and return with water, which was then poured out as a libation of thanksgiving to God.
It may well have been as a result of witnessing this ceremony that Jesus was prompted to make His observations about living water and eternal life (Jn.
There are TWO OT Messages in Jesus Mind: Zech 14 and Ezek 47
1: “Jesus will bring Power and Life”
Water, life, stand over all Jerusalem The pouring out of Life Pouring water from the pool of washing.... Symbol of washing, symbol of power and life pouring out of us….
What Does this Mean?
If Jesus can transform the world what can he do in my life?
DO I have an enemy....he can vanquish them....
1: Jesus is promising Jerusalem, a city wracked by war for centuries, actual peace and security.
(In Him)
Jesus Promises Peace
2: Then Yahweh will appear as a huge man on the Mount of Olives.
The mountain will split under his feet and a valley will appear east and west through the mountain.
The newly formed valley will serve as a means of escape for the remnant in Jerusalem and as a way of Yahweh’s victorious processional to Zion (v 5).1
Jesus will be the “Valley of Escape”
3: This is not just power over one event, but over all of history...
What does it mean to me that God is in control of HISTORY?
a) He controls MY history, my narrative.
God sees what is, not what I see, or others see, or the representations of others.
When it comes to forgiving..What prevents me so often is the sense that someone is allowed to be right, to ”get away with something” but if God controls history...his version is right…JESUS IS BIGGER THAN MY NARRATIVE
b) The water of life shall go out of Jerusalem.
(Zech 14:8) Jesus is that water that will flow all over the world.
He turns salt to fresh...this brings life.
All that Jesus Touches is cleansed by his power
All that Jesus Covers over will Spring to everlasting Life
LIFE will FLOW forth from US
b) he protects what is his.
(and brings a plague on those that harm it) Vs 12-15
God is a fierce protector of what is his: Which means that I dont need to play the avenger role.
Jesus goes “to the mount of Olives” Jn 8:1 Almost like a fulfillment of the prophets deliberately .
Jesus is bringing the past and the future together in himself....
What does this mean about “circumstances”?
Circumstances are just another word for personal ‘history’.
God laughs at ‘circumstances’.
Circum= surrounding condition (circumference)
Sta+ meaning to stay, to be immovable (Stable, Stationary)
Circumstance= a condition over which there is no control, it is fixed
Is there any condition over which God has no control?
“Circumstances” are reasons for faith for the faithful
and excuses for the faithless
c) Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment and the Prophet.
He is our God...all that he says is true, all that he does is just, and all that he sees is pure and right.
God is returning to fight for Israel again enemies
He will stride across the Mount of olives
The Mount will be split in tw
THEN THE LORD WILL COME: and all the holy one with him...a symbol of the end times, (supernatural philosophy)
The Ezekiel 47 Imagery
Water flows out from under the Holy of Holies
Spills out under the doorframes
Flows out of the Wadi, down into the Judean countryside, and turns the desert into a river.
The Water of Life turns Desert into River
This is the location where John and Jesus would later preach and baptize.
The imagery seems to suggest that eventually the power of the Holy Place (Jesus) would cleanse and immerse all created things.
If this is right, then Jesus is ‘standing up’ and announcing at the water ceremony of the Feast that he is the fulfillment of that very image.
He is the fulfillment of Ezekiels Vision of the water of Life.
Verse 8: “living water will flow out of Jerusalem”
The idea is that GOD will return to Jerusalem and set history right.
By Jesus using this reference, he is linking his words to the prophetic tradition from Zechariah and Even the Temple vision of Ezekiel.
What is Jesus Indicating?
I Am am the “coming of the Lord” who will stand on the Mount of Olives
2: The water that will be poured out on that day is the water that flows from him.
He is saying “I am the source of LIVING water”
3: The ceremonial pouring of water mean cleansing and power.
Jesus is saying: “I am the cleansing and the power” that rescues Israel from her enemies.
Everything that I touch will come to life
Then John says “by this he meant the Spirit”....Jesus is both fulfilling prophecy and speaking it at the same time.
This is “evidence” of his claims.
Jesus brings the holy spirit when he comes, that what flows from him is not just Water (Genesis) but the spirit that hovered over those waters (Genesis 1:2)
This is the promise of New Creation.
Not just a gathering of the fields, but the gathering of mankind.
Have you been gathered?
Do you have the power of the HS flowing thought your life?
Come to Jesus and get that power today
< .5
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