Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good morning and welcome to Oldfield Free Church.
I’m Ian and it’s great to see you here and it is great to be back after what seems like 5 weeks.
Wait, IS five weeks!
Worship is all our lives not just the songs we sing.
We are told in
Our lives are to be one continuous worship session.
We will be aided in this in songs, prayer and with a message for our all-age service.
We’ll see what God has to say to us through His Word.
Make sure you have a bible.
There are some at the back.
You’re welcome to use an app.
I recommend Logos Bible Study App.
Talking of mobiles.
Do see you turn them either off or on silent.
If you’re new here a huge welcome to you.
We have leaflets at the back telling you about us - check out our website and stay for a cuppa after the service.
Let’s start with prayer:
Maker of heaven and earth, you rule over all the nations.
As we think of your unfailing, eternal, enduring love, we look forward to the day when we will worship you in eternity.
Your throne will be surrounded by people from every tribe, tongue and nation, all testifying that you have remained faithful.
We will all see that you have kept every single promise you made.
We will all see your goodness and grace.
We will all be transformed by your glory.
We ask that we would glimpse that glorious future as we gather today.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Light of the world
Before the Throne
Our God is a great big God
Children’s Talk.
When I was five years old I went to school and there was the first time I heard anyone mention God.
At 8, Catholic School.
At 14 or 15 my best friend became a Christian.
Double life.
Samuel was called by God when he was just a boy, so was Jeremiah.
I was different to most kids.
I was not into football or music or anything other than God.
I haven’t changed.
I don’t have many other interests.
I like some things but I am not super enthusiastic.
I don’t know what you are excited about - but make sure you don’t leave God out of it because He loves you more than anyone else.
Jesus was sent here to earth to prove it when He died in your place for your sins as well as mine.
I hope you become more and more enthusiastic for the things of God because, to be honest.
He is the only One worth living for.
But God may not call you to be a Samuel or Jeremiah, maybe he will call you to be Nick, or Suan, or Caleb, or Tegan or Sia, or Simi or… or whatever your name is.
Maybe he will call you to be a sportsperson or architect.
But whatever He calls you to do it well.
Because what He wants you to do will be unique for only you have your DNA.
But do not forget God in it all.
Almighty and Everlasting God, we ask you to hear us as we pray for your Church, the world, our local community and people in need.
Father, we are blessed with real fellowship, in a worshipping community and in it we are free to express our devotion.
Yet in many areas of the world, to worship openly brings persecution, oppression and harassment.
We pray for those seeking to bear witness in word and action in the face of adversity.
May they be continually filled with your Spirit and empowered to follow your calling.
Heavenly Father, pour out your Holy Spirit on those who have responded to your call to ministry at Oldfield, and ask you to bless Becky as she continues her training and for the deacons and leaders here for wisdom and understanding especially for those involved in work with the youth.
Lord of all, we pray for the healing of the nations, for the forgiveness of past sins and for the opportunity of new beginnings.
We bring before you countries broken by war, hatred and suspicion, for those driven out of their land and homes by violence.
We pray that animosity may be exchanged for trust and love.
Strengthen those you have called to speak out, who challenge injustice, apathy and untruth, for those who campaign for the well-being of your people and your world.
Of great concern to us these days is what is happening in Russia and ask that you will be merciful and rein in the madness of this war.
Creator God, we thank you for all of creation which you have made for us to enjoy, whether in our gardens, in city parks, the seaside, mountains, rivers and lakes.
We thank you for the sights and sounds of nature and the healing it brings to troubled minds.
But we are mindful there are many places in the world suffering the effects of the destruction of your creation resulting in floods, fires and hurricanes.
We especially pray for the people of Pakistan in their struggle for shelter, food and clean water, for the people of Canada and Florida.
Father, we pray for those who are sick or struggling at this time whether in body, mind or spirit: for the exhausted, the weary, for those who can no longer cope on their own.
Draw near to all in our fellowship who are struggling one way or another.
Lord, we pray for those nearing the end of their earthly life and those who have kept the faith and are looking forward to a new life in glory, where sorrow and pain are no more.
Draw alongside them and for those who are still coming to terms with the loss of their loved ones but know they are in your presence where we shall join them one day with You.
May they be aware of your peace and comfort at this time.
Lord, we feel sometimes that our faith is too small and our achievements even smaller.
But you have taught us that even something as small as a mustard seed grows into a large bush.
We know our task is simple; to love and serve you, to keep the faith, to spread your loving kindness, to share your Word.
Give us the strength to go forward this week to continue in your service.
In Jesus’ name.
I do not know
Let’s look at the first part of this passage, verses 11-12:
To speak evil of others is saying, I really know that person.
These verses are more than just slander, that is, to speak untrue things of someone.
That is bad enough.
But it is OK to speak down of someone?
According to James: Never!
Are we convicted before we even start this morning?
Can actions then be judged?
Of course.
And sometimes those actions have enormous consequences, especially if it becomes known to the Church and the community.
We then have no choice but to deal with that person but always with an eye on restoration.
And this is always down with spiritual gentleness.
So, it seems that we should never talk down another person either to others or, as some people think they have the right, to their face.
The crucible for this is at home as well as in the Church.
Most Christians are very aware of their short falls so gentleness and grace need to be in abundant supply.
What we cannot do is judge the motives or their heart for the actions done.
Sometimes, they may have done something with the right motive or have a reason beyond what we can see, and sometimes it IS downright evil at work.
You may have a clear idea of why someone does what they did but only the true Judge knows the ins and outs.
We cannot put ourselves in the place of God and it IS God who is able to make that brother or sister to stand and present them faultless at the Last Day.
Which is just as well, for we all daily receive God’s mercy and are glad that the price and penalty for sin was bought and for by the blood of Jesus Christ.
By His stripes we are delivered.
And we must always forgive those who sin against us for we have a greater debt to God than anyone has to us.
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