salt of the earth
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Salt of the Earth
Salt of the Earth
Morton Salt- Grand Saline bought largest salt dome in the world
Introduction: The Beatitudes show the attributes of a Christian to be a blessed man. In Matthew 5:13-16 we now see the transition of how living are is to bless theirs. How we are to spread the good news.
First, Christians are to be the salt of the earth.
Second, Christians who have lost their salt will be cast out.
Finally, Christians are to let their light shine.
Thesis: Christians are to be a good influence to the world through the way we live our lives which stands out, a life which is different than the world, one that is not conformed to the World.
I. Christians are to be the salt of the earth.
a. Jesus did not say ye are the salt of Heaven.
c. Leviticus 2:13 “with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.” The children of Israel were to offer salt with all meat offerings! Today Rom 12:1!!
d. Ye are Christians, like salt, we need to:
ii. Preserving
1. They used it for preserving everything.
2. Meat would rot if not salted.
3. The world would rot if it were not for Christians.
i. Seasoning
1. Iodine- needed nutrient for brain development, thyroid problems
2. We need to salt the world. Salt makes food not only taste better but makes people thirsty. So, they hunger and thirst for righteousness!! So we can give them the bread of life (John 6:35) and the living water (John 4:10).
iii. Healing powers
1. Ever had a cold sore, sore throat, or any kind of sore in mouth gargle salt water to heal it quickly.
2. Brethren we are to go into all the world and heal people not physically, but spiritually. There are a lot of sick people who need the great physician.
iv. Fertilizer
1. Epson salt, sea salt, just don’t put too much like Abimelech judges 9:45 Shechem.
e. We are called to be salty
II. Christians who have lost their salt to be cast out.
a. Our table salt can never lose its flavor being sodium chloride.
b. The salt they used was evaporated salt from the dead sea which was not pure and had other minerals.
c. When rained on it would leave a residue which was good for nothing.
d. Hence forth to be cast out in the streets.
e. To be trodden under the foot of man.
f. A Christian who has lost his savour has lost his savior.
g. There is no more Christ like in him.
h. He becomes useless for the cause of Christ!
III. Christians are to let their light shine.
Conclusion: A Christian being like salt is useless without its savour.
A Christians is useless if he has no good influence on others.
We should be a person people are happy to be around.
Not one where people are happier to see us leave.
First, Christians are to be the salt of the earth.
Second, Christians who have lost their salt will be cast out.
Finally, Christians are to let their light shine.
Are you a person who others are encouraged to be around?