Ruth 4 Love always finds a way
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It started with three funerals and it ends with a marriage and a baby. Naomi has a heart of joy and her empty hands are filled with a little boy, who starts the line to David.
Ps. 30:5. His wrath lasts a moment, but His goodness is a lifetime; Spend the night and in the evening there is weeping and in the morning there is shouting!
It is true that the history of all of us does not always end like this. Yet the future smiles at all who believe. The best is yet to come for all of us.
Footnote 1: The law of the kinsman is found in Lev. 25:23-34. The law of brother-in-law ( levirate) is found in Deut. 25:5-10. The purpose of these laws is to preserve the name and estate of the impoverished families in Israel.
The land belongs to the Lord God. He does not want the rich to exploit the poor and the widows. If those laws were followed, the man's property did not die with the man. His possessions did not disappear outside the tribe or the family circle. The tragedy is that the Jewish leaders did not always observe this law. The prophets then had to reprove them for stealing the land from the poor and widows (1. Ki. 19; Isa. 5:8-10; Hab. 2:9-12). This was one of the reasons why they were taken into exile: 2. Chron. 36:21.
Footnote 2. Let's look at the meaning of the word: Redemption.
The word redemption means: Release by paying a price for it!
Elimelech's property had been sold or leased. The rights to the land had passed to the eldest son Mahlon, Ruth's dead husband.
That is why Ruth comes into the picture. She was too poor to buy the land back.
When we think of spiritual redemption. All people are in bondage to sin and Satan (Eph. 2:1-3; John 8:33,34). We cannot free ourselves.
That is why the Lord Jesus is so unique! He gave His whole life as a ransom for all sinners like us, on the cross of Calvary (Mark 10:45; Rev.5:9,10).
The Lord Jesus and nothing and no one else can truly set man free.
Footnote 3. Not everyone can fulfill the duties of a Redeemer.
First, he must be a relative (Lev. 25:5). This was the big hurdle.
3:13. There was a relative who was closer to the family than Boaz. When we think of the Lord Jesus, He also had to become one of us first in order to redeem us (Heb.2:11,14,15,17). That happened because Jesus Christ became man so that He could die for us on the Cross. He also remains human for all eternity. That is why He can sympathize so well with us. There is one God and one Mediator: That is the man Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 4:16).
The redeemer must be capable of unloading them and be able to pay the ransom.
Naomi and Ruth were too poor. Boaz has all the resources to solve. For Naomi and for Ruth the matter was settled with money, but Jesus gave Himself for us and paid the full price with His own blood (Titus 2:14; 1 Pet. 1:18).
The Lord Jesus fulfilled eternal redemption for all people (Heb. 9:12).
The kinsman and liberator must also want it. The kinsman who was closer to Naomi wanted to redeem the land, but not Ruth. He couldn't (4:6).
He feared that his own family legacy would be endangered. That man is not mentioned by name. He probably had no love for Ruth either. Perhaps he was afraid of that Moabite woman. Mahlon and Kiljon had already died from their marriage to them. If you were to ask me: Now give me a spiritual explanation about this, I would refer to Moses and the law. The law is incapable of giving people LIFE. Rom. 8:3. For what was impossible for the law to be impotent as it was, through the flesh God did: He sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and condemned it for sin's sake in the flesh. In Boaz, who is mentioned by name, we see a picture of the Lord Jesus who was able to redeem and brought LIFE and GRACE (John 1:17)
The method of the discharge was always done in the city gate. I think it's so beautiful that at the right time all ten elders pass by and have time. That kinsman also comes through that gate at the right time and also has time.
Boaz is a good example for us to follow. He does everything according to the rules. We clearly see the Divine guidance in that coming transaction. The Redemption must be done in the presence of all the elders (Deut.21:18). I'm sure Boaz was relieved when the first unloader dropped off. This opened the way for Ruth to become his wife now. Boaz took the risk of love and also of obedience. His name is known to us and his name is honoured! In Matthew. 1:5 says he is the son of Rahab. He who does the will of God abides forever (1 John 2:17). Our decisions today matter! There was a custom to hand over your shoe then. Boaz received that shoe. That means he had the authority to unload that land. This also reminds us of the authority in the walk of every true believer (Joshua 1:3).
Glorious truths from the Bridegroom to ponder and give thanks!
The elders were witnesses. Everything was done according to the law and Boaz had the land and also Ruth. Jesus gave His life and makes us His heirs too.
Like Boaz, Jesus made His plans privately, but paid publicly. Like Boaz, Jesus did what he did out of love for His own Church.
Boaz suffered and died not to receive his bride. Jesus died on the cross.
At Boaz there is a rival. With Jesus there is no rival. No one is like Jesus!
4:10. Boaz took Ruth to keep alive the name of the dead too. We as followers of Jesus glorify a Living and not a dead Savior.
4:9,10. There were witnesses that from now on Ruth belongs to Boaz. God's children have the testimony from heaven, the Spirit and the Word (1 John 5:9-13).
4:1,2. Five times you read that people are sitting down. Boaz redeemed Ruth, Naomi, and the Land of Mahlon. When Jesus had finished His work on the Cross, He also sat down (Heb.1:3). He then also cried with a louder voice: It is finished!
Wonderful truths from “the bride” to ponder and give thanks too!
It is joyful when the community enjoys this. Marriage is left over from paradise and is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus and His dearly paid Church, of which Ruth is also a beautiful shadow. Every couple should seek the blessing of God and the community. The people prayed that Ruth would be fruitful in bearing children Ps. 127:3-5. It was important for the Jewish women to receive their children from the Lord. They thereby build up the nation (Gen. 29:31; 35:18).
The neighbors wanted Boaz's house to be like Perez's (4:12).
Gen.38:29. His parents also had a brother-in-law marriage and he had moved to Bethlehem years ago (1 Chr. 2:5; 50-54). Ephratha means double fertility. Bethlehem was the place where Rachel was buried It is more important to know that Bethlehem is the place where Jesus was born. We do not think of death, but thank the Lord for eternal Life. Ruth is mentioned in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus (1:5). And to think that the genealogy register of the Lord Jesus is the only genealogical register of all Jews that exists today. All other genealogies were burned in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. under the direction of the Roman general.
What wonderful changes have come to Ruth's life. She obeys Naomi and trusts Boaz and lets Him work for her. Jesus also serves us. He served before the cross and after the cross for all eternity!
Ruth went from deep loneliness to love and security.
Ruth went from work to rest and from poverty to wealth.
Ruth was no longer the Moabite, but the wife of Boaz.
Ruth no longer lived on the corners of the land of Boaz.
Ruth became as rich and as blessed as the Lord of the harvest.
When we think of the Lord Jesus and how much love He has for His dearly paid Church. He died for her. He takes care of her. He prepares a house. The past, present and future is ours! As believers we have become one with Him in everything (1 Cor. 6:17)
Wonderful “baby” truths to ponder and give thanks for!
The Lord had been merciful to Ruth in Moab to give her true faith and to come to trust Him and be saved. His grace continued in Bethlehem. He led her to the right field and to the right man. God's grace continued at the city gate when the ten elders were willing to be the witnesses and the first redeemer rejected her. God's grace went on to grant them the conception and safe arrival of the baby. His grace continues with the baby called Obed (servant).
Obed was a blessing to Boaz and to Ruth and brings Life into their marriage.
Obed was also a blessing to Naomi. 4:16. She adopted him as her son.
Obed brought new life to Naomi and also the restoration of life
Naomi, along with Obed, held the future in her once “empty hands”.
Obed was the only son of Ruth and the only grandson of Naomi, but he gave them the love of seven sons. Obed brought a blessing to Bethlehem.
Elimelech's name was almost gone. Obed opens the line to King David.
Obed brought a blessing to Israel. Through David came the eternal Kingdom.
Obed brought a blessing to the whole world. God chose that line of David to bring the Savior of the world, who is called the Son of David. Think about this from now on when you or you hold a baby in your arms again
Ruth's booklet ends with David, who is the 10th generation (Deut. 23:3).
It is with joy that I have given this series of sermons, and I would now like to conclude with a few more personal lessons that I carry in my heart in my own school of faith.
Clearly I see the providence of God in the way He led Ruth.
Clearly I see that the Lord still cares for us, though we are bitter against Him.
I also clearly see that the walk of faith can change a family situation.
Clearly I see the beautiful work of salvation and the Savior of the world!
Clearly, through Ruth, I see that our relationship with the Lord Jesus can grow.
In the first chapter, Ruth doesn't even know that Boaz even exists.
In the second chapter, Ruth is a poor gleaner in Boaz's field.
Ruth receives goodwill and gifts, but He is the rich Lord of the harvest.
The big change comes in chapter 3 when Ruth surrenders to Boaz.
Ruth believes the promises Boaz gives her and waits for Boaz in that faith.
In chapter four, Ruth is no longer a poor gleaner, but now she has Boaz as her husband. Everything that belongs to Boaz is also hers (John 14:21-24).
We cannot receive more and we cannot Live with less!
The book of Ruth also tells me that the Lord is at work in the world.
He seeks a Bride and receives a harvest. I have to find my place in this.
All events take place during the period of the Judges, where everyone did what is right in their own eyes. When we focus on all the wrong things happening in the world, we also become depressed and cynical. I know that I can now also experience His grace, love and His joy as they do.
So the prophetic picture is that many Gentiles (Ruth; Acts 15:14) will experience a deep conversion at the Cross of Jesus. They will be part of the New Testament congregation along with the converted Jewish people (Gal. 3:26-29). A living example: I just got back from Sydney and we learned that 600 Iranians who were formerly Muslims were baptized in the last year. The Jewish people (Naomi) returning to Israel in the end times will also turn to the Lord Jesus (Zech. 12:10). In the coming 1000-year Kingdom of Peace all Israel will be saved (Rom.11:26).
The book of Judges is the book of: No king.
1 Samuel is the book of: The King of men (1 Sam. 8:3). It's going to be so bad in the world that the people will cry out for a king and that's going to be the anti-christ.
1 Samuel is not the end of history. 2 Samuel is the book of God's King. That became David and he expelled all the Philistines (8:1) and brought the everlasting Kingdom which is promised to us and will be everlasting (2 Sam. 7).
In this time when the King of Kings has not yet returned and we live in a world like the time of the Judges, we can first seek God's kingdom and now also be loyal to the King of Kings (Matt. 6:33).
Elimelech did not observe what his name means: (My God is King).
Ruth's surrender at Boaz's feet makes all the difference in her life and the lives of many others. It is with joy and gratitude in my heart that I wrote all this down. It is my desire that you or you see how rich God's inspired Word is. It brings us to the Living Word. The Lord Jesus. And with the Lord God is no respect of persons (Acts 10:34).
Ruth was not satisfied with the remnants of the harvest and in the end she has as a bride all that Boaz has. We as believers also have EVERYTHING IN HIM!
Not only was Ruth accepted into Israel, but she also belongs to the family of the prince of the lion of Judah. We who believe are blessed with all spiritual blessings and have received His Divine nature. We are perfect in Him (Col.2:10). We are one Spirit with Him (1 Cor 6:17). Jesus plus nothing equals everything! In Jesus are really all sources. Nor should we ask ourselves: How much do I have from Jesus, but how much does He have from me! His grace is sufficient in all circumstances (2 Cor.12:9) Ruth sought grace in chapter two. She got exactly what she was looking for. With God you always get what you seek and more. Esau once said, I have much, but Jacob said, I have everything! Like Ruth had everything in Boaz. Nothing and no one is allowed and can reach it. The court is closed.
It's time to give thanks for everything: His joy is our strength for the rest of our lives. God's great joy is that He was able to give His only beloved Son to us sinners to make us one with Him. With Boaz it cost money With Jesus, who is greater than Boaz, it cost His perfect life and body (Heb.10:5).
Good to finally think about a traditional English breakfast. On your plate you will find bacon and a fried egg. It's a difference to be a pig or a chicken. It only cost the chicken an egg, but the pig let his life.
Let us always thank the Lord Jesus that He gave His body to us (Heb.10:5) so that we receive in Him everything to reach His goal.