Jonah: An Introduction
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About Jonah:
A prophet of the northern kingdom
From the tribe of Zebulun
Who prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II (793-752 BC) - during a time of peace and prosperity
About Jonah’s journey:
Tarshish - a maritime city, precise location unknown
Nineveh - Assyrian city on the bank of the Tigris River; capital city under Sennacherib
Genre: historical biographical narrative; teaching narrative
a prophetic book that looks more like a narrative
a story you could almost expect to find in Kings
many parallels between Jonah and Elijah
both fled from God
both sat under a tree and asked to die
Liberal perspectives:
Postexilic (vs. 8th century)
Denial of the fish story
Denial of Nineveh’s repentance
But…Jesus refers to both of these events in the NT!
There are a number of symmetries in the book, which makes it even more likely that it was conceived and written by a single author
Theme: God’s Sovereignty in Salvation