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Give Me Liberty  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Galatians is God’s strongest word against legalism. The flesh loves to do things religious—celebrate holy days, practice rituals, attempt to do good works for God. Many religious systems today mix law and grace and present a garbled, confused way of salvation that is actually a way of bondage (Gal. 2:4; 4:9; 5:1). Keeping the Sabbath, dietary laws, an earthly priesthood, holy days, obeying rules—all of these are swept away in Galatians and replaced by the glorious liberty the believer has through faith in Christ! Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s expository outlines on the New Testament (p. 515). Victor Books.

Galatians 1:8 NKJV
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
This very direct, very confident, statement of the truth and certainty of the Gospel he preached to the Galatians was not something that was untested. There was a good reason that he could be so certain.
We live in a day where certainty is questioned and even mocked. Who can know anything for sure? As Paul shares chapters from his story, he allows us to see the reason for his confidence. In seeing his confidence, we can then share in it.

In the first chapter, Paul proved that his Gospel and apostleship came directly from Christ, independent of the Twelve. His readers would naturally ask, “Then what was Paul’s relationship to the Twelve and the Jerusalem church?” He answers that question in this chapter.

A Secret Meeting, 2:1-5
Accompanied by Barnabas and Titus, 1
Barnabas enjoyed widespread favor
Titus was a gentile believer
He was clearly a Christian, and clearly an uncircumcised Gentile
He was the embodiment of Paul’s message
He was the opposite of what the Judaizers said was possible
He was a test case for Paul’s mission
Would the Apostles receive Titus as is
Would the Apostles require Titus to become circumcised
Aware of the sensitivity needed, 2-4
He went to Jerusalem by revelation
He went to Jerusalem to validate his message
Not because he doubted it
Because others sought to destroy it
Awarded by Titus’ acceptance, 5
A Separate Mission, 2:6-10
Nothing was added to Paul or his message
Paul’s message and mission were confirmed by the Apostles
Nelson’s New Testament Survey B. Interdependence with Other Apostles (2:1–10)

Different Christians can minister to different segments of humanity. Nevertheless there must be unity in the message we proclaim.

A Straightforward Message, 2:11-21
Both Jews and Gentiles are saved by faith in Christ, plus or minus nothing
There is no necessary distinction between Jews and Gentiles, regardless of who says otherwise.
The segregation of Jews from Gentiles was hypocrisy—stage acting—by people who believed there was no distinction but made a distinction in order to bow to peer pressure
Believers must make a choice
add to the Gospel and destroy it, 18
accept the Gospel and live it, 19-21
my works died with Christ
my life is lived with Christ
my choice is consistent with Christ
Regardless of what anyone else says, The Gospel stands alone, nothing added and nothing subtracted. We can and should have confidence and certainty in the Gospel’s truth and power. Since it is so true and so powerful and so helpful we should share it with the people for whom it was intended: everyone.
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