Sermon Tone Analysis

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Psalm 119:41-48
Continuing In God’s Word
As we continue our path through Psalm 119 we have seen some wonderful things about the Bible.
Today we are going to look at the sixth section of this great psalm which is designated with the Hebrew letter vav.
Here we see the Psalmist Continuing in God’s Word.
It is evident that the Psalmist is still influenced by the persecution and attacks he has received from his enemies.
I know, sometimes, when I am in the heat of a battle it is easy to fail to realize how much we need God’s help in the midst of our troubles.
The Psalmist realizes this and turns to God, and His Word for his help.
Because of this, The Holy Spirit worked through him to create this beautiful song.
Today, I want to look at Eight Characteristics of God’s Word that I see in the Psalmists eight verses here.
I. The Pardon Of God's Word 
“Let thy mercies come also unto me, O Lord, Even thy salvation, according to thy word.”
The Psalmist asks God to let His mercies come, according to thy Word.
The Psalmist knows that God has promised His mercy.
He is aware of his own sin, that hinders his success, and he knows that he needs God’s mercy.
This is the first mention of mercy (hesed) in this Psalm.
This is his unfailing covenant love.
Here it’s plural and refers to the loving acts God performs on behalf of His people.
He is in desperate need of the Lord’s comfort and strength and the psalmist asks God to shower these acts of mercy on him.
God wants to save us (pardon us), not only from the curse of sin, not only the punishment of sin, but also from the effects of sin.
Now I am not saying that he removes all natural consequences of sin.
But when it is within God’s will, and especially when we come and ask, there are times that God saves us from the effects of sin, especially the sins of others.
The Power Of God's Word 
“So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: For I trust in thy word.”
Because of these merciful acts showered down on the Psalmist, he believes that he will be able to answer back to the one who was persecuting Him.
He didn’t trust his own logic, or understanding, he wanted the blessed with the mercies of God’s Word.
WE have seen that government officials, perhaps even kings, were among those attacking him.
But he knew that God’s Word would help him have an answer.
We too need to be ready to give an answer.
In order to do this we need to be in God’s Word, and pray specifically that by His mercy, He would give you an answer.
Thirdly we see...
The Persistence Of God's Word 
“And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; For I have hoped in thy judgments.”
The Psalmist asks God, once you have given me the words to say, please don’t remove them.
I can feel the Psalmist heart here.
I need God to speak through me today, and everyday!
But praise the Lord God’s Word, and the God of the Word, is persistent and faithful!
We see God’s Word is:
A. Persistent in Accuracy
God’s Word is truth!
(the Word of Truth)
If any disagree with the Word of God, we stand true and stick with the Word.
His Word never changes!
people may try to change it and twist it, but they only make it to where it is no longer God’s Word.
So it is Persistent in accuracy, because it is the Word of Truth, but it is also...
B. Persistent in Availability
God’s Word is forever!
Once God says it, it is settled!
We don’t have to worry about changing
We don’t have to worry about it being removed
We don’t have to worry about it running out!
If God said it, He meant it, and those promises are available to us today!
Which leads into the next verse as well...
The Permanence Of God's Word 
“So shall I keep thy law continually For ever and ever.”
Because we saw in the last point that God’s Word is persistent, therefore we ought to be permanent in keeping God’s Word.
The Psalmist declares that he will keep the Law for ever and ever.
Because God said it, and it will not change, then we need to commit to keeping his Word!
doing what He says in His Word.
Living out God’s Word in our lives.
God’s Word never changes, so we are still responsible to obey it even if the world changes around us.
The world today says, “That may have been true back then, but we have evolved, things are different today.”
Yes you may have changed, but God’s Word, and his expectations have not!
If it were true yesterday, than it is true today!
Don’t let anyone influence you, or pull you, away from God’s Word.
The Path Of God's Word
v. 45
“And I will walk at liberty: For I seek thy precepts.”
continuing his thoughts from the previous points of God’s Word, the Psalmist says that he now has liberty.
We saw in the first point that God’s Word saves us or pardons us.
And now he talks about how he can be free because he walks down the path of God’s Word.
We see it is a path of freedom, not bondage.
Many say, I don’t know how you can be a Christians, there are so many things you can’t do!
The Truth is what many view as freedom to do whatever they want, is truly bondage to sin.
They don’t see the chains that hold them tight.
But the Christian walks in true liberty, and because of this we seek to do what God instructs us to do (precepts).
The Priority Of God's Word 
“I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, And will not be ashamed.”
In this verse I see how important the Word was to the Psalmist.
How urgent he felt the message was.
He was willing to tell the king the truth of God’s Word.
It seems the king had been one of his attackers, but because of the courage and strength he received from God’s Word,
and the realization of the importance of God’s Word
He was willing to speak God’s Testimonies before the king.
That is one of the most intimidating places to speak the truth!
Yet the Psalmist declares that he will not be ashamed.
If God’s Word gave the psalmist the courage and the urge to speak the truth before kings...
We ought all the more be willing to speak the truth of God’s Words lovingly to the people around us.
Not only do we have God’s Testimonies today, but we have the Holy Spirit living within us.
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