Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
He went
Torah Portion
This Torah Portion goes from Deuteronomy 31:1-30
It also includes
Hosea 14:1-9
Mic 7:18-20
Joel 2:15-27
Matt 18:21-35
In our previous Torah portion we talked about the covenant of God
What it means to stand in front of God instead of against God
We talked about the concept of the “Renewal of the Covenant”
7 characteristics of God’s covenant with us.
We uncovered the mystery of that covenant with Israel and its meaning both the Biblical perspective and the Jewish perspective
We taught on the Steps of a Hebrew Covenant:
10 STEPS TO THE HEBREW BLOOD COVENANT – An ancient Hebrew Ritual
Take off Coat or Robe
After removing coat, give to partner
Giving all of yourself to partner
Take off belt
Belt held weapons showing strength – give to partner
To defend, protect, and fight for each other
Cut the covenants
An animal is cut down middle.
Standing between the halves, back to back, each partner walks through pieces making an 8 figure, coming back to middle facing each other and say an oath
Giving up rights to self to walk with partner until death.
Give oath facing partner
Raise the Right Arm and Mix with Blood
Raise right arms and cut palms and bring together
Blood is mixing with partner’s blood to become one
Exchange Names
As blood is intermingling, names were exchanged
Take each other’s last name to become part of their own name
Make a Scar
Rub blood together and make a scar
Scar was seal of permanent testimony to the blood covenant
Give Covenant Terms
Standing before witnesses give the terms of covenant
Share all that you own with each other
Eat memorial Meal
Take a loaf of bread and feed to each other and share cup of wine
Wine represents blood and bread represents body.
Sharing bread and wine together as being One is a new nature
Plant a Memorial
Plant a tree
This will be a testimony of the blood covenant between each other
First Born
Give first born to die for the other partner to test commitment
I am committed in this covenant until next generation – first fruit
In today’s Torah portion we will discuss that whether we have a pastor, leader, Shepard, or elder to lead.
Or is the one who commands the Lord?
We will discuss how Moses, even when leaving, renews the covenant of God with Israel and how he charges Joshua
Consider the SIN of Israel
How God is faithful and does not forget His covenant to us and to Israel
God requires our repentance - its prophetic significance for both Israel and us
In this Torah Portion
Moses encourages his people to continue to keep the covenant - holiness.
He informs Israel they are about to enter the promised Land w/o him
Only two out of the original Israel that came from Egypt will enter: Joshua and Caleb
Moses tells Israel to trust in God’s help
God’s word through Moses, God wanted everyone to hear.
It is His declaration
the speech on the last day of Moses’s life he gives a speech
This is the same day he was born - the 7th day of the month of Adar (Feb-Mar)
Aaron was three years older than Moses
In Hebrew - no serpent but a crocodile
Aaron dies on the first of Av (fifth month) at age 123 years old
Moses dies 7 months after Aaron at age 120 years old
He was 80 years old when he went to Pharaoh
He is not 120 years old - 40 years later
The 40 years started on Moses’ birthday (Adar 7)
Not a year later after they left, but the plagues were included in the 40 years
The plagues: From Adar 7 (Moses’ birthday) to when they leave Egypt (Nissan 14 - passover)they leave the following day Nissan 15 = is 5 weeks later - if they were 120 and
Moses was 80 years old when he went to Pharaoh
Cheshvan (8- Oct /Nov) when flood happened
Moses went
Remember when Moses seals the renewed covenant with Israel?
After Moses sealed the renewed covenant with Israel - HE WENT
After the renewing of the covenant all Israel left Moses and returned to their homes in the Israelite camp
Then Moses went from his own dwelling near the Ten of Meeting and walked through the camps of all 12 tribes to bid farewell to his beloved people
Ramban - to console them over his impeding death, so that their sadness over his departure would not cloud their joy in having sealed the covenant in Ch 29
Moses knew that he was going to die on his birthday.
But however, part of his consolation to go with the Lord was that he was very old and his time had come - Rashi
According to Jewish belief:
“Moses knew this was his last day, because as the Zohar teaches the most holy and righteous people are sensitive” to spiritual things and can tell when their soul begins to want to separate from the body.
When Moses says “I can no longer go out and come in” did not mean that his old age impeded him to do it.
The Torah says he was still strong
He was still physically fit to go on, but “I can no longer go out and come in” meant that could no longer lead them because God had forbidden his to accompany the nation across the Jordan - Rashi
Ezra - Moses meant to say that he was too old to lead them in war, but he assured them that it made no difference who their leader would be, for God Himself would destroy the enemy.
How many of you know that holiness and cleansing is a process- that sanctification is a process?
How many of you know that God is Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent?
Moses made it clear that God Himself would go before them and will destroy all enemies- Omnipotent
Although Joshua would be their leader, the true power would be God’s
Joshua will only execute as part of the fulfillment of God’s command, not because he had any independent power of his own
< .5
.5 - .6
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