Atlanta Fire Chief Fired for Expressing Christian Beliefs | CNSNews January 2015
I. Therefore Imitate God. vs 1-2
Imitate God Through Forgiveness.
Imitate God in Love
A Forgiving Love
That is what we have in Jesus Christ—forgiveness—and because we find forgiveness there, we can in turn be forgiving
A Giving Love
Imitate God in Light
What the new life is not 3-7
Sexual Immorality
Foolish Talk
Most immoral people get away with their immorality on earth, but they will not escape detection, conviction and sentence for ever
II. Therefore Don’t Imitate Them vs 7-14
The vile sins which people commit in secret are so debased that it is shameful even to mention them, let alone commit them.
III. Therefore Wake Up 14-16
He is concerned with wisdom, which is more than the acquisition of mere facts. He is concerned with our perception of what God is doing in history and with our wise response to it
IV. Therefore Be Filled v. 17-21
But it does not concern any special miraculous gifts such as speaking in tongues. Rather, it refers to our being so under the Holy Spirit’s control and leading that our thought and life are entirely taken up with Jesus Christ, to whom it is the Spirit’s chief responsibility to bear witness
bear a faithful and effective testimony to Jesus Christ.
Their theme is the integration of Christian experience (what we are), Christian theology (what we believe) and Christian ethics (how we behave). They emphasize that being, thought and action belong together and must never be separated. For what we are governs how we think, and how we think determines how we act. We are God’s new society, a people who have put off the old life and put on the new; that is what he has made us.