Colossians 1
Morning. Oh I'm on buttonwoods Valley Community Church. I'm Norm. Tell her I'm going to be here. So we have Bible studies for adults. In women on both Services, I believe we have classes for both services for K through K. Through 6 also adults for both Kaiser 6 for both services on Leeza been Beautifully Broken, November 5th, register on faith life or at the Kinect center sign up for Reverb now through Friday is Friday November 11th, which is before hunting season open. I guess. I also saw was a lot going on, kind of like going on sign up for next Sunday, or you can check with pastors, Anita elders and I guess we have dumped. Me know, can you talk
Is Deb bevevino just to clarify how that's pronounced.
That's okay. Anyways, I am a member of our mission committee here at hoosac Valley Community Church. And today, I have the pleasure of introducing my big little brother Kevin Post, who is with Youth for Christ at the Capital District region. For those of you that aren't aware of that and I actually introduced Kevin to Youth for Christ when we were in high school when they were first making their presence known in our area. So a lot of changes have gone along with the ministry, but their mission has remained the same and I'm proud that he is part of that and I can lay claim to that pain. So here's Kevin.
Good morning. When Debbie invited me, I thought it was a trick. I thought it was like, there's no way she actually wants me to hang out with her and her friends. Since I took, she had to convince me quite a bit actually show up, but I'm so glad she invited me and the rest of the tree. But I want to thank you are. This church has partnered with the Capital District Youth for Christ for her for many, many years. And I just thank you for the way that your partnership hasn't been invested in thousands and thousands of kids lives. I use for Christ. As my sister said, I wear Ministry where we're trying to reach out to high school and middle school students with the love and the hope of the gospel. And so our main focus is kids that are unchurched an unsaved. We do at a lot of times we get kids that are that have grown up in the church. Are you kind of connected and then we just help them. See that what we're doing is, it's a mission field is that we're not? Why is he is not to replace the, the, the church But we're an extension of the church to reach out to Lost young people who need Jesus. So I served as the Chief Operating Officer so I get to make sure that everybody's doing the right thing, the right way and that could be fun. But what's really fun is. I also get to invest in our leaders, our staff and volunteers that are investing in the kids that need Jesus. And that's what gets me out of bed. Every morning is the fact that I get to do things with people who are passionate about helping kids come to know Jesus and grow in their faith. This generation that were trying to reach right now. They're part of the Generation Z, people from age 10 to 25 and there's different every generation kind of has characteristics or are things that they said, this is this generation, these are the markers and it's not true for for everybody. Sometimes we get down Fights with other Generations. But this generation that we're working with the right now. They are very distrustful of people in power and position and so we're a title doesn't mean anything to them. They want to build a relationship. They want to be able to trust and they're just not going to say all. Well, you have a pastor title or your director or whatever doesn't mean anything to them, they they want the relationship. They're also very comfortable in smaller groups where it used to be where we be able to easily, and quickly. Get a lot, a lot of kids together at once what we're finding Across the Nation is that these kids. They don't want larger groups, they want smaller groups and so because of that, we are looking for more adults to get involved in our ministry because we have to kind of do a lot more things. Then just do me one big event. You're doing maybe five or six or seven events with kids and so people's capacity gets reach pretty quick. So we're looking for adults that can invest in the lies of kids. We have a Ministry in Clifton Park that is growing a coming out of the pandemic and we have one volunteer and we had like 17 18 kids at our last event. I last week and just we know we can't do ministry effectively until we have more adults involved and Out Of Reach Out to more kids. We have a Ministry in Albany where we're desperate for men to be involved in our in our ministry that we have a lot of women, but we don't have a lot of men. And so, trying to minister to the young men that are growing up in the city of Albany with just women their challenges to that. And so we could use your prayers for Clifton Park Ministry for just a male and female volunteers for her Albany. We really need male volunteers. We have our ministry in Schenectady. We need male and female volunteers there. Chris Aldi has started volunteering with our Cohoes Ministry and that's one site where we have a lot of volunteers already and we're really grateful for that. And so but we just want to say thank you for your support of this ministry and in what we're doing. And there's other ways that you can also get involved in the ministry, Youth for Christ. If you're like, hey you know what, hanging out with kids that not not my thing but there's a lot of different ways you can help us. While we're always looking for people to be on our prayer teams, we believe that prayer is really vital to seeing kids, come to know Jesus and for our Ministries to grow and flourish. And so, if you want to join an existing prayer team or maybe you want to start and be a part of a team for an area where not even in yet, that would be something that you can volunteer your time and be a prayer warrior with us. We're also looking for people to help us to connect other people to the ministry. We do these events called see the stories of their one hour long and it's just purely informational. So think of this but just Longer time frame and we were able to share what God is doing. The lies of kids, we have it. Sometimes of the staff member could be a board member could be a volunteer, could be a kid that share stories of how God is using them and changing them as they minister to these kids are serving the different roles. And so we're looking for people to help introduce us, help connect us and also beyond what we're calling Community Support teams wear. These are a group of people that are helping lead the ministry side, but more behind-the-scenes and if you would like more information about anyting of Youth, for Christ, I'd be more than willing to talk with you after the service or you can sign up at the table. And I'll contact you this week if we don't get a chance to talk today. But I just wanted to express again might my gratefulness for how you invest in the lies of these kids through your involvement with Youth for Christ and all the other different Ministries. We had a real to take kids down to Wildwood New Jersey. At the end of June is an annual trip. We take with high school, kids different YC chapters. We all come together. We have a speaker. We have bands XTR. Speaker, came down with covid. Right before we're supposed to show up, so our executive director in Long Island Youth for Christ stepped in to speak that week and God used him in a powerful powerful way. We had several of our kids pray to accept Christ for the first time, in many more made recommitment seeing kids have grown up in one of the toughest neighborhoods in Schenectady weeping. Because of the decision and their life that they recognized that needed forgiveness for. And they were one another boy from Albany. He's like I'm just tired of being broken. I want Jesus to fix me and it just is. You just blowing another girl who has said, I'm a Christian but we haven't seen evidence of it. She actually spoke at one of our see, the stories, and then just like did a nosedive. Her dad had was diagnosed with cancer a couple years ago and he lasted a live about another 6-8 months longer than the doctors thought. But he passed away this past school year and she has body image issues and stuff. She's got the black hoodie up all the time, and never see her smile. She doesn't engage, and she went on this trip, down to Wildwood New Jersey with us, and When did gospel was presented in an invite was given she, she said yes to Jesus. And she had this huge smile on her face and her, her Hood came off and the next day. She's not a tie-dye T-shirt. We have like we didn't know she knew any other color but black one of our leaders said, she came up on one side of them and he was talking to some other kids over here. And he said, I kind of just felt like there was as glow and I thought, maybe is this an angel next to me? Turn it was this young girl. She was glowing, her smile is so big and her face was so lit up and I I was at one of our ministry, sites Thursday and she was at that in the smile is still there and it's so exciting to see the transformation of these kids. A lot of our kids are struggling with school, they're used to not going to school and a lot of times the kids that were working with the single parent homes and so when Mom goes off to work, the older kids have to stay or they're told that you have to stay home from school today. You have to watch her younger brother or sister while we have some kids, they missed more school, that they've been so far this year in Cohoes, there's no school busing. And so kids have to walk, we have one boy, who is both. He's actually one of the families in Manor sites, where there's a husband and wife and both parents work. They leave the house at 6 and then he gets up is supposed to get up after them and get to school by himself. And he just sleeps through his alarm or he chooses not to go. And so the parents find out, he's home because the school called them. And then the parents call our staffers, and then there's a and tries to figure out how do I get this kid to school. And so we're trying to help the kids value their education, our group in Albany, they actually ride to the kids with Chick-fil-A, they will drive you out to Massachusetts. If you go to school, you turn in your homework and stuff. And so, so kids went by the one girls, like my mom told me, I can't go to school the next 3 days cuz I have to watch my soap. Do I still qualify to go to get some Chick-fil-A then so we brought it but just we're trying to help these kids were trying to help the parents value, the education. So not only sharing Jesus with a also helping them just through life in the different challenges. We had another girl in Albany. She found out her the man that she thought was her biological father is actually not her actual a biological father. Be careful how he said that her biological father is in jail for a lot of different things that he should be in jail for, but he was convicted on one thing. One thing that he wasn't convicted on was he abused family members and now he is sued for visitation rights, still in jail, and he has one that. And so now this girl found out this last school year that her dad's not her dad and now she has to go to court and that's where she sees her biological father, and told like this, this man whose is complete. And your do, you needs to be part of your life, and it makes sense for her. Because her, the guy that is part of her life, as her dad, ignores her and cares, for the other kids, in the family. Another light bulb is gone on. This is why I don't get a Christmas gift. This is why I don't get a birthday party is because this is not my dad, that's why he treats me different and so we're walking with kids that are are struggling with some really big issues and the others. With I say these there isn't like hey come volunteer with us but not every family is in these different situations but kids need an adult to come along side of them and walk with them and point them to Jesus. God doesn't call us to fix their situation. He calls us to walk alongside them and help them, see how Jesus. Not only can save their souls, but also helped them through this light. So your prayers, your, your donations, your involvement, that help us do that. So thank you so much, God bless you.
Thank you and your dad and Kevin, I'll let us go to our Lord in prayer or we just thank you for everything going on. Thanks for you with Youth for Christ and low hurting people in the world, lot of hurting show children in their area. We just ask that, you help strengthen us, help us lift up our eyes to you, Lord and helped us build up each other, and we just asked everything in Jesus name. Amen. Please stand and sing with us.
Where am I?
Mountain Dew.
Rock and roll.
You may be seated.
Good morning. I'm going to play for you this morning. Beethoven Opus, 27 number 2 known as the Moonlight Sonata and that piece of music Spain combined, with the hymn. It Is Well with My Soul, I've played it before for you, but this is probably the last time I'll be able to as cancer is taking its toll on my hands. So I hope you'll excuse the blue purse and I hope it blesses you Cancer can take my body but it's not to take my worship.
Thank you, Leslie.
I tell the people when they're up on the stage and music people, like they've heard me say this and Leslie knows this as well. the only reason, you know, there's bloopers because people tell you sometimes, Are they are you see it on your face? If you don't let him know, they're just thinking you're improvising. Amen. So iron provided every Sunday morning. My whole sermon is probably a blooper but who knows? But God me right? I speak the truth. I read from the word. Thank you, Leslie, for that. And that's not the last time you will play that for us because we have it there for posterity sake forever and ever and ever. How are you this morning, everybody? Good. God is good, a man. I get my microphone figured out here. You need to get a haircut. My hair is getting in the way. Colossians chapter 1, if you have your Bibles turn, the classes, chapter 1 with me, this morning to continue on and our study, through the Epistles, Galatians Ephesians Philippians. And here in Colossians chapter 1, Paul continues on his encouragement. To the church, this is happens to be an encouragement to the Church of colossi. A group of people that he had never met and yet he was concerned about him, he cared about him, he was interested in their spiritual lives and their spiritual Endeavors as they go forward each and every day. One of the men mentioned here in the Scripture, it is a path for a CPAP for. This was one of Paul's Converse. The church was founded when the church was founded in colossi, we see that in verse 7 of chapter one, will talk more about it when we get there, 4:30 and versus XIII, as well as it's included in. As I said, Paula never been there personally, but he had heard of their Ministry. He had heard of what was going forth and he was striving to be an encourager to them. While he was in prison, in Rome. Paul heard that false doctrines were entering into the church of classy and he was concerned about that. So he wrote this letter to warn the Believers. And to establish them in the faith. Are words can help. People are our words can tear people down? He's riding with them, telling them what to be aware of he righted them telling them who to put their faith and trust in. The key theme in this passage in this book is the pre-eminence of Christ will see that in verse 8, this morning, our Verse 18 this morning, Paul seizures are they said, had made their way into the church and they were making Christ. One of several Manson Manson emanations. I'll get it out of God. Scripture tells us that there's how many gods. One one, true God. Big G God. But there's many small G Godzilla. Anything that gets between us and serving the Creator. God the Creator becomes a God was for that moment that time. And if we're not careful those moments in, those times can become extended periods. And those guys, small G, guys can begin to take over our lives and the Creator. God is sometimes put on a Shelf. Until we need him again and we call out to him. And maybe he doesn't answer us the way we want him to because we haven't been faithful to him. Maybe I know that God is always taking care of me, but at the same time when I, when I know I'm not doing the things I shouldn't I call until I feel guilty that I am even asking him to help me in a time in. Where, I've had nothing to do with him maybe for a. Of time. And you say, well, Pastor Clyde you're the pastor. How often does that happen in my answer to you? That's none of your business. That's between me and God but I'm human just like anybody else is times when you just want to throw up your hands of God. I've had enough You take it from here to be taking it anyway, man, he does, but I got to be giving it to give enough to win, no matter what Lord's you guys, you direct. I'll just follow along because that's really what I wanted to do as a pass, right. I didn't want to be the leader. I didn't want to be the head, pastor of any church. I just wanted to be in there where I could help and do my part.
And as I said, another times, we were in the church in Kansas. Before we moved here and I was doing everything in the church but passing the church. My wife and I were running the Christian School. I was a youth pastor, I was a choir director. I was a song leader. I was a janitor. I mowed the lawn we're doing everything but passing the church and one day. Just want to talk to us and said hey it's time to move on. You're doing everything. But what you said, you didn't want to do, but you're ready and you're prepared. Although I didn't feel like it, it's, oh, it's okay. God, where do you want us to go? And here we are. Why only God knows that true answer that but when you follow God, he guides you and he directs you. Now, I'm going to share something with you because it's happened in our church, and it's going to happen some more. I'm hearing a people when they retire, they're leaving New York. Don't raise your hand if that you can't wait. But at the same time, listen. New York needs Christians. I don't care what the governor says, a man New York needs Christian. We are in the least evangelize area in our nation. Right? So it's nice to go down south and worship in a church that shujin man. Everything's going on. It's as good as easy to do. That was just want to fill in a spot and sit down and worship. It's not so easy in New York and in Vermont you share the gospel with people up here and they look at you like you're crazy and you're you're you're ridiculous. But those are the people. We need to be sharing the word with and just because we share the word, we don't see any fruit from it. You never know what that planted seeds going to do in the future. You never know how God is going to take that seat and directed down the road to a path. That is a blessing to everyone who comes And its path. Kevin Post understands that and Youth for Christ. Some of those sketches like there is no way they're ever going to and then one day you got a phone call. Hey, guess what? Remember me. We're passing the church or where work with Ministry. In this church were doing this with doing that. All for the glory of God. This is what Paul was concerning them about. There's false teachers after trying to drag you away, from where you need to be Don't listen to them. Follow God. Do the things that God is calling you to do. So Colossians is a perfect answer. We need today Pollard's. Affirming, a few things in the church. He's a firming at that. Jesus Christ is all that we need as Believers to be complete and have the fullness of God Avail available to us. Trust in him, trust in Jesus Christ, put your faith in him. Is it going to be easy? It's going to be easier. It's not always easy. But it is easier following God doing the things he's called us to do. Let's get into the chapter this morning and chapter one. We see and verse by the hope that is before us look what he says when I'm starting verse 1 and go down through Hoover st. Paul Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and Timothy our brother to the Saints and faithful brethren in the in Christ who were in colossi, Gracie, you and peace from God. Our Father Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to God and the father God, and father of our Lord. Jesus Christ. Praying. Always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus. And I love you for all the saints because of the Hope, which is laid up for you in heaven. I wish you heard before in the word of truth of the Gospel. Which has come to you as it has also in all the world and is bringing forth fruit as it has also among you since the day you heard and knew the grace of God and Truth as you also learn from the from a r dear fellow servant who was a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf who also declared to us your love in the spirit. Saint Paul tells us in verse five pieces because of the Hope which is laid up for you in heaven. There's a hope before us There's a song that we would sing in church and it's it's the solid rock. My hope is built on nothing less. Than Jesus blood and righteousness on Christ, the solid rock. I stand all other ground is sinking sand. We need to understand that hoping that peace and that joy that can't we can have only through Jesus Christ. All we can find happiness, sometimes through the things of the world and maybe that happiness, gives us a touch of Hope and a touch enjoying the touch a piece, but eventually the new of whatever that thing wears off. And we don't have that hope anymore. We don't have that Joy anymore. We don't have that piece anymore, but when we are in Christ and we keep him at the Forefront of Our Lives when we follow him. And we look at this world through his eyes. And there is a hope that is before us Why? Because Christ is our Solid Rock Christ is the one on whom we can stand and not worry about sinking. But when we get our eyes off of him and on the things of the world, then we begin to lose that hope that we had in Jesus. Why? Because we're not thinking on him the way that we should. These people in colossi. They were going to heaven. Paul knew that, that encourage Paul, he had a part in sharing the gospel with him, although not personally, but in Word, They heard the word they trust in the Savior. They've gotten are given some evidence of their faith by their love for God and their love for God's people. How does God know that? We love us that? That that we love him. He says you. I know that you love me if you keep my Commandments and if you love your neighbor, As yourself. And we hear that passes and you hear me say it all the time. Our next statement will pass replied. You don't know our neighbor. But God does, and Jesus Christ died for your neighbor just as much as he died for you. Jesus Christ loves them just as much as he loves you. So we need to have that same attitude. Do we need to have that same desire that attitude of showing our faith, letting people see evidence of our faith by our actions by our words, here's the problem. If we say we are a child of God but we act totally opposite of it. That's not healthy. That's what the world sees today. That's part of what Kevin. I am about titled while I'm a Christian. Well okay if you're Christian, you don't really need to tell people. Just live it. They're going to see this, hope they're going to see this. But the problem is, we said, well, I'm a Christian and then we go off on a tirade and maybe curse somebody out or just treat them like a nobody And people say what they want. No part of it. I would have become a Christian. Had it not been for Christians. He saw the way that Christians acted wanted. No part of if that's crazy. I want no part of it.
These people didn't see Paul Paul hadn't seen these people, but he heard of their faith. He heard of their desire, he was encouraging them and word, the evidence of their faith was seen by their love for God by their love for God's people. For one another, And the thing about God is he's not a respecter of persons. He loves the worst singer in the world as much as the least Center in the world. He died for all of us, it wasn't. Well, I'm going to pay more for this. And then I am for that to know the same price was paid. Jesus Christ, lay down his life, a ransom for many for whosoever will, May Come. There's a hope before us. I look down the first 12. God qualified them. They did not save themselves. Denver supposed to give me things for the father who is qualified US to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in the light. God qualifies us. We can't do it ourselves. We can't say, hey, I made it, I'm there. I'm where it is. God, who qualifies us? And if you're here this morning and if I was asked you to raise your hand, if you know, you're a child of God, if you know this, you're going to have it. How many was it William? I hope so. I don't want to have a hope so salvation. I want to have a no so selfish and I believe what the Bible says that you shall know that you have eternal life. Do I deserve what he's done for me? I do not. But yet, while we were sinners Christ died for us. I'm at the age of seven. I said, yes, to Jesus that. I understand it all no, I didn't not at seven years of age at the age of 21. I I dedicated my life to him, Lord, whatever you want me to do that. I understand at all. No, I did not. At 21 years of age and everyday, I wake up. I give my life to the gods of God, use me today. Help me to minister in whatever way I can. I give myself to you today. And today, I stand before you at 63 years of age. Do I understand it? All to know how you do not. but I'm striving to be in to live as Christ wants me to Now you watch me long enough, you'll probably see me stumble and fall. You know why I've been hanging around with you guys for 30 years? No, I'm human, I'm human just like anyone else. but I don't smoke, I don't cuss I don't you I don't go with a girl that do You know how that story goes, right? Never been a part of my life. I grew up in a different different relationship if you will as a as a PK a preacher's kid. And I think as a preacher's kid, I was more afraid of what my father would do to me if I got caught doing some of that stuff that wasn't God. I needed to have my eyes a little higher. I respected my father. I revered my father, I was not afraid of my father. In Ecclesiastes chapter 3, he tells us that we should fear. God, that's not being afraid of God but that's having a reference for who God is. There's nothing I can do to qualify myself. God qualifies me to be a part of his family. Thanks to the father who has qualified us to be partakers. Are the inheritance of the Saints in the light? Not you go to the mailbox at the post office box, and you probably still get these things in the mail, so you've been qualified for this credit card. Write how many you get those two or three times a week, probably? So, everybody qualifying you for that credit card. now, I got a $5,000 credit card, I can use however, I want
the downside of that is on the other end of that, they becomes monthly payments that if you do not make those monthly payments, you become unqualified. Right. Don't come in looking for you to call in your they're bugging. You on the phone. And
God. Qualifies us just a listen. You've become, you're in a position where you are able to become my child. All you have to do is say yes. Did Jesus I believe not just because you want to miss out on things here in the world that's and I'm not sure that gets us there not because you want to get on a trials and tribulations. I'm not sure that kind of Faith. Guess it's because of who Jesus is your believing in him. Believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shalt be safe. We become qualified.
And once we become qualified to be a child of God, to be partakers, we can never be unqualified. God does not make a mistake. Gods that he uses to write our names down in the in the in the in the Lamb's Book of Life. Does not have an eraser on it that somewhere along the line with me because I'm unqualified. He takes any begins, are you racing on a wolf's? I didn't see that coming. I didn't see that. Frank's name wasn't going to stay there. See when we accept Christ. As our Lord, David, he knows our hearts, he knows what's going before us. He is the one who gives us the hope. To hang on to. Jump down with me for the verse 23 because I'm verse 23. He talks about the hope that is beneath us pick up in verse 19th for it please. Your father that in him all the former should well-versed. 20 seconds are all things to himself by him, whether things on Earth are things in heaven. Have you made peace through the blood of his cross, and you, who wants were alienated and enemies in your mind by Wicked Works yet. Now, he is reconciled in the body of his flash, through death, to present, you wholly, blameless and above reproach in his sight. If indeed you continue in the face grounded, steadfast and are not moved away from the hope of the Gospel. With you heard, which was preached to every creature under Heaven of which I Paul Became a minister look what he says her again in verse 23, if you indeed continue in the faith. Here's my thought. My thought into box will not get you a large cup of coffee at Stewart's. It's like $2.10 I think for the cup of coffee so my thoughts is not worth anything.
When we come to Faith and got, if we truly, can I use the word truly, if we truly believe in what the scripture says, we are a child of God, no matter what. How do you know if your truly believe that I truly believe? I think I did. I mean, it's a whole lot easier to believe in God at 7. I think that it is at 63 Write think of all the things you believed when you were younger. Was it? True belief. But there's our growth. Over those years as each and every Sunday, I was taking the church Wednesday night. I was at church I was being taught the word of God. My face was growing maybe not as much as it should have because that some of me taking or leaving But I grew up in church. I've heard this all my life. I've seen the good side that's in the bad side of the face. Walk people who have walked with God and walked away from God. Did they make a mistake back here? Did they truly believe back here? Maybe, we'll walk away from God because he let the things of the world become their hope, not the things of God. And the devil has a way of making the things of God, look less than they really are. And you know what I'm talking about? Cuz it's happened to all of us. Here's What God Says. Right? We see that will be back in Genesis. Here's what God says in the devil does that snot what God Said with a lie? God said that if you were taking that your your eyes will be open. Then you'll be like who doesn't want to be like a god. Some of that replied James version and addition to the words but that's the gist of it.
You got told Adam they hate going to the Garden. This is all yours to partake up to enjoy to live in for eternity. Leave that tree alone. You got all the rest of them to worry about just leave one tree alone. The devil said not not. Come on. He doesn't want you to partake of that tree because he's afraid that you're you're going to pick out, God. Like, a me, if you partake of that, treat your eyes will be.
And they partook of Parts. They partook of the tree and it tasted good to them.
Send the same way we partake of sin. Beginning it tastes pretty good. I know I shouldn't be doing this is this the other day. This past week there's a piece of pie this might have been yesterday but piece of pie on the one piece left that my wife bought this pie and there's one piece left that I'm looking at this piece of pie and it's big enough for one person and it wasn't banana cream and she standing, right there, it was on the counter. I'm thinking, what is it there? Because she's already had a piece and this is all that's left her. She going to eat this piece so I didn't just take it. As said, hey honey. You going to eat this piece of pie on. On the counter. No.
You, you want me to put it in the refrigerator and save it for later. Can I eat it now? You can have it.
So I sat down and ate that piece of pie, right? I asked And guess what? I took a bite of that piece of pecan pie. By the way, if you want to be can fight in which part of the country you're from I ate that thing and it tasted good.
It tastes good. So guess what? Someday, I may want another piece of that pie. Heather's pies. I've eaten Mincemeat pie, you can have it. Wright, took a bite of that. I had to fight of that when I was a kid. Didn't like it. Then. I haven't had a bite since
Many years ago at Thanksgiving my stepmother. Brought to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. The family got to go to what I thought was a pecan pie.
I'm looking at that. It's got the pecans on top of it, and I'm taking me and I can't wait to dig into that. I hadn't had put on time long time. Dinner was over. I saved some space for that piece of pie. I cut in that piece of pie, I took a bite of that piece of pie and there's a certain taste that you knows coming, right? And it was nothing like pecan pie. I said, what in the world did it to myself? I didn't say it out loud. We're sitting at the table. What in the world is this? So I didn't say, what kind of pie is in my stepmother, squash pie with pecans on top
You got squash. Why do you need to make a squash pie? I didn't say that out loud either. Right? Just some things guys. You just don't say out loud. I go, okay. It wasn't the taste. I was expecting you don't forgot but you're expecting that sweet taste and you just, you just you can taste it now cuz I'm of you, can't you
Don, I think house that will see if it dies again or I may just push the button.
But I ate it.
I might say with to you, I've never had one of those since but I didn't cuz I didn't like it. I've had pecan pie before. I'll have pecan pie again. You know, if a compound is not my favorite. Right because that banana cream things. My favorite him when I get why, it's not just a piece that I have it the minute banana cream. Guess what this stuff about is he knows what's going on? What's going to drag us away from God? And Paul's Angels, just listen, don't allow the gods of this world. The drag you away. There's a hope before you there's a hope beneath you. It is Jesus Christ. The Savior looking for a 13 verse 14. He says, the first 13. He has delivered us from the power of Darkness. Convey them to us the kingdom of the sun, his love in whom we have Redemption, how through his blood
The Forgiveness of sins. God has forgiven us, how did that come through the shed blood of his son? Jesus Christ. His beloved Son. The one whom he loved that he gave as a ransom Qualify us. To be redeemed. He's our savior. He's also our God. God! Look what he says. In verse 15. He is he image of the invisible. God, the firstborn over all creation. This is Doctor know, right? Who is Jesus? He's got in the flesh, he's the image of the invisible God. He's the firstborn over all creation. In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God. And the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him without him was not anything made. That was me. Who is the word? Jesus is the word for 16. Verse 17, he's a creator. 416 East Side for by him. All things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible weather Thrones, our dominions are principalities and Powers. All things were created through him. And for him for Seventeen, and he is before all things. And in him, all things consist
There are things in my life that when I have given things to God, I let him control him. My aunt might my father says, okay. If this is the path you want me to go through, open the door. If it's not the path, you want me to go through, shut the door and then I leave it there. God said that, I never check into those things again. I look to see if the doors open or closed the door still closed. Okay? What the door shut? And that's a good time at the door stays closed? I move on. That's not God's will fine. I'm not going to go down that path but got to open the door over here. It sometimes the door stays open longer than you want to cuz it's the path. God wants you to go down, but it might not be the path. I want to go down. Have you been there? OK, Google dismiss. The thought of any time you want to close that door. That's fine. I'll be happy with that.
And God keeps the door open. Why? Because that's the path you want to go down? And when we go down that path, there's blessings. There's psers Hope but it's also the unknown. Cuz we haven't been down this path before. But God says, I will never leave you nor forsake you. He will go with us. He's the Hope before he's the hope and he says he's the creator of all things. He's the head of the church. Look at Verse 18 and he is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead. That in all things, he may have the preeminence He's the head of the church hoosic Valley Community Church. God is the head up. But guess what? This building this, this Gathering is not the church. You are. You individually are the church. Is he the head of you? Does he have preeminence in all things that he talks about there and verse 18? He is the head of the body, the church? Who is the beginning of the firstborn from the dead that in all things?
Might have Brianna's. Is your action everyday? Lord? What would you have me? Do Lord. You guys you direct or is your action everyday, Lauren? Here's a path we're going down today so you better Watch Over Me. Guide Me and direct me cuz hold my Bible and watch this.
I've been down that path. And God said, okay sure. How do you like that fall?
How'd you like that situation? You want to go before me? Are you want to follow after me? And I'm stopping at, so we can't God, she's go first, I'll follow in your footsteps. But sometimes it takes a headache to get us there any man. What a perfect foundation for Our Hope. Jesus Christ. Who is your hope in today, look down to verse 27, as we wrap this up this morning, we see not just the whole before us or the hole beneath us. There's a hope with Ennis verse 23, verse 27, rather To them. God, will to make known what are the riches of the glory of his mystery, among the Gentiles, which is what is it? Christ, we're in. You the hope of glory in you, If he's in you, how much is he in you? Is he? And you just when you need him or want him or desire something from him or is he in you? Guiding you and directing you every step of the way? Lord, I can't go forward without you. God guide, me. God, direct me. God. Help me to be what you want me to be. Do you have it as more than just a destination? It's a motivation. because Christ lives Within My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness on Christ the solid rock. I stand all other ground is sinking sand. This world is not my home. I'm just a passing through. How about that one, huh. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. Where are yours? It's not just a destination. It's a motivation.
when we go to see family, my family is Kansas and Oklahoma now, so when I go to see then we don't get there very often, just the logistics of it and life itself. But it doesn't change my love for my family. I still have a desire to see them to be with them and when we get together we we have a crazy time. We know each other. We grew up together, but although we probably been apart longer than we were together growing up as kids and teenagers. There's a kindred spirit there. So when I go to see my family, it's not just the destination going to see them. It's the motivation of what's going to take place as we gather together, the laughter, the van that Shenanigans whatever is there. Those are the things that you look forward to because sometimes the destination getting, there can be a little treacherous. They man. Think about the destination of Heaven. There's only one way for our two ways for you and I to get there ones by death that could be a little treacherous. Sometimes the other ways of when God calls us out of here through the rapture, Right. But until we get to that Rapture part, that could be Little Treasures 2.
What is the motivation of what happens when we gather together with the savior in heaven? He's our hope, he's our joy 1st. Peter 1:3 says blessed, be the God and father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who according to His, abundant Mercy, has to be gotten off to a Living Hope. A Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ through the dead. Is that your belief? I serve a risen savior, I believe in Jesus Christ. His birth born of a virgin, his death. Put on that cross. As it was told to us through the Bible that that would happen. His resurrection, the third day, put in the tournament the third day. He rose again. He went to see people just to prove that he was there that he arose and he lives on high. Well, Pastor Clyde. How can you believe that you didn't get no, I didn't see it. But I believe it.
When I was in junior, high and High School.
I played football.
In our house, we didn't have a television growing up so I didn't get to watch Sunday morning Giants were on this morning. Did you know that? Maybe it matters. Maybe it doesn't. I don't know, Landon London. So John, let me know. I need to cut my sermon short. I was 9, you didn't tell me that. You may have said something about playing this morning. I played football. I'm not bragging cuz it didn't get me any further than this, but I was pretty good at it. Right. I was I was fast. I was fast and I can run, you know, why it was fast, and I can run because every morning I get up and I drive my bicycle 5 miles. And deliver newspapers, The Daily Oklahoman.
And I do that so I can get out the five miles and get back home have breakfast and then go to school I had no idea what riding that bicycle. Every morning 5 miles a day was doing for me my legs. But I enjoy playing football. And I was fairly good at it and one day, one of my teachers in junior, junior high said she read something in the newspaper about one of our games and she says, Cool Clyde. You, you sound like you're like like Gale Sayers
I don't want Gale Sayers. Yes. Don't you know who Kelsey Reese's? I don't have a clue in that elevator. We weren't watching television. I don't know who he was. So she then proceeded to tell me who Gail's.
Okay, I believe you. So I heard about Gale Sayers probably in the 8th grade. Again, finding a little bit more of a pretty good running back. I never saw him. But I believe that it was pretty good running back, but there's records about him and his accomplishments. There's things that he has done. that people talk about, I believe that. What can I believe about Jesus Christ and his accomplishments? There's records of what he's done. People talk about how he touched their lives and ministered to them. Why is that so much harder for us to believe that? Then in a Gale Sayers while there's little difference in believing in Gale, Sayers didn't change my life. Believing in. Jesus Christ, has Change my life for the better. All I'm so going to stumble and fall they're still going to be heartaches and hardships, but guess who's going before me? My Lord. My Savior Jesus Christ, trust in him. He will guys. You father, we thank you we. Thank you for your goodness. Your mercy and your lovely. Thank you for the provisions that you give to each and everyone of us. The way that you provide We don't if we don't deserve it but you love us as your children and you help us. You want us to stay on the right path, following you doing the right things but most of all you want on heart regardless of what's going on around us you want us to trust you and love you through it all. And in the end. It's not the destination, but the motivation of Heaven that will get us where we need to be. Knowing that we will be reunited with our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. First and foremost as he walking, welcomes us home And then if so be those of our loved ones will gather around will worship the Savior together once again, until that day. Praise in Jesus name. Amen. Let stand together is in your clothes again this morning.
As you go out this week, Pine Bluff. Someone may. God bless you. Have a good week.