Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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If you haven't picked up on my subtle Clues, like, you know, all the backgrounds except a few of Ben black and white, right?
It was in relation to the idea of Truth.
You know, like I said, kids are much more concrete, right?
So for them, a lot of times things are black or white.
They either are or they are.
There is no gray.
But unfortunately, for us is adults, like you see in that background?
That's continually moving on the screen.
there's gray areas of this world that continue to creep in there on things for us to make decisions a little more challenging
or so, we think
You know, we've talked about the truth here, the last couple weeks and Grace and how so many.
See, the truth is relative.
So, that's why I titled it this week and a wife, tell the truth.
What's the advantage of it?
I mean, think about it.
I mean, we all know, but I'm sure none of us have ever done this.
Aveeno call in sick to work while we're really off playing golf or fishing for the day.
But we have more sick days left than vacation days.
So use a sick day
your advertisements that you watch on TV.
If you ever looked at what they promised some time and some of those I mean a promise that if you buy a particular car truck or drink a particular beer that you'll be successful at everything,
But I wonder how many people that's actually happened for them.
You know, politicians make promises, that they have no intention of keeping that's nothing new.
But they'll make those promises.
And whose McDonald's cheeseburger has ever looked like the ones on those commercials.
You know, I've thought about that.
I've never gotten one that looks that juicy that well formed that never.
you know, we're so used to being lied to so prone to Self-deceit.
Even that.
It's hard to discern.
What's true?
And what's not?
You know, some recent research has shown that 64% of Americans say that I will lie when it suits me, if it doesn't cause any real damage.
53% say I will cheat on my spouse, after all, if given the same chance, they would too.
Only 31% of Americans agree.
That honesty is the best policy.
And when asked what they would do for 10 million dollars, 25% of the people said that they would willingly abandon their family.
23% said that they would become prostitutes for a week or more.
And 7% said that they would murder a stranger.
410 million dollars.
you know, we once had a moral consensus, In our nation.
Everyone lived by that standard, but everyone recognized that standard.
They knew it was there.
You knows I thought about that.
It makes the words of Judges 21:25 seemed kind of eerily prophetic for our times said.
In those days, Israel had no king and everyone did as they saw fit.
Kind of seems like we're at that point.
You know, we found out when we had Church in the park that you're not allowed to drive a stake into the ground, right?
Cuz I got told I couldn't put my signs up.
But, you know, when you visit national parks, you're not supposed to take anything out of them, either.
You know, my Dad loved to collect rocks.
From every place we went to for a vacation.
He would take rocks.
And I don't know have knowledge of any Yellowstone rocks being at my house.
I I do know.
I have Wyoming rocks.
But, I don't know if any of them are Yellowstone larock's.
But you know, if you ever thought about that, Why would they care if you take a rock?
What's the big deal?
She knows I thought about that.
If you think about it, you know, I mean it's a massive National Park.
But last year 4860537 people visited Yellowstone, National Park.
Now, what if every single one of those persons took one stone?
doesn't seem like that big of a deal but if you multiply that, by the 100 years that the park has been open That's a lot of rock, that's close to half a billion rocks.
That would have disappeared.
And essentially, we would not have Yellowstone.
National Park anymore.
It wouldn't exist.
Simply from people, taking a rock here and there to keep us their own personal souvenir.
It would have slowly eroded away.
And you no lies or like that.
We often don't realize how they slowly erode away our moral Foundation.
I mean if you think about some of the lies, I talked about at the beginning you think will those aren't big lies, they're just little white lies.
If you take those, can you multiply those by the tens of millions of businesses and schools and all these other things that are out their families government people?
I mean if everybody just lies a little bit, Over the course of time that amounts to a monumental.
Erosion of the morals of our nation.
That makes you understand why so many things are where they are, you know, it's essentially like bleeding to death from ten thousand paper cuts, I heard one author.
Say sounds funny.
But it's true.
It's the way that it happens.
there's a Nobel Peace Prize winner who in his acceptance speech once said, one word of Truth, outweighs the entire world,
What did he mean?
He meant that truth is bigger than any of us.
You know, the weight of all the world's lies can be put right or be toppled by one single truth.
That's what he meant.
Truth resonates in the human heart.
We know when something we hear is true or not, You know, people may resist it yet, it's true that they need, it's true that they are really longing for because whether you agree with it or not, people know that it is true, that truly sets them free.
John chapter 8, verses 31 and 32.
To the Jews who had believed him.
Jesus said, if you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
You know, tragically is Christian's If we're honest, we'd have to admit that.
Even Christians can be untruthful.
Unfortunately, some very popular, very prominent, christian celebrities have been untruthful.
You know, we've seen it come out that there have been Christian authors who have claimed credit for writing books, or magazine articles, or Internet columns that really were written by some assistant of theirs who they hired to write it for them.
You know, a lot of Christian colleges routinely published doctrinal statements that many of their faculty members, don't teach, or don't even really believe anymore.
You know, it was discovered one time that he has some Christian music stations, take offerings for needy children.
Not divulging while they're pleading with the crowd to give that they're going to take 20% off the top for themselves before that offerings given now, that's not everyone, but it's to say that.
As Christians.
We can't just think it's US versus them when it comes to not telling the truth that you know, we are the ones who always are on the side of truth, right?
We should be.
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