Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Introduction: What if you were voted the “Least Likely to Succeed” in your high school yearbook?
That’s what happened to the creator of Food Network, Jack Clifford.
He went from a nobody to creating a multimillion-dollar network (Shandra Martinez, “Food Network Creator Funds Michigan High School Scholarship,”,
updated April 2, 2019,
When it comes to serving the Lord, many people have told me.
“I am not good at that, I can’t do that.”
How do we over come a lack of self-confidence?
54 - We Can Lack Self-Confidence.
Saul and The Israelite Army certainly lacked Self-Confidence.
The Philistines were way bigger and Stronger.
Goliath was way bigger and Stronger.
- 9 ft.
9, 125 pounds of armor, a spear with a head 30 some lbs.
- This is a much bigger Shaqiel O’Neil.
Shaq dominated in Basketball simply because he was much bigger and stronger than anyone else.
They had better technology than the Israelites - Archeology of the time period seems to suggest that the Philistines were had the advanced technology of bronze, where as the Israelites had to trade with the Philistines to get bronze.
“Bronze Age.”
Saul was elected King, for the same qualities as the Kings of the other nations.
He was tall, hansome, and strong.
But he was no Goliath.
He was too arrogant to do what God called him to do.
Arrogance (showing an offensive attitude of superiority) vs. confidence (a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.)
Goliath was confident - He was a Champion from Youth - Undefeated...
From a purely human perspective - The Israelites had good reason to lack self-confidence.
Invited to be the Regional Synod Strategist for the SouthWest Classis.
far enough in my leadership, nor was the call at New Hope far enough along.
- Part of the reason if I am honest was a lack of self-confidence.
But David Teaches us something about Fulfilling God’s Purpose.
55-We Fulfill God’s Purpose When our God Confidence is Greater than our Self-Confidence.
Ultimately this story is in the Bible to demonstrate that David is the model King, A king not like the other nations, but one after God’s own heart.
His Kingship is the model which points to our need for the Son of David - Our King Jesus.
None of us here, to be sure is called to be David.
None of the Israelites on that battlefield were called to be David.
To be sure God has a specific purpose for each of us.
Finding this does not require a sermon, but coaching and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
However, for each of us, when we are called to our purpose, we may not face physical giants, but we will face obstacles that are giant to us.
How do we rise to the challenge?
“Even the smallest person can change the course of history,” the elf queen Galadriel says to Frodo as he fears the journey ahead of him (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, directed by Peter Jackson [New Line Cinema,
56-1.David focused on Honoring God.
He kept the main thing the main thing.
No one else in Israel’s ranks realized that Goliath was running God’s name through the mud in his challenge.
Whatever, Purpose we have been given by God, the goal of the purpose is to bring Glory to God.
Application: Ask if the Obstacle is honoring or dishonoring God, How Can I Give Glory to God.
David Remembered How God Defeated Past Giants - He had some Holy Ghost Stories of defeating Lions and Bears.
Share the tool I use when I coach people in Life Skills
Interviewing people for Church Planting or Jobs.
- Often there are candidates who have not done the job they are applying for, but you are looking for people who have done similar skills in the past - Church planter - Gathered people even if it was not for Church.
- Bears and Lions
By the way how does one grow in their ability to fight of Bears and Lions - There had to be some training here.
David Remembered the Stories of God’s Power (The Gospel) - What do you do if you don’t have any recent successes perse?
You do what we are doing now - We read the Bible.
When I sensed God asking me to quite my job to pursue an internship - I never did that before, but there a ton of stories in the Bible where God showed up to provide.
Finding your zone of God's Anointing.
- Serving according to your Spiritual Gifts will mean you serve with confidence and competence.
- Not everyone was called to be King David, but he has called you to a purpose, and even that purpose can seem too big for us, but The Lord gives you gifts to face the challenge.
There is something else happening in this story to the Army, David is...
59-Inspiring God Confidence...
Why we do celebrations at meetings and Holy Ghost Stories.
The idea is to fill our motivation cup with things that remind us of God showing up, so when we come to a challenge we have that to draw from.
David’s Boldness inspired Saul to let him go through with it.
David’s speech to Saul reminded him what this is all about.
It is about Giving God Glory, Not how powerful he is, Saul is, the armies of Israel are, We are.
That God has proven himself to show up in Powerful ways, and has anointed him to take down beasts.
David Inspired Israel’s army to defeat the Philistines by beating Goliath.
Heather and 24-7 Prayer - Her gift inspired us to pray.
Review some of the things that God has done the Celebrations of our Church recently.
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