When God Steps IN (2)

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Man is inclined to be an extremist because it is easier that way.
One man attempts to live by the hard rule, “What is to be will be” and accepts the stance of a modified fatalist. Another man tries to live in a state of spiritual Utopia, implying that he has God right where he wants Him and all that is necessary for him is to give the Lord direction in what to do and the Lord will hasten to do it. Life cannot be lived successfully at either extreme because neither extreme is true to life or the laws that govern life. We know that we are under natural law, but we remember the “natural law” is God-ordained which actually makes natural law divine.
There is a Scripture found in Ecclesiastes 9:1-3, a part of which states “all things come alike to all.” Matthew 5:45 states, “For He makes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and He sends rain on the just and unjust.” Such Scriptures must help us to see that righteousness is no guarantee or insurance that nothing bad will “e’er befall us.” God would also have us understand that He will not withhold all good because of unrighteousness. The Bible teaches us that God allows the “tares to grow with the wheat until the time of harvest.” We dare not forget that the rain which falls on a good man’s crops falls also on an evil man’s crops across the road. In the words of the wise man, “All things come alike to all.”
A further observation must be made that good and evil are not always passed out proportionately. If we attempt to determine proportionate justice or fairness, we make both ourselves and others very unhappy. If God chooses to “pay a penny” to the man who labors but one hour and a “penny” to the man who agreed to work all day for his penny, then it is God’s business, and I must learn to be satisfied with His dealings with all men. So far as I am concerned, if God wants to save a black man, a yellow man, rich man or poor; save him in the eleventh hour of life and give him a dwelling place by the side of mine in heaven, then I WILL SIMPLY PRAISE GOD FOR BOTH OF US.
Now, some good people seem to have a great deal of misfortune; they have sickness, poor crops and trouble of various sorts while some bad people seem to have a lot of good fortune. This causes many a man to cry out, WHY? David and Job asked such questions; “Why do the righteous suffer?” The holy writer said, “I was envious of the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked UNTIL I went into the sanctuary.” We must not, under adversity, become fatalistic and say, “Why try to pray, trust and be obedient if all things come alike to all?” It is out of these “whys” that this sermon is born, “When God Steps In.”

God is one of order and system

I would first of all call to our attention the fact that God is one of order and system. Those who seem to judge spirituality by disorder have erred far from the practices, teachings and example of our Lord. Even in so small a thing as feeding hungry people our Lord worked it all out in system and order. He caused the crowd to sit first in companies, then He prayed and broke the bread and divided to the apostles who in turn divided to all present. No one was missed. Everyone received a just share. Then, that nothing be wasted, twelve baskets of fragments were gathered and saved. Everything was done in order.
Let us take the quickest glance at the laws of the universe in which we live. Every planet moves in its orbit and the God ordained laws keep them where they are intended to be. If there were no law to govern the universe there would be immediate chaos in space. To illustrate the point, we recall the fact that our scientists have sent a missile out into space some twenty-eight million miles and kept in communication with it until it passed beyond the reach of our communications system to fly, perhaps so long as time shall stand in the limitless expanse of space. What a marvelous creation this universe! What an infinite mind to have conceived laws to govern so vast and so complex a universe and yet be concerned about such a puny little thing as you or me. The great God of heaven spoke the universe into existence and yet condescends to be OUR FATHER and to direct our halting feet through these few miles from time to eternity that is allowed each of us.
The earth moves about the sun; the seasons come and go; day follows night and NO MATTER HOW RIGHTEOUS WE ARE WE GET COLD IN THE WINTER AND HOT IN THE SUMMER. The sun shines without respect to good or bad people. “He makes His sun to shine on the good and on the evil.” “He sends His rain on the just and the unjust.”
But it is not impossible for God to STEP IN and transcend the laws which He Himself has made. Parents transcend their laws in the home. A wise parent may say to a son, “You must be in by eleven o’clock tonight or suffer certain consequences.” The boy may return at twelve but explains to his father the reason for his being late and expresses sorrow at the worry caused. The father who made the law can certainly forgive the transgression of his law. The God of heaven is certainly within the province of His own law of love when He steps in on occasions and intervenes or transcends His own law. God Steps In when His children have faith to ask Him, and their asking is within the province of His divine will. But if we have no faith, then everything moves along according to the laws already set in motion.

How does one have faith?

But now we are confronted with the proposition of having faith. How does one have faith? How can one know that God will answer his prayers? Faith is contingent on the assurance that we pray within the will of God. We know “all things are possible with God” so it behooves us to know what His will is in all things. Jesus, our Lord and perfect example, prayed always within the will of the Father. In Gethsemane He prayed, “Not My will but Thine” after He knew what the will of God really was. Had He not first prayed, “Father, if possible, let this cup pass front Me?” There are many portions of Scripture to give us insight into what the will of God really is. The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is a classic example of this. The Old Testament is also replete with such examples. May I mention but one and I shall quote James 5:17-18 as he related an Old Testament experience; “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.” We are not to suppose that any promiscuous prayer can dry up the heavens or open the clouds and send a shower. Not at all. Elias knew he was praying within the will of God because he knew it was the Father’s will to bring this judgment upon a sinful, wicked people. When the judgment was passed and God was to send rain again upon a parched earth, He made this clear to Elias that he should pray, and God answered with the shower.

it is not impossible for God to Step In

So, it is not impossible for God to Step In, transcend His laws of nature and by direct intervention perform great miracles. Praise the Lord! But this requires faith on the part of he who prays, and our faith must not waver. If you will recall, Elijah prayed seven times before his servant saw so much as a cloud the “size of a man’s hand.” The prayer of faith is not always easy. Sometimes it takes fasting, self-denial and consecration before our faith mounts up and lays hold on the loving heart of God. Nothing is too hard for God, but He waits to hear His children pray and the only thing that can keep our prayers from reaching God is sin or unbelief.
“Nothing is too hard for God” and I remain persuaded that if God’s people will humble their hearts and pray God can change the course of world events. The people of our generation and alas, too often of the church, are more ready to grab a gun and go off to kill than they are to seek the secret place of prayer and trust God. God is able for all things but if God’s people have no faith in His ability to change the hearts of the leaders of nations; no faith that God can send pestilence and famine on the enemy; no faith that He can confuse and frustrate them; then there can be no answered prayers and life will grind along according to the laws that are already set in motion.

Laws that govern the physical body of man

May we turn now to the laws that govern the physical body of man and we should thank God for these laws. Often man curses pain but pain is a blessing because without it we would destroy ourselves. Pain is the warning signal; the signal of distress; the indicator that something is wrong in the physical body and cries out for correction. The human body is an intricate, complex, beautiful organism. Two tiny cells united according to divine plan and there evolves a life; that life, properly nourished and protected from accident and disease will grow into an adult human being. But there are many “ifs” along the way and if we fail to observe the natural laws of the physical body, we must suffer the consequences. No matter how righteous you are, if your baby gets its milk too fast it is likely to get colic and you will walk the floor with it. If your little boy wades in water and goes off to school with wet feet, he is likely to take a cold; possibly develop pneumonia; even die and your righteousness will not alter the natural laws of the physical body. If you get tuberculosis germs at a time when your resistance is low, you will likely develop tuberculosis and possibly die, and your righteousness will not prevent it. BUT GOD, WHO MADE THESE LAWS, CAN ALSO TRANSCEND THEM. God has made a way for His children and the way is faith. Has He not said, “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” James 5:14-15. This is where God Steps In, you see; transcends the natural laws of the physical body and in reward of faith He annuls the laws of disease and death and through divine intervention heals the sick body.
Only recently I was called to the bedside of a man who had been confined for some time to his bed with a very serious sickness. The first thing I did was to inquire about his spiritual condition and learned that he was backslidden at heart. He confessed his sins to God, asked forgiveness and God reclaimed him. A son that was lost was found. When peace came again to his soul, I instructed him concerning the promise of God to heal His children; anointed him with oil; prayed the prayer of faith and God healed him. He was in church the following Sunday. Nothing is too hard for God; it is just a matter of our having faith in Him. The Bible instructs us to “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.” James 5:16. This is often important to helping us have a vibrant faith, for how can a man have a believing faith while he is holding something against his brother or knows that his brother has something against him that he can correct?

FAITH Protects us

Now, I think a word should be said to the point that while righteousness is no guarantee against sickness, FAITH IS. In the years of my pastoral ministry which now covers more than a quarter of a century I have never contacted a contagious disease even though I have been exposed countless times. I never deliberately walk into a situation where I am exposed. That would be tempting God and the Bible says, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” But in every pastor’s life there are times when HE MUST BE IN THE PRESENCE OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASE and there are times when he is, without knowing it. Through prayer and faith, I have been protected these long years and for this blessing I humbly thank and praise the Lord.
The fact remains however, that many righteous people do get sick, and their righteousness is no guarantee against it. “Many are the afflictions, of the righteous: but the Lord delivered him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19. So, what shall the righteous do when sickness comes? First of all, we should examine our lives and if necessary, “Confess your faults one to another and pray.” If the answer does not come, then call your minister and let him anoint with oil in the name of the Lord and “the prayer of faith shall save the sick.” While righteousness is no guarantee against sickness; God is willing, on the basis of our faith, to step in and perform miracles in our behalf; miracles that are not contrary to His law but miracles that transcend His law.
We observe then that we live in a universe governed by law; we have a physical body governed by law; BUT FAITH MOVES GOD TO TRANSCEND HIS LAW AND COME TO OUR ASSISTANCE IN TIME OF NEED.

Laws that govern spiritual matters

There are also laws that govern spiritual matters and certainly this message would be incomplete if it omitted this part of man. Since the spirit of man is eternal, we should place our greatest consideration at the point of its development and care. The Bible sets forth such laws of the spirit as, “The soul that sins shall die” and this is the law of God and “God cannot lie.” However, the Bible also says, “ALL have sinned and come short.” Where then does this leave man? It leaves man “dead in trespasses and sins.” The Psalmist says, “in sin did my mother conceive me … I was shaped in iniquity.” God has spoken His law into existence and God will not ignore His law but the God who gave the law is a God of love and mercy and so what would appear to be a condemnation of all flesh, including infant babies, must be reconciled with His divine love and mercy. God holds the innocent baby, though born with inherent sin; God holds that baby innocent until it reaches the age when it becomes accountable for its decisions and actions. In other words, sin is not charged against us until we reach the age of accountability. Then it is that sin brings death. Indeed, Paul in his adult years said, Romans 7:9, “For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.” J. B. Phillips has translated this portion, “As long, then, as I was without the law I was, spiritually speaking alive. But when the commandment arrived, sin sprang to life, and I died.” We observe then that the commandments of God bring a knowledge of sin and with the knowledge of sin comes a solemn obligation to seek the forgiveness God offers and to forsake sin forever.

Satan and sin are more powerful than any human being

Satan and sin are more powerful than any human being in his own strength. Here again we find God willing to STEP IN and transcend the natural laws of spirit and make away of escape because He loves us. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. It is squarely up to each individual one of us to live and die in sin or to turn to the Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, for salvation.
He teaches us to repent of our sins; to forsake our sins; to ask His divine forgiveness on the merits of Jesus’ blood; to believe His promise to forgive and to save. After this great experience, spoken often of as the new birth, it is up to us to become obedient children. What a Mighty God and what a marvelous revelation through Jesus Christ that He condescends to become OUR FATHER. Through faith based on the atonement made by Jesus Christ, GOD STEPS IN, FORGIVES US AND GIVES US A NEW LIFE.

God’s Laws Are Everywhere

In every walk of life then, we find law. Unless man has faith in God that causes God to transcend His law; intervene or come between to rescue us; then life will move according to the law already set in motion. If we have no faith, we live out the natural consequences. If I may illustrate: When a person tells a lie he lives with the guilt of his lie always in his mind and heart. The law is that he who lies is a liar and Revelation 21:8 says “… and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone …” But the Scriptures also say, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9. As it is with the sins of a lie it is with all sin. The law teaches us that “the wages of sin is death” but the God who gave the law has made a way of escape for us by giving us the higher law of divine forgiveness. Praise the Lord:
So, while “all things come alike to all” we thank God that He is willing to STEP IN and help those who will humble their hearts and pray. The righteous, by faith can be more than overcomers and them, with Paul can say, “I can do all things through Christ …”

What is your need?

1. Are you sick in your mortal body? God has made ample provision for your healing. “Confess your faults” if you have any to confess. Repent of your sins if you have sinned against God or man. Call your minister if you need him and the “prayer of faith will save the sick.”
2. Are you sick in your soul? God has made ample provision for the forgiveness of sin. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9 “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
3. Are you sick of self? Tired of your old carnal nature? Tired of your unholy temper? Tired of wrestling with an old hatred? Tired of bitterness? Weary and sick with pride? God has made a way out of all this and promised a rest for your soul. Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Have you not read again and again, I Thessalonians 4:3, “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification.” When you are tired and sick with self, then die to self, die to selfish aims and ambitions. Make a full and complete consecration to God and allow the Holy Spirit to possess you.

God is very willing to STEP IN

And so, Beloved, “All things come alike to all” but God is very willing to STEP IN and help us, no matter what our needs might be if we will humble our hearts and pray. We must learn to put first things first: Be sure we are saved. Be sure we have confessed our sins and that we have made restitution where restitution should be made. It may well be that sin, hidden in your life will bring eternal damnation to others. A lie, believed by an unsuspecting person, may culminate in the death of another’s reputation and could affect many others. The next thing is to be certain that we have made complete surrender to God and have received the dear Holy Spirit into our lives as our Sanctifier. When “full” salvation is yours, you have the promise of the Lord, I Corinthians 3:21-23 “… For all things are yours … and ye are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.”


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