Sm—Shelter for Wilderness Survival
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Sm—Shelter for Wilderness Survival
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Yesterday was the most beautiful day. The sun was shining gently. The wind was unnoticeable, occasionally softly touching the branches of the trees. As I sat in Watch Hill Park, I saw a fishing boat anchored in the distance taking advantage of the calm waters on the South Shore. A canopy of baby blue overhead boasted of the joys of a cloudless day.
Even as I soaked it all in, I was reminded of the lessons of life that teach us to shelter for survival. Why? Because as certain as the beauty of yesterday’s good weather, is the certainty that bad weather is coming.
Storms will come. The winds will pick up. Heavy drenching rain will fall. The waves will become unruly and intimidate even the bravest fisherman.
Don’t fear the storms of life.
Build your shelter to survive the storm.
Shelter = something that provides cover or protection from bad weather and danger.
· Negative Space from Positive Space
· Harmful Space from Healthy Space
· A Shelter is a Barrier against Bad weather
· A Shelter is a Cover for a Friendly Environment
· Find Security
· Build Security
· Extend Security to Others
Find Shelter in the Presence of the Almighty
· A Refuge
· A Strong Tower
· Abiding Place
· Submission—Coming Under the Lordship (Head) of God—Submission to the Sovereign Almighty God through a Covenant relationship.
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent...
Psalm 27:5
Shelter = Separation
The shelter keeps you from being molested by the elements.
Shelter = Safety from the dangers that violate, molest, hurt, weaken, and sicken you. The purpose of the shelter is to keep you clean, comfortable (warm and cool), and dry.
To many, the Bible's call to be holy seems like an inconvenient truth.
However, Holiness = Safety.
It may be an inconvenient truth, but it will save you from hurt, harm, and dangers seen and unseen.
Proverbs 7 illustrates this truth:
With pervasive words she led him astray;
she seduced him with her smooth talk.
All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter,
like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver,
like a bird darting into a snare,
little knowing it will cost him his life.
(Proverbs 7:21-23)
A Secure Shelter Provides a Covering for Others
· Your Covenant Relationship is a Covering— Covenant Agreement Shelter Protection for yourself and your family.
o 1 Corinthians 7:14
For the believing wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the believing husband brings holiness to his marriage.
Otherwise, your children would not be holy, but now they are holy.
The Umbrella Covers those around you.
· In 1 Corinthians 7:14, the believing spouse provides cover for the unbelieving spouse and their children.
· The sanctifying presence of the believer doesn’t save the others in the home but provides a space for the Grace of God to operate.
· Sanctification = Shelter/Cover = Separation from profane things and a space for the Grace of God to operate.
· The believer is the one holding the umbrella and those around her/him don’t get wet when the rain falls.
Shelter and Fire Go Together.
They both need each other.
You need to build your shelter to protect the sparks that start a fire.
Too many try to get a fire going and fail when the rain and the wind are kicking against every attempt.
Get your shelter first—Your Covenant Relation with God must be established first.
And when you build your fire, it will warm your shelter.
· Your Home Should be a Safe and Cozy Space.
· A House Becomes a Home when it Shelters the Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities of Others with Love.
· A Space of Peace
· A Space of Rest
o I will lie down and fall asleep in peace because you alone, Lord, let me live in safety. Ps. 4:8 CEB (Common English Bible)
· A Space of Comfort
· A Fear-free Zone.
o We have no idea of the dangers that God has kept from us. There are dangers seen and there are dangers unseen. Think about that. What you don’t know about would scare you to death. We worry about the little water that leaks through but takes no consideration of the devastation that God sheltered us from.
o Psalm 91:7-16
· What Harmful actions will I eliminate?
· What Healthy actions will I develop?
o In the wilderness, you will want to build your shelter in a protected area, near water and food, close to your signaling spot.
o All of these are symbolic of your spiritual life:
§ Your safety depends upon you staying close to and staying in love with God (your worship, your prayer life, living a life that gives evidence of the Gospel being poured into you daily).
· In what ways will I bless others?
o When it’s pouring rain, who needs your umbrella?
o It is in the shelter of caring family and friends that people live and survive the storms.
o It’s much better to build the shelter that you need yourself. Then you can hold the umbrella up and provide shelter for another.
You want your shelter to be close to your resources—food, water, and your signaling site (you want to be near your signaling because you want to get help and be rescued).
Shelter and Fire Go Together.
They both need each other.
You need to build your shelter to protect the sparks that start a fire.
Too many try to get a fire going and fail when the rain and the wind are kicking against every attempt.
Your Home Should be a Safe and Cozy Space.
· A House Becomes a Home when it Shelters the Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities of Others with Love.
· A Space of Peace
· A Space of Rest
o I will lie down and fall asleep in peace because you alone, Lord, let me live in safety. Ps. 4:8 CEB (Common English Bible)
· A Space of Comfort
· A Fear-free Zone.