Love, for one another
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· 8 viewsScripture instructs God’s people to love one another and illustrates what this means in practice.
Reasons for loving one another
Reasons for loving one another
God commands it
God commands it
请参见 利 19:18
Love for foreigners commanded:
Love for foreigners commanded:
利 19:34; 申 10:19
太 22:39 the second greatest commandment; 约 15:12 Jesus Christ commands his disciples to love one another; 罗 13:10; 帖前 4:9; 来 13:1; 雅 2:8; 彼前 1:22; 彼前 2:17; 约一 3:23; 约一 4:21; 约二 5
God has taken the initiative in showing love
God has taken the initiative in showing love
親愛的弟兄啊, 神既是這樣愛我們,我們也當彼此相愛。
请参见 玛 2:10; 林前 8:11–13; 约一 3:16
God’s people are known by their love
God’s people are known by their love
请参见 约一 2:10; 约一 3:14; 约一 4:7; 约一 4:16; 约一 4:20
Love maintains fellowship
Love maintains fellowship
请参见 箴 10:12; 箴 17:9; 弗 4:2
Love promotes sacrificial service
Love promotes sacrificial service
我們既是這樣愛你們,不但願意將 神的福音給你們,連自己的性命也願意給你們,因你們是我們所疼愛的。
请参见 箴 17:17; 林后 12:15; 加 5:13; 腓 2:30; 腓 4:10; 帖前 1:3
Expressing love for one another
Expressing love for one another
In caring for the sick
In caring for the sick
请参见 伯 2:11; 加 4:14
In meeting material needs
In meeting material needs
请参见 申 15:7–8; 约一 3:17
In affectionate greetings
In affectionate greetings
请参见 创 33:4; 创 45:14–15; 徒 20:37; 罗 16:16; 林前 16:20; 彼前 5:14
Examples of the demonstration of love for one another
Examples of the demonstration of love for one another
创 14:14–16 Abraham for Lot; 出 32:31–32 Moses for Israel; 撒上 18:3 Jonathan; 路 7:2–6 the Roman centurion for his servant; 路 10:29–37 the good Samaritan; 徒 4:32; 徒 16:33 the Philippian jailer; 徒 20:38; 罗 16:4; 林后 2:4; 弗 1:15; 腓 1:8; 腓 4:1; 提后 1:16–17 Onesiphorus; 门 12; 约三 6
Paul’s love for his churches
Paul’s love for his churches
林后 1:3–6; 林后 2:4
加 4:19 Galatia
腓 1:3; 腓 1:7; 腓 4:1
帖前 2:7–8; 帖前 3:7–10; 帖前 3:12