Heritage Place Prayer
Communication is an important part of our life and relationships.
Carla & I - like to eat together and talk.
Len & Carol & us. - went out for supper and talked.
Kristen and Carla. - always talking, phone or in person.
Spend time talking is one of the key ways.
If that is true, why is it sometimes so hard to talk to God?
I. Jesus Prayed
Jesus is a good example for us in regards to communication with God.
Amazing how often he prayed.
Luke 3:21 - “When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened…”
Context - his baptism
Luke 5:16 - “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
Context: Busy ministry
Luke 6:12 - “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.”
Context: Choosing of the 12
Luke 9:18 - “Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him…”
Context : Announcement of his coming death
Luke 9:28 - “About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray.”
Context: transfiguration
Luke 11:1 - “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
Context: teaching the disciples to pray
Luke 22:39ff - “He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed…”
Context: Gethsemane, impending death.
Jesus was one with the Father, he was God and yet needed to pray. Luke reveals just how important prayer was in his life and ministry.
Do we pray like Jesus prayed? Do we desire to pray as He prayed?
Have to confess that we do not.
What will motivate us to pray?
II. We will pray when:
A. We Know His Glory
When we know what God is like.
1. The Connection
In human relationships, we applaud a great performance.
We will “applaud” God when we see his majesty and glory.
2. Making the Connection
Meditate on the creator of all things.
Birds, trees, flowers, interrelatedness
Meditate on Scripture
Reveals his glory, majesty, holiness.
Isaiah 6, Revelation 4,5.
As long as our eyes are closed, we will miss God, but if we open them in this kind of meditation, we won’t be able to help, but declare His glory.
B. We Know His Gifts
1. The Connection
If someone does something for us, we say “thank-you.”
As we know the love of God and recognize his gracious gifts, we will also say thanks.
2. Making the Connection
Focus on verses that talk about His love.
John 3:16, I John 4
Focus on all he has given
Psalm 103 “forget none of his benefits.
Meditate often on salvation
Realize our sin and the greatness of God’s gift.
Won’t be able to help but say thank-you!
C. We Need Him
1. The Connection
Was trying to fix a car.
I’m not a mechanic
Finally got in so much trouble that I asked a person who knew for help.
When we know our desperate need we will pray
2. Making The Connection
Meditate on all the ways we need God.
When I was without a job.
Someone who is ill and can look to no one else
As long as we are rich in money and health, we can meet all our own needs. It is not until we become absolutely destitute.
Relate the desperate need of the world around us.
How do we watch the news?
I am afraid when I am strong, because then my temptation is that I don’t need God. When we need God, we will pray.
Lately, I have come to understand how important prayer is.
I want to pray more.
I want to encourage you to pray.
In worship and thanksgiving.
For your needs.
For the needs of family and friends.
Can I ask you to do something special? Pray for the churches in Rosenort?
Jesus prayed a lot, let us learn from Him.