Sermon Tone Analysis
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A Distorted Gospel
Galatians 1:6-10
Wow it is great to be here at ______________
Thank you Pastor for inviting me.
Recently we left our church in South Detroit where I was the pastor and revitalized our church for over 6 years.
I also I led the greater Detroit Baptist Association for several years as the moderator and the interim Director of Missions for over 16 months.
Our ministry thrived there, but God put on our hearts a new a new road.
With the experienced which we have gained and our hearts to help pastors, pastor wives, churches and missions we now travel the United States spreading the Gospel, Maturing Disciples and Cultivating Leaders through our ministry Go To The Truth Ministries.
You can find us and follow us on social media through Facebook and/ or YouTube @ chasing the Joneses or Go to the truth min.
As part of our ministry we connect with local churches, pastors and missions to encourage in these days that we are living in.
Folks I don’t have to tell you that we are living in troubling times, our world in is turmoil and many people today are struggling to find the answer to truth.
If you think about it, the world shortly after creation began to fall apart- because of a sin problem and thousands of years later we still have the sin problem.
You know that the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that there is nothing new under the sun.
It might be shocking to you, but the enemy has not changed his tactics nor the attack on our country, our culture, or even our way of life.
What was done thousands of years ago is still happening today, just in a different method, my hope today is for each of us to see this.
Let us pray.
The message that God wanted me to bring to you today is the message of The Distorted Gospel, The Distorted Gospel.
If you have your Bibles and I hope that you do, open your Bible with me to the book of Galatians, Galatians chapter 1.
You can find the book of Galatians if you locate the book of Acts, Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians then you will find Galatians, Galatians chapter one is where we will find our scripture this morning.
The theme for book of Galatians is about standing firm on the freedom of the Gospel.
Paul says in chapter 5 verse 1 “Christ has liberated us to be free.
Stand firm then and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
Now Paul had visited Galatia twice and in both visits we know that Paul spread the Gospel, matured believers as he started churches, and he encouraged the leaders and the churches.
And if you know anything about the apostle Paul you know that this has been God’s strategy for him throughout the New Testament.
Galatia is a region of Gentiles and the churches in Galatia were Gentile churches.
The region today is Turkey.
Now a Gentile is one who was not a Jew and does not follow the Jewish religion, law and traditions.
We are gentiles.
It was sometime after Paul’s second journey that Paul learned of some disturbing news.
There were some Judaizers who came to the Galatian churches to purposely cause trouble.
In fact, they were distorting the Gospel.
The definition of distortion is the act of twisting or altering something out of its true, natural or original state.
And that is what we will find that has happened in Galatia, but more importantly what is happening in today in America.
If you are there in the Book of Galatians chapter 1, begin reading with me from verse 6.
This is the Word of God and it begins like this:
“6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel—
Which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Gospel of Christ.
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let Him be accursed.
As we have said before, so I now say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received let him be accursed.
10 For do I now persuade men, or God?
Or do I seek men?
If I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.”
This is an incredible passage because we see that there is something troubling the Apostle Paul more the usual, because Paul does not begin this letter like the other letters to churches.
Paul jumped right into rebuking the church.
If you look at the beginning of his other letters, Paul always gives a thanksgiving prayer- he thanks God for what the church has done or accomplished.
But this letter to the Galatian churches is radically different, Paul is not thanking God for them and their accomplishments, but rather Paul is emotional and even angry, and he gets right to the point and tells us the problem that he was faced with.
They were turning away from the true Gospel that he taught them.
He tells the churches in verse 6: “I marvel that you turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel”
In ESV or HCSB the word marvel is transcribed as “amazed”.
Paul says I can’t believe it!
Today we would say that Paul was blown away by their actions and for good reason because Paul was the one who spent the time with them, brought them to the faith, He guided them, loved them, encouraged them, he started those churches.
He invested into the people and the work of God.
So he uses words like quickly or so soon which literally means in a short period of time.
It was wasn’t long after Paul was with them that they turned away.
The words “turning away” means to abandon.
It is also a military term that means to defect.
can you can imagine Paul’s hurt, anguish that propels his urgency?
These words are written from a man who was afraid that these believers who he personally invested in were quickly turning away from Christ Jesus.
They were leaving Christ for a distorted Gospel.
Beloved let me share with you what I call the Biblical truth from this passage is: What Paul is saying is this:
That’s what Paul is telling the church.
Verse 7. Look back there with me Paul says; that there was something else, another gospel that was preached to them and he said in verse 7 “Which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Gospel of Christ.
The people troubling the Gentile believers were Judaizers.
Judaizers were Jewish Christians who were trying to persuade the Gentile Churches and believers to abandon the Good News of the cross and empty tomb.
Their message was, to really be saved; you must become like us.
Here is the problem, they took the Good News of the Apostle Paul’s teaching.
The saving grace of the Gospel and they distorted it.
They took the truth and altered it out of its natural true meaning.
You know what I have learned over the years?
History has a way of repeating itself and the truth is brothers and sisters a distorted gospel’s primary objective is to take our focus off Jesus’ work, the death, burial and resurrection (our way to salvation) and makes it about what we can do rather than what Christ did for us.
That is exactly what Paul was speaking about in our scripture.
The Judaizers – the Jewish Christians were changing the meaning of the free grace of the Gospel.
And it is happening today, in our families, our communities, our cities, our states, the nation and the world.
Today we are being challenged to find the truth in the midst of all the distorted truth in our country.
From the rumors, to the news, to social media, it is hard to find the truth today.
Many are led down the wrong path, as unbelievers are trying to shape our world and now even more.
Churches are becoming persecuted because we don’t share their world view.
The world is trying to divide born again believers with false narratives of the truth.
Well today God has compelled me to share with you how the Judaizers distorted the Gospel then and the connection of how it is being distorted today.
I want to share with you three ways they distorted the Gospel.
First, they distorted the Gospel by adding the law to it.
The Gospel plus the law.
The Jewish Christians did not have a problem with what Paul said about the gospel, their position was that Paul did not give the full truth.
Their purpose was to cause doubt and fear that Paul wasn’t really called by God, and that they because of worshipping YAWEH for centuries under the law, knew better than Paul.
While the Gentiles were just coming into their faith it was easy to create fear and doubt within them.
So, they went to them and began demanding that in order for Galatian Gentiles to truly be saved by God’s grace the men had to become circumcised as the law of Moses taught plus they had to adhere to the laws of Moses.
I am turning to the book of Acts chapter 15 you can turn there with me.
The book of Acts 15:1 Shows us this fact, it says, “And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom prescribed by Moses, you cannot be saved!”
They were literally saying that in order for you to be saved you must become like us.
That is like saying that in order to be saved you must believe exactly the way I do; you must follow exactly what I believe.
Today we call this legalism- in order to be saved you must become like us.
Illustration of walking down the isle.
In our world today there is this narrative that if you don’t believe like I do you, then you are now the enemy and now they want to get rid of anyone who doesn’t fit into their ideal society and their made-up laws.
But folks let me tell you that Jesus broke down those social barriers, that prevent others from being saved.
Under the New Covenant of Christ’s blood, it took away the law so that now people who did not fit under the law can now come to Him by faith.
Paul says in chapter 3 verse 28 there is no Jew or Greek, Slave or free we are all equal under the blood of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is clear, Romans 10:9-13 explains it to us:
“If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
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