HCC Sunday Service



Today we’re gonna continue our series in the book of Colossians.

We’ll be in Colossians chapter 2.

& we’re gonna read verse 8-12.

The title of today’s teaching is: Living in God’s Fullness

In Colossians 2:8-12, the Scriptures say:

Colossians 2:8–12 (CSB)

Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elements of the world, rather than Christ. For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, and you have been filled by him, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

You were also circumcised in him with a circumcision not done with hands, by putting off the body of flesh, in the circumcision of Christ, when you were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.

Where do we find the fullness of God?

How do we live in the fullness of God?

Today we’ll see that the fullness of God is found in the Church.

& we live in the fullness of God by being careful to stay connected to the Church.


Let’s pray. Father we thank You for Your Word. 

Open our eyes so we may see wonderful things in Your Word.

& give us grace to put Your Word into practice.

In Jesus name.


Notice Paul starts

Colossians 2:8

w/ a warning.

He says:

Colossians 2:8 (CSB)

Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit...

As we saw last week—in the verses right bfr this—Paul encourages God’s ppl

To hold tightly to the Apostolic Traditions of the Faith—just as they had been taught.


So, that no one deceives us w/ persuasive arguments abt Jesus.

In verses 8-12

Paul continues to urge us

to watch out

for false teachers.

Teachers who teach doctrines

that deviate

frm the teachings

the Apostles passed dwn

in the Church.

Paul likens

being led astray

by false teachers

to being taken captive

as slaves.

It’s like an enemy

Sneaks in among us

& carries us off

into captivity.

But our enemies

Don’t take us captive

by force.

They don’t

snatch us up

& carry us off.

Our enemies

take us captive

by deception.

They slip in among us

They entice us

& lure away

frm the truth thru

persuasive arguments.

Paul’s language here:

Takes us back to

Colossians 1:13

where Paul says

that God

Colossians 1:13 (CSB)

...has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.

When we accept

false teaching

we’re led astray

frm the glorious kingdom

of God’s Son.

This is a kingdom where

we have a

phenomenal freedom

in Christ.

Not the freedom

to do what

we want.

But the freedom

to live as God

created us to live

by keeping

the commands of Christ.

In Christ’s kingdom

we experience

the fulness of God

thru God’s grace.

When we accept

false teaching

We’re lured away

frm the light

of Christ’s kingdom.

& we’re brought back

into bondage—

Back into enemy


Under the domain

of darkness frm which

God delivered us.

& Paul goes on

in Colossians 2:8

to show us

some of the bait

the enemies of God use

to lure us away

frm God’s kingdom.

Paul says

our enemies

take us captive thru

Colossians 2:8 (CSB)

8 ...through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elements of the world, rather than Christ.

Here Paul’s talking abt

The human philosophy

& human wisdom

of the Gnostics.

Who based their teachings

on human traditions

& commands.

He’s talking specifically

abt Gnostic teachings

that are dfrnt frm

what the Lord Jesus

revealed to the Apostles

& what the Apostles revealed

to the Church

abt Christ.

We saw last week

all traditions

are not bad.

The Apostolic Traditions

are good

& necessary

for salvation.

Apostolic traditions

were put in place by God

to guard the church

frm error.

Those traditions

are based on Christ—

based on the teachings

of Christ

& His apostles.

So, Apostolic Traditions

Need to be:



& followed

in the Church.

Bcs it’s only by

holding to

the Apostolic Traditions

that we can live in

the fulness of God

& be saved.

But there are also

bad traditions.

Traditions we must

always avoid

in the Church.

These are human traditions

that are in conflict

w/ the Faith

once for all delivered

to the Saints.

Later on in Colossians

Paul calls it

self-made religion

that does nothing

to help us overcome

sin problem. 


Human traditions

cannot bring abt

the inner change

or give us the

necessary power

to truly overcome

the sensual desires

of the flesh.

That change

only comes

by being born again

& becoming

Part of the new creation

That’s why

Paul appeals to the

Colossians to remember

they died to

the elements of the world

w/ Christ in baptism.

In Christ

they’re a part of

the New Creation.

So, they no longer

belong to this world.

They were made members

of the world

to come

thru their union

w/ Jesus.

& you cannot

use the weak

& miserable elements

of this world

Based on

human commands

to try to live

like citizens of the world

to come?

It just doesn’t work.

So, we’ve gotta

be careful.

We’ve gotta guard against

being taken captive

by human philosophies

that are based on

human traditions

& commands

that promote

human religions

that do nothing

to solve the human

sin problem.

We’ve gotta be careful

not to allow anyone

to take us captive.........

& move us away frm

the Apostolic Truths

of the true Faith

which we can only find

in the Church.

& notice in

Colossians 2:8

Paul puts this responsibility

on each one of us.

He says:

Colossians 2:8 (CSB)

[You] be careful that no one takes you captive...

It’s up to each of us

to learn the truth;

know the truth;

& live out the truth.

Avoiding the deception

of false teachers

is largely left up to

each individual.

The primary purpose

of elders in the church

is to teach

the true Faith.

We’re called to

Keep watch

over the souls

God places

within our care.

We’re called to

keep the wolves

out of the church.

We do that:

By teaching the truth.........

By making sure

every element

of public worship

is in line w/ the faith.......

& by correcting error

when we see it.

As Paul tells Titus in

Titus 1:9

Titus 1:9 (CSB)

[An elder must keep] holding to the faithful message as taught, so that he will be able both to encourage with sound teaching and to refute those who contradict it.

An elder must

Hold to

the faithful message—

The Apostolic Tradition—

As taught by

the Apostles.


So, he can

Encourage w/ sound


& refute those

who contradict it.

Elders must make sure

only the Apostolic Faith

is taught in this Church

& correct ppl

who contradict it.

& the elders

of this church

will give an account

to the Lord one day

for how well

we’ve done that.

This is why

I spend hours & hours

in study

& preparation

for this every week.

Why I write

& rewrite what

I teach

even up to

the last minute.

& this is why I try

not to say anything

that’s not in

my manuscript...........

I’ve gotta

get this right.

For your sake

& mine.

Ppl often ask why

I get upset

when I hear ppl

say things in the Church

that are not true.

Or when I

or one of the elders

wants to stop singing

a song that’s

not exactly

doctrinally correct.

Can’t we just relax?

Do we really

Need to scrutinize

everything so closely?


How wld you

react if someone

came into your house

& carried off

one of the members

of your family?

Or what if

you found out

that we had been

allowing someone...........

to put just

a little bit of poison

in every cup of


we serve every week?

You’d probably

be upset

in either case.



That’s how I see

false teachers

& false teaching.

The Church is

God’s household.

& I’m supposed

to protect

the members

of this household

frm being carried

off by false teachers. 

False teaching

is poisonous.

& over time

even just a little bit

of false teaching

can lead

to spiritual sickness

& death.

So, there will not be

any false teaching here

on my watch. 

As shepherds

of God’s ppl

The other elders

& I have a responsibility

to allow only true

teaching in the Church.

& to refute those

who contradict it.

But you also

have a responsibility.

When you go out

into the world.

You turn on the radio

The TV.....

You go to different websites

on the internet.

Different Bible

study groups.

You’ll hear a lot of

dfrnt messages.


that are dfrnt

frm what you’re

taught here.

& it’s your responsibility

to see to it

that you don’t

allow yourselves

to be taken captive

by the false teachings

that are

so prevalent in

the world today. 

The responsibility

of holding on

to the faith

& walking in the truth

& working out

your own salvation

w/ fear & trembling;

The responsibility

for living carefully

so you will not

be deceived—

that responsibility

is yours.

You’ve gotta

guard yourselves.

You’ve gotta

watch out for

the hollow

deceptive philosophies

of false teachers.

Guard against

human traditions

that nullify

the Word of God

& lead you

away frm the faith.


Bcs it’s only by

learning & living

The true faith

That we can stay filled

w/ God’s fulness

& be saved.

So, to stay filled

w/ God’s fulness

We must live

a careful life.

We must be careful

not to be

taken captive

by false teachers.

[Transitions: The 2nd thing

We must do

To stay filled

w/God’s fulness is...]

We must live a CONNECTED life

We must stay

connected to Christ

in the Church.

In Colossians 2:9-10

Paul goes on

to tell the saints

where they find

the fulness of God.

Paul says:

Colossians 2:9–10 (CSB)

9 For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, 10 and you have been filled by him...

This idea of “fullness”

is Paul using

the false teachers

own language

against them.

The Greek word

Behind “fullness” is


It means completeness



or perfection.

Gnostic falst teachers

Taught that πλήρωμα

was a level of

spiritual fullness

or perfection

that cld only be

attained apart frm

the physical world...........

& by progressing

in a hidden wisdom

That was not revealed

to the Apostles. 

In practical terms

They taught that

The Apostolic Traditions

the Apostles taught

to the Church

were incomplete.

God’s ppl also needed

this secret wisdom

God had not revealed

to the Apostles

to be brought

to fullness.

So, Paul says:

“You want to talk abt

“God’s fullness?”

“I’ll tell you abt

“God’s fullness.”

“When you’re in Christ

“You are in the One

“In Whom

“All the fullness

“of God’s nature

dwells bodily.”

& Paul has

two bodies

in mind here:


Paul’s talking abt


of Christ.

When the Son of God

Took on human nature

& a real

physical human body

He filled that human body

& filled human nature

w/ His divine nature.

The entire fullness

of God’s divine nature

Dwells in the physical

human body

of the Lord Jesus.

& now that

Jesus has taken

his glorified

physical body to heaven

There’s another way

in which the fulness

of God’s nature

dwells in a body

on earth.

& that body is

the Church.

We’ve gotta get back to

An Apostolic view

of the Church?

We’ve gotta get back

to teaching the importance of the Church

in God’s plan

of salvation.

We’ve done the world

a devastating disservice

by downplaying

the importance

of the Church

for salvation.

An entire generation

has grown up

Being told

“Church is really not

“that important.”

“Your personal


“w/ Jesus

“is all that matters.”

& “You don’t need

“To go to Church

“To have

“that relationship.”

We’ve focused

so much on everyone’s

personal relationship

w/ Jesus

that we’ve

completely forgotten

the only place

to find a relationship

w/ Jesus

is in the Church. 

Bcs the Church is

the body of Christ

on earth.

The Church is

the vessel

thru which God

has chosen

to save the world.

It’s in the Church

that we find the truth

abt the living God.

As Paul says in

1 Timothy 3:14–15 (NIV)

Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that,

if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household,

which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

This is an amazing statement

abt the importance

of the Church.

The TRUTH stands

or falls

w/ the Church

of the living God.

As a pillar of truth

the Church holds up

& displays the Truth

for all the world see.

As the foundation

of the Truth

The Church keeps

the Truth frm being


By holding up

the standards

by which all Christian teaching

must be measured.

& this allows

The Apostolic Faith

to be passed dwn

frm one generation

to the nxt

w/o change.

If we have a faith

that’s different

frm what the Church

taught in the 1st century

We’re not a part of

the Church

of the living God.

The Church is

where we

come into contact

w/ Christ’s body & blood

& the healing power

of God’s grace.

The Church is where

we’re united w/ Christ

born again & recreated

in the image of God

thru baptism.

As Paul puts it in

Colossians 3:9-10.

It’s in the Church that

Colossians 3:9–10 (NIV)

…we have taken off [our] old self with its practices

and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

The Church is

where we have

ongoing access to

The divine nature

of God in Christ.

& where the power

of God’s grace

is renewing us

in the image of God.

As Peter says in

2 Peter 1:3–4 (NIV)

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature,

having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

We gain a knowledge

of Christ

& His precious promises

in the Church.

& those promises

allow us to escape

the world’s corruption

& participate

in the divine nature

of Jesus.

So, we’ve gotta get

Our focus back on

An Apostolic view

of the Church.

Bcs the Scriptures tell us

the Church is where

we find the fulness

of God in Christ.

Listen to what Paul says

abt the Church in

Ephesians 1:22–23 (NIV)

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,

which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

In not saying too much

to say that Church is

the biggest part

of God’s plan.




were all leading to

the Church.

God appointed Christ Jesus

to be head

over everything.

All rule & authority

Power & dominion.


For the Church.

Everything God did

thru Christ

is for the Church.

The Church is

the Body of Christ.

& it’s in the Church

& only in the Church

that we find

the fulness

of God in Christ.

The Church is

the fullness of God

thru which God

fills everything

in every way.

When we gather

as the Church

the fulness

of the divine nature

dwells among us

in bodily form.

We’ve gotta understand

To be “in Christ”

is to be

“in the Church.”

The two are synonymous.

& since

the Church is

the body of Christ.

& since the fulness

of God dwells

in the body of Christ

This means

God is living

in the Church

filling His ppl

w/ the fullness

of His deity.

Come on!

That is the most

epic news ever!

When we gather

as the Church

God is here

in us & among us

not just in a measure

but in

His fullness.

& if that doesn’t

make us want

to come to Church

I don’t know what will.


Before we close

Let’s talk abt

One more way

Paul applies the word


to the Church.

The word fulness

Can also mean


In the Church

we find fulfillment

of everything God

promised His ppl

under the Old Covenant.

Paul gives us

an example of

what is fulfilled

in the Church

in Colossians 2:11.

He says:

Colossians 2:11–12 (CSB)

11 You were also circumcised in him with a circumcision not done with hands, by putting off the body of flesh, in the circumcision of Christ,  

12 when you were buried with him in baptism...

Paul brings up circumcision

to counter what

false teachers taught

abt physical circumcision.

False teachers

followed Paul around

doing what we read

in Acts 15:1

Acts 15:1 (NIV)

Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers:

“Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”


is where the foreskin

of the male member

is cut off

in a religious ritual

that binds a person

to a covenant relationship

w/ the God of Israel.

Under the Old Covenant

this is how males

became members

of God’s family.

This custom was

taught by God

thru Moses

in Genesis 17:10-14.

There Moses gives

The Lord’s command

concerning circumcision.

The Lord says:

Genesis 17:10–14 (NIV)

“This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.

You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.

For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised,

including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring.

Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant.

Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

You can tell

by this language


is very important

to the Lord.

Everyone who wants

to be a part of

the Lord’s

covenant ppl

must be circumcised.

& every male

who did not

have the foreskin

of his flesh cut off

wld be cut off

frm the Lord’s ppl

bcs they broke

the Lord’s covenant.

In other words:

Under the Old Covenant

a person had to be

circumcised to be saved.


False teachers—

like the ones in Acts 15—

Came into the Church

& started to use

Genesis 17

as their “go to” Scripture

to prove every male

still had to be

physically circumcised

to be saved

under the New Covenant.

& this

is the perfect example

of why

the Apostolic Traditions

are so important.

If we read Genesis 17

w/o the Apostolic


of that Scripture

We can all see

God certainly said

circumcision of the flesh

wld be for all generations to come—

an everlasting covenant.

So, we not only

Need to know

what Scriptures say.

We need to know

What the Scriptures mean

As interpreted thru

the Apostles. 

& the Apostolic Understanding

of Circumcision—

As w/ all things

in the OT Scriptures—

Is that circumcision

is now being fulfilled

in Christ—

In the Church.

Circumcision is still

required under

the New Covenant.

The everlasting covenant

still stands.

But it’s a different kind

of circumcision.

& it’s not performed

by human hands.

& the flesh

that needs to be removed

is not the flesh

frm the male member.


The whole person

we were outside

of Christ

needs to be cut off.

Under the New Covenant

circumcision is no longer

outward & physical.

It is now an inner work

performed by Christ

when we’re baptized.

As Paul says in

Colossians 2:11–12 (CSB)

11 You were also circumcised in him with a circumcision not done with hands, by putting off the body of flesh, in the circumcision of Christ,

12 when you were buried with him in baptism...

This is a brilliant

HS inspired

play on words.

Just like the foreskin

of the male member

is cut off

in physical circumcision

So, in our baptism

Into Christ

In the Church

Jesus cuts off

the whole body

of our flesh. 


The way Paul uses

the word "flesh”

Confuses a lot

of ppl.

Many think

Paul’s talking abt

our physical bodies.

But Paul very rarely

uses the word “flesh”

to mean our

physical body.

Watch what happens

when we substitute

the words “physical body”

for “the body of flesh” in

Colossians 2:11 (CSB)

11 You were also circumcised in him with a circumcision not done with hands,

by putting off [your physical body], in the circumcision of Christ, when you were buried with him in baptism.

Wldn’t it be crazy

if we baptized somebody

& they came out

In a dfrnt body?

A lighter body

w/ more hair.

That’s not

what Paul means.

We don’t put off

our physical body

when we

put off the body of flesh

in baptism.

For Paul:

The body of flesh

Is everything

we were

in our old sinful selves

Outside of Christ.

Everything that belongs

to the old creation

& is passing away.

We had hearts

That drove us

twd sin.

We had minds

That drove us

to be enemies of God.

That’s what Paul means

when he talks abt

the body of flesh.

It’s that old sinful man

Or woman we were

Outside of Christ.

That’s what needs to be

Cut off;

& removed frm us.

That’s exactly what

physical circumcision


& that’s exactly

what is fulfilled

in the Church

when we’re buried

w/ Christ

in baptism.

In Baptism

We’re born again

we’re freed frm

that old sinful man

or woman we were.

That person

Is cut off;


& buried.

We’re now

a new person

in Christ.

& part of the

new creation.

& as we stay connected

to Christ

in the Church

we’ll find ourselves

being transformed

frm one degree

of glory to another

by God’s glorious grace.


As we close

Let me ask again:

Where do we find

the fullness of God?

& how do we stay

Filled w/

God’s fullness?

We’ve seen today:

God’s fulness is found

in Christ’s body

which is the Church.

Thru the Church

God plans

to fill all things

w/ His fulness.

That process has

started now

as ppl become

members of the Church.

Let that truth

Marinate in your mind;

Until the hugeness of that

bcms a part of you.

Until you live

every minute of your life

in this reality.

When we’re in Christ

& Christ is in us

& among us;

When we’re connected

to Christ

By being members

of His body

In the Church;

When we participate

in His divine nature

& He’s filling us;

We have everything

we need

to live the godly life

God recreated us

to live in Christ.

In Christ’s body—

In the Church—

The fulness of God

is available to all of us.

& by living a careful life

in Christ’s body.

& by living a connected life

in Christ’s body.

We will stay filled

w/ God’s fulness.


Let’s all stand for prayer.

Lord we thank you

that in Your Church

we find and participate

in Your fulness.


May the Lord bless you...

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