Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Closet Chapter 2 is where we're going to be in the word of God.
This morning Paul is speaking to the people of classy and he's sharing with him, his hopes, his desires.
He's sharing with them with them.
The pre-eminence of Christ, this is what Colossians is really about the pre-eminence of Christ in our lives.
What's most important to us our own wants and desires our own wishes or to do what Christ has called us to do.
Remember, back in Colossians, chapter 1 for me to live.
As what Christ to die, is gain right?
That's important for us.
It's important for us to understand that what God has for us is to follow him, to serve him to put him first.
2:1 Paul says, in verse 14, I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you, and for those and Leo to see you.
And for, as many as have not seen my face in the Flash, Paul is sharing his desire in his heart for these people, that he's never even met, but he's communicated with them.
And the communication of his day is not as easy as a communication of our day, pick up a cell phone, call somebody get a hold of him right away, you can FaceTime them, you can text me whatever you do do however you communicated can be right away.
This took some time for him to compose a letter, get it sent off and then to hear back from them.
A little bit later.
So, some time frame went by and that's the way he had communicated with these people.
But in his communication, as in this, when he says, I want you to know that there's a great conflict going on with me in my concern for you.
Those of you and Klaus you, those of you and Leo to see you who have not seen my face in the flesh.
But I've heard my words and have understood where I'm coming from.
That's his desire.
So what Paul is writing to them, in this chapter and chapter 2, is the fact that he says, listen, folks, you must never allow anyone.
Never allow anyone to come between you and Christ.
Think about that for a second.
Never allow anyone to come before between you and cries, why?
Because if that individual that person be comes between us and Christ and we're doing there will not the will of God the will of Christ then that person is more important to us than Christ.
And the question how important is Christ to you?
How important is God how important is The, Holy Spirits?
Are we willing to follow them and their guidance?
Yes, it's not always an easy path difficult to walk that path.
But God never told us, we'd have an easy time walking.
What he did tell us is he would never leave us nor forsake us that he would always be there with us holding our hand, guiding us and directing us.
Why should we hold on to him?
Why should we look to him for guys to Drexel?
He tells us that answer where Stewie says this that their hearts may be encouraged being knit together in love in attending to all the riches of the foot of the full Assurance of understanding to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the father and of Christ.
Friday night, I had a about an hour long conversation on the phone with a young man from Kansas.
He used to live in this area.
Kids talk to us through the week, texting send.
Hey, can I check?
Can we chat sometime?
So the answer is sure we can chat.
So then you text again.
Hey, can I call you?
Tonight sure, call me tonight.
So for about an hour, we talked to a little bit of theology over the phone or face-to-face, much less over the phone.
And it's not that we were battling any theology thing.
He just saying.
Hey, here's where I am, and here's with the direction, I'm going, what do you think?
Am I off track?
Or am I where I need to be?
He was a premise of our discussion.
And of course it I'm saying the same thing, the pre-eminence of Crisis was important here in his message to the Church of classy.
So I don't want to take away from that preeminence of Christ, but is question to me was this past plaid?
Why do you suppose That we as a people, we as believers.
Put the emphasis on Jesus.
Well, he died on the cross as what was going on my head, when he's put the emphasis on Jesus, but we sort of sometime somehow kind of forget about God.
I see where you're going with that.
Without God, we have nothing else, right?
Why is it that we we we take what Jesus has the offer.
We take the blessings in the Privileges and everything that Jesus has offered salvation.
And that's where we stopped at.
Goes back to that lordship of Christ.
Is he our Lord?
Or is he just our savior?
If he's truly Our Savior, we truly understand what Jesus did for us in laying down his life willingly for you.
And for me, then it ought to go deeper with us in that relationship with him.
And understanding, who the father truly is God, the father?
Scripture says, we are one about the father God, Son.
God the Holy Spirit, Jesus as I and my father are one.
If you knew my father, you know me.
If you know, my know me you knew my father I understand all of that.
But what I'm trying to say is what Paul, I think it's trying to encourage the people of coffee, don't just stop here.
Continue on with the ministry, continue on, doing the work, never allow anything to stop.
You From serving Christ.
To the fullest.
Remember when Jesus died on the cross, remember what happened to the veil in the temple?
It was torn into and it wasn't an easy task.
Somebody said, it would take 30 horses, are 30, oxen on each side of that failed, to pull that bill part from top to bottom to make that repair, so it wasn't an easy task to do that.
But God being all-powerful, Can speak it and happens.
When that veil was torn into, what did that do?
That gave the people who were used to giving sacrifices to the priests and the priests would go in and offer sacrifices for them.
It gave those people, it gave you and me, the freedom than to go, right to God through Jesus.
The only way we can have access to God is through Jesus Christ.
But why is it?
That we get to God.
I'll get the Jesus.
And that's where we stopped.
Think we've, we've got it all set.
God is a god of wrath and I think that's where we as a nation of Christians.
I use that were carefully, a nation of Christians.
I think that's where we got.
We've gotten to all the stuff that Jesus has done for us.
We want that, we want salvation, we want to go to heaven.
But we don't want to do the hard stuff.
Paul says, he don't let anyone keep you from doing and being what Christ wants, you do?
Because anniversary says in him is all wisdom and all knowledge versuri in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom.
And knowledge.
Who do you get your wisdom and knowledge from?
Teachers at school.
It's good to be taught longer taught the right things, the right stuff.
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