Oct. 16, 2022 Sunday Worship Service
I'm moving my stuff around.
Morning church. It's wonderful to be here. What a beautiful day, it is. I'm glad to be back.
This is known by lots of creatures as I am moving Thurman. Not that it moves, you, but if the sermon is talk too much the preacher gets moved on. So So it has come to be known among the preachers as a moving sermon. What we're talking about today is the Widow's car. Contribution. But really, what we're talkin about is Jesus. This is part of our program. Learning about the life of Jesus and trying to learn Jesus Morris who he was and where he was coming from when he did things and why he did them. So we know Jesus on a more personal level
This is Christ final week been a long one so far. You agree with taking this about three weeks to teach this. I think just Tuesday took a pill and statements about the third weekly been on Tuesday. So he was bombarded with questions by the scribes and the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Joe, the janitor I think everybody else got in there to get their questions in. And he gave out a lot of answers and he asked some questions to make people think along the way, but it still was not finished. Reflections going to cover. Just, just 44 shirt, shirt shirt, voices for shirt shirt, for short verses. Nevermind me, make sure I'm on here. And that is all from what I'm saying. Versus I read to you, prior to taking up the collection, Mark 12:41 through 44
Naruto. Look up, almost The Identical riding. In the Book of Luke chapter 21 verses 1 through 4. If you want to compare those, but we're going to just use Mark today cuz they say basically the same thing reason I'm telling you about Luke cuz evidently it was important enough that both gospel writers, put it in their writing.
Verse 41, childless. And Jesus said over against the treasury and beheld, how the people cash money into the treasury and many that were Rich cast in much. You look at this diagram up here and you see where it says Court of women. That is where the donation treasury was located. This is not to be confused with the treasury that that held green and sacrifices in gold and all the things that belong to the temple. This is the treasury where they took up their collection. The inside the court of women, they're worth. Boxers for collections. And on the top of each box had a trumpet which is like a metal I'm using this cuz I was fresh out of the brass trumpet. But it's kind of shaped like a trumpet. And there's a reason for that, too.
Jesus, sat there in the treasury and behold how the people cash money into the treasury and many that were Rich cast in much.
We have to wonder what he thought about what he saw, when the rich people were giving was he happy? Was he disappointed at what he saw?
Did that doesn't really say anywhere.
If they were, if they were giving much. You think he was happy? You would think so. But it could be that they're giving was really good to trifle to them. It didn't mean anything where, where it should mean something when you give it. Should mean something when you talk to somebody about, Jesus, it did mean something when you give somebody food because they're hungry, Hey, when they're sick. When you go and talk to the shut-in, it should mean something to you, okay? That's the point. You don't just do it because that's what some person expects you to do. You do it, because it was God, expectations. So you went and you gave of yourself and you gave of your money. So I can't say that he would be particularly happy with how much the rich people were getting. Because there's a good chance that they were just trying to buy their way into heaven. Remember the Catholic Church used to be able to go and buy blessings. Somebody died that you knew where a stinker, you could go get the priests a bunch of money and he tell you went to heaven. but we know that's not the way, it is, never will be never was
I see if I have it on.
Mark 12:42 and then there came a certain poor Widow and she threw into mites, which make a farthing. Do Mike's Hard at anything.
Two might, we can think of, almost to little bitty pieces of copper. Now, I've got a penny here in my hand. Do you all know what a penny is? if I was to cut that into six pieces,
One sixth of a penny would be a mic.
So, it's just about worth. Different scholar, say different things. 134th of a Denarius, or 1/64 of a Denarius depending on which dollar you're listening to. But if it was 130 fourth of a Denarius, all the money in the world that this woman had was to Mike. And if and if it was 130 fourth of a Denarius, S130 4th of how much a person earn in a day.
And that was all she had. But she gave it to God. She gave out of her poverty. I talked about the little trumpet on top the Box. There's a reason for that here. I've got these, I've got these two to Mike's here, if I hear that.
if you were, Authority member. The Pharisees the ones that like to get dressed up stand on the corner and pray they want everybody know how how gracious they were. Well you walked up to the same box when you went
Make sure it made plenty of noise. Then help yourself a one bit, but everybody knew you were given more than other people. That's what the trumpet was all about. priest could hear it, the guy who walked in and let you know, how to make some noise and I found a couple more lyrics
Okay, and that's not what it's about. It's not about how much noise you make with your giving. It's how loving your giving is.
I can honestly say that I that Jesus was touched by what he saw the Widow offering Widows were considered at the time to be the most defenseless and helpless segments of society. And I probably in many ways still can be today but we've invented things as a society, like insurance and Social Security, and some things to help them, but we still have many widows who live in poverty. because you can work out your life if you just rely on Social Security, if you're not going to have a wealthy retirement,
But they didn't have that in those days. The widows Only Hope was that she had married into a family that had other sons that would take care of her or that she herself had enough children to take care of her. She didn't have that. She would probably live like this poor Widow.
Not used to left-handed operations here yet.
Mark 12:43 Thomas and he called unto his disciples and Satanism verily. I say unto you. That this poor Widow has cash more in than all they, which is cast into the treasury. Jesus never missed a chance to teach. Notes app.
Anybody's ever been a school teacher. I'll tell you, you take every opportunity to teach no matter how small the lesson. You jump on it that opportunity because that will be the one that stays with them. If it has some special significance Jesus walked by a fig tree. and it was a chance to teach the disciples that they must be repentance before they Praise. They must repent. They must be sincere in their prayers.
Jesus called for a donkey and he taught the disciples that he was all-powerful and knew what was coming and what was going to happen. Because the donkey was right where you said it was and they went there and got it. And the question just like he said, they would he always look for an opportunity.
talking to the Samaritan woman at the well, It was an opportunity. You didn't have to do that. He did that because he loves people. He loved his children. He felt the entire world where his children, and he loved them all and you never missed a chance to teach him. All that, there was a way to have salvation
So, he said, verily, I say unto you that this was cast in Moore. Then all they, which is cast into the treasury. Because she gave. A significant amount. And what else did she do? She was trusting in God to provide for her beyond what she had in her hand physically at the.
Mark 12:44, for all they did cast the end of their abundance, but she of her, one did Cassie and all that she had even all her living.
The Widow's giving was fired and was inspired has inspired people for over 2000 years. To give to give of themselves.
Just think how much your story and sacrifice has encouraged people. How many people have been touched? How many people's hearts have been touched by? What she did that day and she didn't even know. Some Bible rider was going to write about her. She wasn't worried about what the other people in the temple thought. She had her mind focused on God and she gave to God for the operation of the Temple.
She knew that God would take care of her tomorrow. Her future was insured because she was a righteous woman in love God. And she set that example for a stroll for two thousand years.
Without even knowing it. Anytime the samples are examples of
are not even known to us.
anytime we don't do all that we can it sets an example, anytime We party on Saturday and go to church on Sunday. We're setting an example.
You know, that one where all the people say, there's just a bunch of Hypocrites. Well,
Can't be if that's the way you're going through life thinking. It's okay to do. What God Told me not to do as long as I come to church on Sunday and long as I can. I give a bunch of money on Sunday. I'll be fine. But that's not true. The giving is really right here. It's in our hearts. It's getting of ourselves. yeah, we have to give money, otherwise I'll turn the lights out on this, but yeah, we also have to give love We have to give attention to those who need it. We have to take care of our widows. We have to take care of our orphans.
We have to help the sick.
Somebody get sick, doesn't have a lot of family. We need to go make some meals and take to their house. So they've got something to eat. While they're laid up somebody to talk to Hey. I'm laying in bed. Great, timeshare Bible, listen to can't run candy.
Always look for that chance. When we start out here saying, Everybody. Bring one. Remember When?
Carl Brashear. Rob. See that.
Harold. Charlotte brought their next door neighbor. Morgan brought Tyler, Tyler family. That's how it's supposed to work. Everything's just step, right? This is the only legal pyramid scheme.
If everybody, you bring bring one and that one brings one now and brings one. It goes up pretty quick.
We need to keep that in mind. That's what giving is all about giving of ourselves.
In our attitudes, giving of ourselves. Weather pocketbook giving of ourselves and God's word. Setting examples for those around us. They show that even the worst of people. Can you not be in your preacher someday? Cuz God forgives God is much more forgiving than any person that walks on here with I'll tell you that and it's a good thing. It's a good thing or a bunch of us would be doomed.
some Bible scholars say that 16 of the verses in the Bible relate in some way to the topic of giving accurate or not number-wise I think it's I read somewhere it was 678 or 735 or something like that verses on giving, but there's a lot of verses on giving Hey, so so I put on my poly in and I charge it out, you know, Pollyanna told told us all how how many verses there were in the Bible about being glad and happy? Well, just tell him we're looking at about one-sixth of the verses in the Bible, in some way relate to the topic of giving. Whether that's accurate or not, the Bible does have much to say on the subject. All should give for the rich-poor or in between
Got you saying little different than me differently than we do. We view things that whoever gives the most money wins.
well, now the truth is whoever spent less money on toys and more on Godwin's. And it doesn't matter. Your portion between you and you. It matters the proportion between what you have and what you give. It's not a contest between individuals at the contest between you and God. Are you getting as much as you think? God wants you to give and that's how much you're supposed to give. Some Churches. Say what you should give 10%. And they have all these books and I meant it practically confiscate your tax returns to see if they got their 10% out of you this year. And it's not supposed to be that way. Don't. And never has want his gifts to be forced out of you. He wants them to be Gifts of love. Always of love. Are giving should be sacrificial right given with purpose and love are getting. Should reflect the fact that I trust in God, not go with trusting. God, not go. That means it if I give up all my goal today. Lord. You'll take care of me tomorrow. I'm not telling anybody go out and sell her house and give it to church. I'm telling you that anything you do, give God will repay Any, I'll repay it with glory and love. God cares. Not just about the portion but the pro portion, that's what I was saying. It's a comparison of what you have and what you give to a comparison of how willing you are to give and how many of God's blessings you're sharing with those around you everyday, that's the giving that really counts. That was the Great.
Commission. Right. Spread the word, the Great Commission, spread the word to every corner of the Earth. Let every voice, hear the word of God.
The main point of the whole lesson is that Jesus is watching us just like he watch that Widow. He wants. He's watching to see a heart in it. Are we happy to give it's coming to church and putting money in the offering an opportunity and not a chore? Play spreading the word of God. A wonderful thing I can do for the people. I love. Or is it? Get something, I'll worry about it. I'll go to church every day. I'll pass out a few vamping.
That's not kind of sacrifice guide one giving a little bit of your time. Each day to spread the word of God. Not only
brings joy to Christ and enjoy the god. It brings joy to you. It feels the pews in the church.
Because you cared enough to save. Somebody's Soul. You can't save your soul but you can surely lead them to the place to get it safe. So when you see somebody, I don't care if you've asked him, 20 times to come to church with you, ask him 21. Come down, they're going to get tired of hearing it and now you're started holding you. So you can go concentrate on somebody else or that's a alright I'll come this time and who knows? Maybe they'll stay.
Jesus, watch this weather at, you know,
I think we should keep in mind, reading about that. How much? He's given to you.
And in this week we've been talking about it seems to go on so long for him. How much is he giving to you? How much has he given to the entire world during just this week? If he Norma.
even though Christ is no longer walking the Earth, the need to gives from the from that window is still been a valuable lesson. I tried to stay.
You know, in the gospels for this lesson, but something or reinforce later on in the New Testament and acts 20:35 and everything, I showed you that by working hard in this matter, you must help the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus that he himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive. That's acts 20:35. Anybody wants to look it up I didn't put it up on the board.
Every person must do just as he has purposed in his heart. So, whatever your heart tells you to give is what you should be giving. If you're all right, then well the church probably use you no hundred dollars a week. But you're only given 50, then you're not giving what you purpose in your heart, but if you, if you said, if you set aside a portion of what you make and you think that person should be $100 and gives $100.
And then if you skip skip a week because you were sick or whatever, yes, you should probably give $200 to next week because the needs of the building, do we still have to put on like, we still have to put in carpet. We still, we still have to keep the baptismal warm for those people to finally decide to save them self. But all those things cost money. So if you skip a week, try to make that wake up. You're probably not going to burn in hell, if you didn't. But you should try. Giving is one of those things that really are based on. How hard did I try to give to God, how hard did I try to spread his word? You know, how hard did I try to keep his place of worship? Looking good? You know, are you like brother? You all that's up here? Like everyday? You either cutting grass or painting something, or, or fixing wiring or something? At the drop of a hat. They all get together, and you're up here, mowing grass and all those things with the entire congregation should be doing those things, as part of their giving back to Christ.
Or just calculate that number your head. How much you have you have? You given to the Lord this month, there's some discussion is to the scene was even recorded, especially the moment. It was recorded right after he denounced. Who do you think?
Roy probably covered that in Sunday school. He denounced the Pharisees Because they are all show and no go. I love to have a millionaire in in the congregation that that gave me a tenth of his income every week to run the church with that would be amazing. I wouldn't guarantee it to save his soul by the tents of his income might save his soul. But how you can't buy it that way, I'm sure we'd enjoy having the money to have have a nice man to drive down the road and have just pay somebody to mow the grass, you know, that would be great when it but we don't have that kind of income. but what we do have is a lot of love for me to other a lot of people caring and hopefully a lot of people sharing the word of God with others. So that we, we might grow here. This church has been the same size for a long time. Let's put on some editions, you know, get out there and spread to work. If everyone you bring brings one
Everyone you, if everybody brings one with double the size of congregation. Now, instead of 20, something in here on Sunday, we'd have 50.
If all those people were not brought one and you kept working to bring one pretty soon, we've got over a hundred people. Will you do that one more time? Pretty soon. Sound like an Amway sales and donut.
And pretty soon. We have to build a bigger check.
So keep that in mind, if you're going going about this week and this month and this year share give to God by sharing the word of God.
It's only a sacrifice.
It's not a sacrifice to your wallet but it's a sacrifice of your time. And time is only given to you by God. So why not share his time with somebody else?
Still looks at our How do I getting even today? There's some discussions on. I already read that dinner. Lord, scrutinise, the giving in the temple, two thousand years ago and he still viewing us from heaven today. What is pricey is he looks at our giving member price? Not just looking at the gift, but at the giver and are you a happy Giver? Do you rejoice with the opportunity to give to God? Do you rejoice with the opportunity to share his word, you rejoice at the opportunity to help others.
Because we should rejoice and all those things. Do you rejoice that the preachers going to make you late for lunch?
So, we've covered quite a bit today on the act of giving. I hope that you all got something out of that. I hope that.
as Christians were spreading that word and allowing people to hear the gospel,
I hope that everyone here has heard that gospel and believes that gospel and just knows. All I've got to do is what that gospel says and I'm going to be okay.
That means you're ready to relieve our repent of your past and you're ready to tell the world. I am a Christian, I believe. Jesus Christ is the savior. He's the son of God. And he came to save me.
And then most importantly you're ready to be baptized, you're ready to wash away, those Sands and rise up as a new person. With a spirit. Every paintings and God in your heart. Knowing that. As long as I go to God everyday, And truthfully, hopefully lovingly ask for my sins that I repeated Revenge. Because once you're Christian, you're not saying, free, believe me, you will still make some Lulu. Decisions are the big problem is, you're not Lulu decisions, you didn't decide on you. Just did them and then you realize what that was the old me. I don't still do that. And so, then you ask God, for repentance and it's gone and you're just as fresh as when you came up out of the baptism. But you have to continue that in your life. If you're willing to make any of those steps today or if you need the prayers of the congregation for any reason, please come forward as we stand and sing.