Ultimate Reality Part 2 - The Lamb

Revelation  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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What is your life all about? What gives your life meaning and purpose, especially through suffering? And who defines that ultimate reality for you? Do you define it? Does culture define it for you? In Revelation 5, the Apostle John receives a vision of the Lamb--Jesus Christ. Jesus is ruling, and He is worthy of our worship in every way. If He is our ultimate reality, we must let Him define our ultimate reality.


Please turn to Revelation chapter 5.
One of the most popular stories of all time—we mentioned Wizard of Oz last week—is Alice in Wonderland.
In it, she spots a white rabbit - who is late, late, for a very important date, and follow him down a deep rabbit hole, only to land in a pace called Wonderland. where she encounters all kinds of weird creatures—the Catepillar, the Chesire Cat, Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts. It’s kind of a weird story—and at the end—not to spoil this ending, but you have since 1865 to learn of the story, we learn that Alice is awakened by her sister—it was only a dream. Wonderland was not ultimate reality for her.
From that story-we have phrases like “down the rabbit hole...” which is taken from this story—and means going deep into something, getting lost or fixated on something—or ending up somewhere strange—you ever do that—as you search online. I can be looking up the weather, and before I know, by clinking various links, I am learning about a cat with 7 limbs that can juggle mice...
“down the rabbit hole...” we can get engrossed in that—but like Alice—it’s not reality, not ultimate reality.
here in Revelation - John the Apostle gets an incredible vision of what ultimate reality is in chapters 4 and 5. He doesn’t go down the rabbit hole—he is caught up—and this is not just a dream—this is a real vision of what is going on in heaven. what is really happening and what really matters for him and the church then.
and for us now...
and so far in chapter 4 last week—we said 2 things he and us learn
(review from last week)
Part 1: What we need to KNOW (about ultimate reality) that God is on the throne. (Ruling and reigning)
PART 2 — what we need to do: Worship the One on the throne (24/7 reality)
let’s read the rest.
Revelation 5:1–14 NIV
1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. 4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” 6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. 8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. 9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” 11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. 12 In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” 13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” 14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.
what a scene...
the one on the throne
24 elders around the throne on their own mini thrones worshipping God on the throne
the 4 creatures — angels
and now…a Lamb—or Lion turned into a Lamb—Jesus
along with multitudes of angels
and every creature worshipping God
there is another piece to the real rabbit hole—another piece to ultimate reality that they needed to know, and we need to know.
and here it is--
Ultimate Reality
3. Embrace the Lamb — (if the first was to know, 2nd to do—this is getting at the heart—our heart orientiation)
another way to say this—have a laser like focus on Jesus.
but I love that word embrace...
when you embrace someone—you are not just hugging them—it is wrapping them in, enveloping them--
this is our constant focus—it is Jesus, it is the Gospel—it is the good news.
this is what ultimate reality is all about.
and I am going to apply that—b/c that sounds spiritual Pastor Rick—Embrace the Lamb…let me unpack it...
what does it mean to Embrace the Lamb—Jesus.
look at verse 1
Revelation 5:1 NIV
1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals.
so God the Father is holding a scroll writing on both sides (inside and out), and it is sealed with seven seals (not animals) but it is a well seal kind of ancient document.
We see this kind of scroll, similarly in other OT prophetic books like Ezekiel, and Isaiah, and Jeremiah.
some have guessed that maybe it is the book of life—containing the names of all those who are saved. I don’t think so.
some thought maybe it’s the OT—I don’t think so.
a. If you look carefully at the description—many Biblical scholars have noted that it is well sealed—the seven seals remind us of completion or perfection but also that it is an official document. It is also written within and on the back—both sided document. In ancient official documents or contracts—the inside of the scroll would contain the writing, the content, but the outside of the scroll would have writing on it, too, summarizing the document. In Roman wills for example, such wills were witnessed and sealed by 7 witnesses, that may be the background
either way it is comprehensive...
so what is it:
Scroll: It is God’s plan of judgment and redemption that He will bring to completion.
notice it is God’s plan—his decrees—like a king—He is on the throne—and it involves 2 parts
—judgment for some who are not part of his kingdom...
—and redemption or salvation for those who are...
and this decree was made not recently—but before the foundation of the world—this was always God’s plan...
and it was especially set in motion by Jesus—by the Lamb—by his death and resurrection, He has already begun to fulfil this 2,000 years ago and will ultimately fulfill it.
when Jesus came the first time he said “the kingdom of God is near...” because He brought it by his life, death, and resurrection...
but there are 2 parts.
He completed part 1—it’s here...
but there is part 2 to be fulfilled when he finished it.
and so this scroll is a big deal! who is going to finish and execute the plan of God!
verse 2— an angel says “who is worthy to open it?
vs. 3—no one—could open it or even look inside it.
Revelation 5:4 NIV
4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.
John is concerned—as a suffering Christian, and a suffering church—is God going to fulfill his plan to save his people and judge his enemies? Is he going to bring his kingdom fully?
is there anyone who can accomplish that and do it b/c it doesn’t feel like God is winning...
now, I have always found this a little strange. Isn’t there someone on the throne who can open it? Isn’t God powerful enough to do this?
Nancy Guthrie says it like this...

First we must understand that the scroll reveals God’s plan for history and humanity, which includes abundant, undeserved grace for repentant sinners, and unbearable, righteously inflicted, justly deserved judgment on unrepentant sinners.

For God the Father to open on his own the scroll that pours out pardon for sin would be like sweeping sin under the rug of the universe. If God were to open on his own, with no mediator or protector, the scroll that pours out wrath, no one would escape the punishment that will be poured out. Someone must come onto this dramatic heavenly scene to demonstrate the justice of God against evil as well as the sacrifice of God to accomplish salvation.

who can accomplish this—only Jesus Christ—the Lamb
so what does it mean to embrace the Lamb:
Trust Jesus Christ alone for the salvation of your sins
He alone can open the scroll to execute God’s judgment but also to truly save sinners.
b/c He is the Lamb.
there is a reason that the image of the Lamb is mentioned—in fact Revelation mentions it over 25 times. (main image of Jesus)
it is reminding us of the OT—and the idea of a substitute and a sacrifice for sins. a mediator...
we have been plagued by sin and its consequences since Adam and Eve—we love to put ourselves in the place of God.
Adam and Eve when sinned in the Garden—what’s amazing is that God kills an animal and clothed them with the animal skins. There was a substitute and a sacrifice.
in Genesis 22—with Abraham and Isaac—God calls Abraham to sacrifice his son, his only son, and Abraham in faith does it—he’s about to do it—and God says “stop” and a ram appeared in the thicket. substitute and sacrifice
in the book of Leviticus—which all about blood and guts—God lays out a system of sacrifice for Israel—that if our sins are going to be paid for, we must offer an animal, a lamb in our place—must die—substitute and sacrifice and blood.
God was teaching them and us—that sin is serious. it’s deadly. someone must pay. blood must be given.
in fact, we learn in Exodus—the last of the 10 plagues—God has the Israelites kill a lamb, and spread its blood on the door—so when the angel of death came, he passed over the Israelites, he spared their firstborn sons because they were covered under the blood of the lamb.
in John, in the NT—John the Baptist calls Jesus: John 1:29
John 1:29 NIV
29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
Jesus actually died at Passover—He was the full and final Passover Lamb for our sins. when we believe in Jesus—the angel of death passes over us—we don’t die in our sins—the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sins.
we don’t earn it or work for it—it is secure and safe in Jesus.
and the question today—first if we are to embrace the Lamb—have you trusted in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sins before a holy God?
Jesus was reminding John back then, and the church then, and today—that if we are suffering—remember, our salvation is secure—because Jesus paid it all. you don’t work for it.
The perfect Lamb of God, our substitute in our place, the ultimate sacrifice for sin…we add nothing to it. It is finished! do you believe, Christian?
If you are not a Christian—what are you looking to for your salvation—there is only one Jesus—through Him, we are put right with a holy God, the one on the throne—we are invited in to worship Him here—that’s amazing!
if you are — do you have a radical security, deep in your soul—that you belong to Jesus no matter what and nothing can take that away. B/C THE LAMB IS MEDIATING FOR US ON BEHALF OF US BEFORE THE THRONE—WE ARE INVITED IN TO WORSHIP AND ENJOY GOD!
Revelation 5:9–10 NIV
9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”
are you trusting Jesus ALONE? or are you trying to earn your salvation or ignoring it—those who trust Jesus alone—have a worship life of wonder and awe like the beings in this passage...
Embrace the Lamb..
the 2nd thing that Embrace the Lamb means...
2. Give your plans to the Planner...
you could say this in terms of salvation...
but I mean John and the Church back then, were under a Roman Empire, where the Emperor Domitian demanded people call him Lord and Savior...
are you resting in Jesus, trusting, surrendering to him, peace… in your heart…DAILY..
the scroll is God’s plan that He has and is, and will execute for all the universe. God’s plan is comprehensive…do you trust in God’s plan for you—even if it is hard, even if it difficult? doesn’t mean you have to grin and bear it, you can cry out to God—he hears and sympathizes—but if God is on the throne, and Jesus is at the right hand—one implication is that we can not only trust, but surrender, our plans to Him. rest in His plan for our life.
this is tough if you are planner, who likes to see everything executed in your plan to the most minute detail...
this is tough if your plan is not going the way you want...
all Christians throughout the ages and ourselves included, when life doesn’t go like we want, we wonder—is God really in control and in charge? I am sure some of you feel this kind of same grief that John does—you are weeping because life is spiraling out of control—and can you really trust that God will bring about his purposes and plans on this earth. And the answer is—as this chapter reminds us—He absolutely will. He is in control. AND HE CARES B/c of the LamB!
where do you need to trust, rest, and be still before this God, and the Lamb?
what’s amazing about this image—is that Jesus the Lamb is reigning there now!
and He has power—he has 7 horns—that symbolizes god’s power—the seven eyes—symbolizing the Holy Spirit—and the fact that He knows all.
He is a Lion of the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49)—he is not a meek and weak Lamb. He is the root of David (Isaiah 11)—the King. both of those are images from OT prophecies.
He is ruling and reigning—
He has the power to do and accomplish anything now.
and he has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God.
and Ephesians says that if we are in Christ—we are now seated with Christ in the heavenly realms…spiritually speaking...
do you believe that?
if that is true—are you resting in Christ…and all His plans He has for you? is your identity in that or your circumstances or your plans—or Gods?
one way you know that you are submitting your plans to the Planner—is you can praise God no matter what..
Revelation 5:13 NIV
13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
embrace the Lamb—submit your plans to the Planner—what plans do you need to give to God?
Last point…if we are going to Embrace the Lamb...
3. Live the way of irony—(as defined by Jesus)
what? what do I mean?
Live the way of the Lamb and the cross...
what is irony—in stories, books and movies—
it is when the opposite happens of something you expect to happen.
let me give you some examples of situational irony...
—a fire station burns down—that is the opposite of what you would expect
—the police station gets robbed--
—a post on FB complains about how useless FB is...
—an anti-technology group sets up a website to recruit new members..
—a member of PETA wearing leather shoes...
opposite of what is expected...
So much of Jesus Christ, the Lamb, is ironic. It’s unexpected.
Yes He is powerful...
He is the king from David (isaiah 11)
He is the lion...
but He is the Lamb… that is the MAIN image of Jesus in the book of Revelation.
and the way of the Lamb…the way of victory…He is worthy why—because he was slain.
was by shedding his blood.
was by dying on a cross.
that was the way he could buy or redeem our freedom from sin—to accomplish the Father’s Plan...
and because of his perfect sacrifice—He is now WORTHY! TO open the scroll…to execute God’s perfect kingdom plan to bring judgment upon his enemies…and to complete our full and final salvation along with the entire created order and a new heaven and new earth.
(“I was thinking about this…this is my theory on why the Lamb is the dominant image of Jesus in Revelation…)
John’s readers back then—needed to be reminded of this—God is the all powerful one on the throne with the Lamb…BUT the way of the Lamb now is not by picking up our swords and starting a revolution in Rome—it’s the way of the cross.
WE CONQUER AND OVERCOME by enduring patiently with Jesus.
WE CONQUER AND OVERCOME by possibly dying—Jesus was slain for our sins—we may be called to die for following the slain one. that’s ironically overcoming!
many of us today—politically—think that the way of Christianity is by just voting in the right people—if we just get the right people in power we will have a perfect America and Christian society. I am all for getting the right people in power…but we are mistaken to think that will solve all our problems...
BUT that is not the way of Lamb here. because even if our country gets worse and we feel the wrong people are in power—we still overcome by the Way of the Lamb. we don’t need to have power b/c there is one on the throne—reigning, and Jesus the Lamb has overcome even by death.
you see this is the ironic thing about Christian power—we actually do worse as Christians for Jesus when we get more power. the way to have power is not by lording it over others—or grasping for power—but by service. we actually make the most difference not by lording it over others or having power, but by giving it up and serving. that’s what John’s readers needed, that’s what we need!
here is irony—the way up is down…washing feet. service. just as the Lamb came not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.
have you been duped by the world…to grasp for power and influence—that’s not the way of the Lamb. He gives it up; He serves.
is your leadership and life marked by the way of the Lamb?
another irony with the Lamb—is that if we hold on to our life, and this world, and is wealth and definition of success, ironically we will lose it. that’s not ultimately reality.
ultimate reality is giving up our life for Jesus’ sake, and finding it. and we get to reign with God someday
another irony—before God we don’t achieve anything—the way up is not up before God. the way up is actually down—when we humble ourselves before the Lord He will lift us up.
the way of the Ironic Lamb—is humility...
another irony—is that we don’t repay evil with evil, or eye for eye...
we overcome by forgiveness. by giving up our right to inflict vengeance…by entrusting judgment to the ultimate Judge. that’s how we overcome...
here’s another irony…we are actually called to embrace our weakness and suffering. Paul said, when we are weak, we are strong—b/c we are forced to rely on an all-powerful God. He loves it when we are dependent. We are at our best when we feel weak, needy, and dependent on Jesus!
and this image of the Lamb reminds us of that—at the center of ultimate reality is the Lamb—who died and rose again, and his slain - ness for all eternity ...is a reminder of all this irony.
have you embraced the Lamb?
—your salvation?
—your plans?
—living the ironic way of the cross?
Let’s pray.
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