Ultimate Reality Part 2 - The Lamb
What is your life all about? What gives your life meaning and purpose, especially through suffering? And who defines that ultimate reality for you? Do you define it? Does culture define it for you? In Revelation 5, the Apostle John receives a vision of the Lamb--Jesus Christ. Jesus is ruling, and He is worthy of our worship in every way. If He is our ultimate reality, we must let Him define our ultimate reality.
First we must understand that the scroll reveals God’s plan for history and humanity, which includes abundant, undeserved grace for repentant sinners, and unbearable, righteously inflicted, justly deserved judgment on unrepentant sinners.
For God the Father to open on his own the scroll that pours out pardon for sin would be like sweeping sin under the rug of the universe. If God were to open on his own, with no mediator or protector, the scroll that pours out wrath, no one would escape the punishment that will be poured out. Someone must come onto this dramatic heavenly scene to demonstrate the justice of God against evil as well as the sacrifice of God to accomplish salvation.