Holy War (Pt. 1)
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*Story of $97 million worth of counterfeit merchandise seized before Super Bowl in 2022*
““Beware of phony online ads for products and tickets, whether they’re on websites, social media or marketplace listings,” said NFL intellectual property counsel Bonnie Jarrett. “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
Revelation 12 and 13 show that believers (not just sports fans) need to be able to discern what is counterfeit and what is legitimate
The Woman and the Dragon (Rev. 12)
The Woman and the Dragon (Rev. 12)
Give a remider of the use of symbolism in Revelation
The book says so itself (“a sign” in verse 1 and verse 3)
Who is the pregnant woman? The faithful remnant of Israel
In Genesis 37:9, Joseph has a dream where the sun, moon and eleven stars bow down to him
Stars were his brothers (he was the 12th), moon was his mother Rebecca and the sun was Jacob… Israel
This clearly points to Israel (faithful remnant; those who accept Jesus as Messiah)
Who is the dragon? That’s easy; it’s Satan (defined in verse 9)
Dragon = serpent
Seven heads = authority; ten horns = strength, seven diadems = wealth; Satan has all of these things at his disposal
The dragon (Satan) attempts to devour the child of the woman
Who is the child? It’s Jesus!
“Rod of iron” draws us to Psalm 2:7 - 9 (read passage)
Notice that the male child isn’t a “sign” like the woman and the dragon. He is the real deal; this is a Christmas story
*Make joke of advent series, “The pregnant woman and the Baby Eating Dragon”*
The life of Jesus is summarized in one verse: He is born and then he is “caught up to God and to his throne” = victory & ascension
The woman flees to the wilderness where God nourishes her for 1,260 days
Another reference to the Exodus story
1,260 days = time of great trouble between the first and second comings of Christ
Story makes this clear; time period begins after acension of Christ
NOTHING in Revelation 12 - 13 that should lead us to believe this is speaking about specific future events
Notice: Revelation re-tells this story again with different details starting in verse 7
Satan is cast down from heaven (v. 4 and v. 9)
He pursues the woman Israel (v. 6 and v. 13)
The woman is protected and nourished in the wilderness for 1,260 days/3.5 years (v. 6 and v. 14)
Some differences: What caused Satan to be cast down from heaven? He was conquered by the blood of the Lamb (v. 11)
Also conquered by the testimony of the saints and their faithfulness even to death
Cf. Luke 10:17 - 20.
The woman escapes the beast by two eagles wings
Cf. Exodus 19:4 (Exodus is front and centre)
When Satan cannot devour the child or defeat the woman, he goes after her offspring
Defined for us: “those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus”
That’s the church; the saints; this is us!
Satan has declared war on the church, full of wrath, because he knows his time is short (v. 12); he knows he has lost.
“The suffering of the church in the world is not a sign that of Satan’s victory. It is a sign of his realization of defeat” (Johnson, p. 237)
How does Satan wage war? Through the beasts
The First Beast (Rev. 13:1 - 10)
The First Beast (Rev. 13:1 - 10)
First beast looks a lot like the dragon (even given power and authority)
Ten horns, seven heads, ten diadems = authority, power, wealth
Also bears intentional resemblance to the four beasts in Daniel 7: Lion, bear, leopard, and horns
This beast carried a mortal wound that was healed
Counterfeit resurrection; mimics the Lamb that was slain
People worship the dragon and the beast
Out of fear; not out of love… “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”
Worship through the path of least resistance and self preservation
Beast was given authority and permission to blaspheme for 42 months
“Given” meaning that God is still sovereign in this situation
He is the One on the throne; NOT the dragon or the beast
42 months = 1,260 days = 3.5 years (all the same time of trouble)
During this time period the beast makes war on the saints and conquers them
Same language used of the 2 witnesses in Rev. 11:7 (why we can be confident the witnesses are the church)
The call to the people of good is for endurance and faith (v. 10)
Don’t retaliate; endure. You are on the winning side, evern if you lose your life
The first century listeners would have known who the beast was: Rome and Caesar
4 beasts of Daniel = 4 kingdoms (likely Babylon, Persia, Mede and Greece)
Dragon gave over “power, throne and great authority” to the beast
The state was Rome; pressuring Christians to compromise on their belief and participate in emperor worship
But the beast’s authority, power and enthronement are counterfeit
Contrast the mortal wound with the slain Lamb
Only one has true power and authority
Beware of counterfeit power
*Use illustration about not compromising beliefs in the face of pressure from authorities*
Cf. Ephesians 1:19 - 21.
The Second Beast (Rev. 13:11 - 18)
The Second Beast (Rev. 13:11 - 18)
Second beast had 2 horns like a lamb
Again, mimicking the Lamb that was slain (counterfeit)
But it spoke like a dragon; shows true character (deceit)
This beast serves as an enforcer; makes people worship the first beast
Uses signs and wonders to accomplish this (fire from heaven, just like Elijah)
These signs are also counterfeit, but they are persuasive
The people are pressured into worshiping an image of the beast
If they do NOT worship, they are slain
Think back to the story of Daniel’s friends *Rack, Shack & Benny*
The mark of the beast. What is it?
Carries with it economic implications (no one can buy or sell)
May have referred to union markings that required participation in eating sacrificial food
Once again, the mark mimic’s that of Christ’s it is a counterfeit
RIGHT after we read about the mark of the beast, we read this: Read Rev. 14:1.
The people of God are sealed with the name of the Lamb and of God written on their foreheads (symbolic)
The people of the beast are sealed with the mark of the beast on their hands and foreheads (also symbolic)
NOT about microchips, vaccines, cashless society, etc.
It is about being marked, sealed, stamped with the character: of either the Lamb, or the Beast
Who do you belong to?
The name of the beast. What is it?
Number = name (described in verse 17)
Number = 666
Could be gematria: Using numbers to correspond to letters of the alphabet
If John used the Hebrew, alphabet, 666 could refer to Nero Caesar (began persecution)
Maybe? But there is likely a bigger picture here
7 is the number of completion, as is 3.
God’s number = 777 completely complete
Beast’s number = 666 completely incomplete
The Greek also does not have “a” in front of man in verse 18
NOT looking at a description of a particular beast, but the character of the beast
Imperfect; counterfeit; not worthy of worship
Beware of counterfeit worship
Do not be swayed by deception, signs and wonders or anything else that draws you away from worship of God and the Lamb
How can we know? How can we test? By the fruits, not the signs
Cf. Matthew 7:15-20.
The beast appeared as a lamb, but spoke as a dragon (revealed bad fruit)
Displayed amazing signs and wonders, but actively drew people away from worship of God and the Lamb
The proof is in the pudding… ah, fruit. Beware of counterfeit worship
We are not pressured to take part in the emporer cult (on pain of economic disaster or death)
But there are subtle and overt temptations for idol worship in our lives, too
*Gods at War by Kyle Idleman; pleasure, romance, sex, money, power*
What are you disappointed with?
What do you sacrifice time and money for?
What do you worry about?
Where do you go when you hurt?
What makes you mad?
What do you dream about?
What brings you the most joy?
Whose applause do you long for?
Revelation 12 and 13 give us an unholy Trinity; mimicking the truth and counterfeit in every way:
Dragon in Rev 12 mimics God in Rev. 4.
Beast from the sea in Rev. 13 mimics the Lamb in Rev. 5.
Beast from the earth mimics the work of the Holy Spirit in Rev. 11.
These visions John received are not designed to be decoded as specific futuristic events
They are designed to call us to have endurance and faith under the spiritual attack of counterfeit power and counterfeit worship