Colossians 1:1-8
Sermon Tone Analysis
Intro: There's an Elephant in the room
Paul is writing to the Colossians because there is an “elephant in the room.” There is something going on--- something which Paul, Timothy, Epaphras, and the Colossians are all well aware of. You wouldn't know it from reading this introduction, but it is nonetheless there.
But before we can dive into the substance of Paul's letter and find out just what the Issue and conflict facing the church is, we need to first examine the broader context in which it was written.
The book of Colossians is usually referred to as one of Paul's “prison letters”-(meaning we think Paul wrote it from prison-- probably in Rome). So sometime in the AD 60’S-- Paul and Timothy are writing to the church in the relatively small town of Colossae.
One thing that makes this letter so unique is the fact that we have no evidence that Paul ever met the believers in Colossae. Rather, we see in v.7-8 that a man named Epaphras was a minister in Colossae and told Paul all about this church, and reported on its current state. Clearly there's a lot of really good stuff happening at the Church in Colossae! They are responding to the good news of Jesus, growing in faith and love for one another, and doing all the things that faithful followers of Christ should be doing (1:8, 2:5)......
But there is an elephant in the room….there is a very serious issue looming on the horizon, creeping its way into the community. It probably hasn't fully embedded itself within the church yet, so there is still time to address this issue before it goes any further. This letter serves as a warning to stay vigilant, be prepared, and fight back against the false teaching that so many find appealing.
Scholars call this false teaching “the Colossian Heresy.” It has such an ominous name-- and the truth is we don't know exactly what it is. But we do know that at its core, when you boiled it down and looked at the root of this false philosophy, it taught that faith in Christ alone was not enough. While Believing in Jesus was a good start---It was lacking something… it was what we will call “Christ & Theology”-- meaning that they accepted an idea of Christ, but they wanted something else. They felt as though they needed to add something to make their faith complete:
Secret knowledge /wisdom
Religious practices/ ceremonies/ laws= legalism
Mystical experiences/ The occult/ magic
Syncretism: the blending of- Jewish/ Pagan/ folk religion/ magic/ & Christianity
So this is the underlying context of Paul's letter to the Colossians. This is Elephant in the Room. While the first 8 verses we are studying do not directly address this looming heresy. The temptation of blending our culture and faith--- It nonetheless serves as the reason for and purpose of this letter---
As you and I know--Clearly, there was an issue with how many in this community understood who Jesus was. The Jesus you and I worship is certainly Not Lacking! So to counteract this false knowledge of Christ, Paul prescribes a full knowledge of Christ. And that is why the book of Colossians gives us one of the fullest, most profound, beautiful, glorious pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ and his all sufficient saving grace…..
*** So with all that being said, let's look at the text this morning, and ask the Lord to open our eyes and hearts to the message he has for us today.***
Introduction 1:1-2
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,
2 To God’s holy people in Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ: Grace and peace to you from God our Father
This is about as straightforward of an introduction as we could imagine. Paul and his co-worker Timothy are writing to the “saints” at Colossae, “the holy and faithful” Followers of Christ (v.2).
Here Paul identifies himself as “an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God.”
Apostle: “special messenger”--- This title carries great weight-- it conveys the idea of mission, special authority, and responsibility.--- And we know that Paul is not a special messenger of political ideology/ or philosophy/ or pure religion-- But of Jesus Christ and his good news!
“By the will of God” --Paul reminds the Colossians that he has been designated by God, commissioned by God, Sent by God himself-- to speak and act with special authority.
As such his words carry weight. The Colossians can trust what he has to say.
Next we see in v.2 a very important clarification of Paul's audience:
This verse may be translated as “To the holy and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae.”
There are 2 “Spheres”-- 2 states of being-- that are being communicated here:
First off, they are “In Colossae”-- they are from Colossae, living, breathing, and existing in the city. Just as we are living in Lorena, or Hewitt, or Waco Texas. While they are “in Colossae”-- working, going to school, owning property, doing business, raising their family,--they also are “in Christ.”
This phrase “in Christ” is of the utmost importance. Their status “in Christ'' is their primary sphere of existence.
Our status “in Christ” must not be overlooked. As Paul says in the book of Philipians “Our citizenship is in heaven” not of this world (3.20). Later in Colossians chapter 3, he says that since we have been raised with Christ, we must “set our hearts and minds on things above”-- not on the things of the earth--- “For we have died, and our life is now hidden with Christ in God” (Col 3:1-3). And as Jesus reminds us over and over again in the Gospels, his kingdom is not of this world. (Jn 18:36), We as Christians-- those of us “in Christ”, are members of this Kingdom.
Therefore, if you remember the elephant in the room, -- the temptation of Syncretism/ blending faith in Christ with their culture--- Our status in Christ is a reason to reject this very idea! They must not find their identity in where we live/ their culture/ or even the ways of this world. “In Christ” is much more important than “in Colossae.”-- Christ's kingdom is greater than the earthly kingdoms.--not limited to a city like Colossae.
Furthermore, in v.2, Paul practices what he preaches.-- The Gospel message-- He calls the Colossians “Faithful Brothers and Sisters in Christ.”
It is nothing short of miraculous that Paul, a devout Jew for all his life, calls a group of gentiles he has never met “brothers and sisters In Christ” (notice that sphere!). As we are well aware, the Jewish people kept themselves separate from the gentiles. They were very proud of their “otherness” -- the way they were “set apart.” Yet Paul completely rejects any notion of superiority and prejudice--- and dramatically demonstrates the power of the Gospel. The power of Primarily residing “In Christ.”
This is an example of the uniting, peace-bringing power of the gospel. This is just one consequence and result of the good news-- peace among mankind. Strangers, those once alienated, estranged, and hostile to one another now United in Christ. In peace.
The rest of our text today, continues in this spirit of demonstrating the wonderful power of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Paul’s Thanksgiving (v.3-5)
3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you.
Looking now to v.3 we move from Paul's Greeting to Paul's Gratitude.----But there is more to this gratitude than meets the eye. Remember, Paul is writing this letter from Prison. We typically find portraits of Paul, “sitting peacefully at a desk by candlelight, quill in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.” Instead imagine Paul chained and shackled, malnourished, beaten and bruised by Roman guards- maybe even other prisoners. Perhaps he is under house arrest, uncertain of his fate, or perhaps he is laying on the ground of a cold, dark, prison.
From here, Paul writes his letter to the Colossians-- and lets them know just how thankful he is…. Not how sad/ depressed/ discouraged/ or regretful-- but thankful!
There are many reasons Paul thanks God from the confines of prison. But at the top of his list is the wonderful life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ, evident in the lives of God's holy people.
Notice how this thankfulness manifests itself through his constant prayer life.
Do you and I have this same attitude of thankfulness? If we say we do-- are we proving our thankfulness by the way we pray?
He says, “I always thank God for you-- the holy/ Faithful Saints in Colossae, because of the way you have received and believed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, he is grateful because he has received word of the way in which they have become living proof of the good news.
The proof-- the evidence of the gospel is in the way the Colossians live. Characterized and identified by the 3 Christian virtues: Faith, Hope, and Love (1 Cor 13:13). He has heard of their “faith”= even under the threat of false teachers, the Colossians have anchored their faith in the Lord.
What's more: Not only have they responded to the Gospel, and placed their faith in Christ, but Paul and Timothy give thanks because this Church is known for their love. Their “love for all God’s people.” You see, “empty” faith produces at best nothing, and at worst “bad fruit.” (selfishness, jealousy, anxiety, hate). But True faith, rooted and anchored in the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ alone, produces Love!
But wait: there's more! They are living proof of the Gospel because of their trust in Jesus and their love, but also by their hope notice how their faith and love “spring up” from their hope. This is a very special kind of hope.…. Paul calls it “Heavenly Hope.” This is hope only available to those who find themselves “In Christ.”
You see, Earthly hope-- the “hope” “In/ From the world” apart from Christ, is more like “wishful thinking.” Earthly hope- is wanting really bad and “crossing your fingers” for the best result…
People today can place their earthly hope in a lot of things.
Yourself: (your appearance/ intelligence/ strength/ ability)-- The economy: (Your 401k/ retirement plan/ the stock market) Politics: (a figure, or movement, or party)
IN FACT-- I'm still pretty new to the world of politics….
BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE WITH HEAVENLY HOPE!! Heavenly hope, hope rooted and founded in the work and person of Christ is not “wishful thinking” but “Confident Expectation.” Confidence that the Lord is who he says he is, and the expectation that he will do what he said he will do!
As one scholar puts it: The Colossians have hope because of their union with Christ, because they are “In Christ” (Col 1:27). This means they are free from corruption and death and are qualified to participate in Christ’s life, resurrection and glory. Paul reminds them that their hope of a glorious future does not come from a religious philosophy or special knowledge (as the false teachers would like them to believe) (2:8), but rather from God alone. Therefore, they do not need to accept the demands of false teachers--- They already have hope.
Do you have that same kind of Hope today? Hope unlike anything the world has to offer?
As the great Charles Spergeon once said, and many Christians throughout history can attest: “Without Christ there is no Hope!”
Earthly hope is really not worth anything. It can be shaken and taken away at the slightest adversity. But heavenly hope cannot be shaken. Earthly hope, Wishful thinking, produces anxiety and passiveness in our hearts. But heavenly hope, confident expectation and trust in the Lord Jesus-- produces Faith, and Love.
Faith and Love “Spring up” from the Colossians' hope. Praise God, that in Christ Jesus our Lord, we have that same kind of hope! unshakable, unmovable, irrevocable, irrefutable, -Gospel hope in the Lord Jesus Christ! This is the natural consequence of the power of the Gospel message-- the power of Jesus Christ bearing fruit in our lives.
This is certainly a special way to characterize a Church. This is the way a community of believers should want to be recognized! (by Faith, Hope, and Love)
Not every Church is like this. They weren’t in Paul's day, and they aren’t in ours…Think of his letter to the Galations. In which he takes a much harsher tone. They were a congregation not living as they should, not loving, hoping, and believing in faith as they should--- they bought into the temptation of the day-- The result was foolishness. Paul famously wrote “You Foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?”(3:1).
There are good and bad ways for Churches to be recognized. And foolishness is obviously a very bad example! Some Churches are recognized by their unwavering faithfulness…. Others by their love for others…. And still even more by their hope
Some churches pride themselves on their inclusive nature (and may lose their doctrinal purity)
(some in the name of being “doctrinally pure” exclude those who need to hear the gospel)
Some focus on the intellectual aspect of their faith-- growing in biblical knowledge (yet their hearts are cold and frozen)
(some in the name of being “loving” and “gracious” don’t grow in knowledge-- or they neglect sin completely)
Tragically, some churches-- some Christians--- live as though they have no reason to hope at all… and some are just hurting… and some are just mean for the sake of being mean….. Let all of this not be said of us
My point is: There are many things a Church can be called. Many ways a Church can be identified and characterized. Of course there are no perfect Churches, but Clearly the Church at Colossae-- for all its struggles and faults--- For all the temptation at its doorstep--- remained a community characterized by faith in Christ, love for one another, and unique Heavenly Hope.
(This is an ideal for us all to strive for! Both as individuals and as a Church body.)
Paul, in encouraging the Colossians, does not thank God for their knowledge, good works, religious rituals, etc…. Surely these are good things! Good qualities/ worth striving for! But Paul is thankful for their Faith in Jesus Christ, their love for God and his people, both of which spring up from their hope-- their confident expectation in the Lord.-- As Paul writes to the Church in Corinth “if we do not love, we are nothing, and we gain nothing” (1 Cor 13:3)
Paul’s Thankfulness (Cont) (v.6-8)
The faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel 6 that has come to you.
In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. 7 You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, 8 and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.
Now, Paul assures the Colossians of their connection to this world-changing Gospel- they heard it, understood it, and accepted it, as demonstrated by their “love in the Spirit” (6-8)
Paul tells them that this is the true Gospel! The Gospel of God’s grace!
My question for you today is: Do you truly understand the Gospel of God’s grace?
***Grace: meaning the unmerited/ unearned/ free gift of God to us.
It would benefit us all to reexamine our understanding of God's Grace. Do we truly understand and believe that there is nothing we could ever do to merit or earn our salvation? Or to earn his favor? When we sin, do we feel as though we cannot approach the Lord? When we fail do we feel as though we are far from him?
IN CHRIST-- God could not love you any more than he does right now. And you can do nothing to make God love you any less. The news of God’s grace is truly Good News!
Paul is saying “don’t worry, Epaphras told you the truth!” the good news of Jesus Christ, and his all sufficient grace is really as good as you have heard!
Christ really did die to save sinners-- and in him you may really be reconciled to God, you may really find the forgiveness of sins, and you may really experience new and eternal life!
If you remember the TEMPTATION of the Colossian Heresy-- There is no need to Add anything else to the good news of God’s grace. Our very attempt to do so is proof of our cheap view of God’s grace, and our low view of Christ's sacrifice. Our way of saying: “I don't really think Jesus is enough…
Look with me now at v.7-8. Paul makes it a point to say that the same message of Good news that is bearing fruit and growing throughout the world--- that gospel of grace--- had been shared to them by Epaphras.
When the gospel comes to us, we hear it, understand it, accept it, and then we live it out (this includes sharing our faith with others-- Just as Epaphras did to the faithful believers in Colossae!) This is the gospel formula. It doesn't end with our hearing and accepting-- it continues in the way we live in Christ. Being salt and light to the world. (this is the beauty and nature of the gospel message). We are invited to participate in God’s glorious mission.
You have heard and accepted the gospel message because someone else was faithful and obedient to share it with you.
This same Gospel, which has spread and grown throughout the whole world -- produces faith, love, and hope. The Good news of Christ-- takes with it this powerful effect to all who believe. God will accomplish his purposes throughout the world through the impact of his gospel -- that changes lives and hearts and souls.
We must also remember that the “true message of the gospel” implies the “false message.” …. So what is the “false gospel?” Indeed it takes many forms…. And you can certainly recognize it by its fruit. One such false gospel is the Christ & Gospel. This message denies the sufficiency of God’s grace, and of Christ himself.
Evidence for the true gospel is its fruitfulness in the lives of believers. The gospel continues to grow because it speaks to the universal condition of all people regardless of their culture, ethnicity, or economic background…. (there is a myth that religion, including Christianity, is “dying.” This could not be further from the truth… In fact, Christianity is exploding throughout the world!!! [be encouraged that the Good News of Jesus is still changing lives!]
Paul teaches us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is:
Our reason to Give Thanks v.1-3
It is the reason for our Hope v.3-5
And it is our reason to Go v.6-8
When you and I place our faith in Christ alone-- The natural result is increasing and growing Faith, Love, and hope = This is the evidence of the gospel message.
We live in a syncretistic age. Many ideas and “philosophies'' blend together to provide false teachers with plenty of material for their deceptive acts. And our itching ears love to hear it! Colossians state truly and boldly that Christ is supreme over all so-called gods, powers, and “philosophies.” He is sufficient for every believer! So Christian, be warned! And be on Guard! In Christ all the fullness of God lives in bodily form. There is no need to search for a Spiritual supplement--- In Christ, there is nothing we lack.
Paul hears of this heresy and in Chapter 2 calls it “a hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world, rather than on Christ'' (2:8). Christ & Theology is hollow because just like all false religions and philosophies, It promises much, but ultimately, does not, and cannot deliver. (2:20–23). Christ & Theology is not just empty, but it is a lie. It is deceptive. It is false, yet for many it can seem very appealing…. But Christian, do not deny the Gospel of God’s grace!
You and I would do well to keep in mind the temptation-- even to this day-- of resisting the true gospel message. Of buying into the temptation of Christ & Theology. Whether it be Christ and good works, Christ & religion, Christ & politics, Christ & service, Christ &_____. Our faith must be in Christ alone.
When you and I place our faith in Christ alone-- The natural result is increasing and growing Faith, Love, and hope = this is the evidence of the gospel message.
Paul writes to the Church at Colossae to remind and encourage them of the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ alone, proven by the truth and power of his gospel message.
The gospel is our reason to give thanks v.1-3
The gospel is the reason for our hope v.3-5
The gospel is our reason to Go and Serve v.6-8
So I have several questions for you today:
How have you responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ? (are you in Christ?)
There is no other foundation… No other place we want to be found!
Are you characterized by your love for God’s people?
There is no more worthy calling!
Do you have the “Heavenly Hope” Paul wrote about?
There is no other lasting source!
Our culture is more depressed and anxious than ever before. More Cynical and divided, hostile and mean:
Are you desperately in need of hope today? Cast yourself at the feet of Jesus in whom we have more reason to hope than we could ever imagine.
Does your hope produce stronger greater faith and love?
(if not-- reexamine where you have placed your hope!)
Perhaps it is “Christ & Theology”
Are you tempted to fall into the trap of “Christ &_____?”
The answer is a better understanding of Jesus and his good news.
Have you heard and truly understood the message of God’s grace?
Or do you still think you can earn or merit God’s favor?
Are you joining in the growth and multiplication of the Gospel message?
The good news of Jesus Christ is going forward- spreading- and multiplying throughout the whole earth. Like light in the darkness it cannot be stopped and cannot be hidden.
Are you / Are we all-- As Paul, Timothy, Epaphras--Faithful servants of Christ Jesus --- spreading the Gospel message as we should?