Lesson 5: Elijah’s Crisis and Israel’s Calamities: 1 Kings 19-21

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Attribute: Gracious
Doctrine: Suffering
Big Idea: God's Sustaining Grace
I. INTRODUCTION : 2 minutes
**this is mercy not grace.***
When I was a senior in high school, I was driving with one of my friends- I pulled into my driveway and into the middle of our garage.
It was our last day of highschool and I was feeling pretty awesome about myself.
In a complete moment of carelessness, I turned my music up loud, put my car in reverse and slammed on the gas.
That would have been fine, except that my father’s beloved fishing boat- which had not moved in weeks- was sitting in the driveway...
you see where this is going...There were no backup cameras- nothing to beep at me…so when I floored it…I backed straight into his boat.
In the moment- I remember not caring about my car…but I was terrified of what his response was going to be when I told him I hit his boat.
For whatever reason, I drove to my grandma’s house which happened to be close to where my dad worked. After work I remember my dad coming and seeing my totalled car-
He was of course instantly worried about me and wanted to know if I was ok.
After we had established that I was fine…I remember telling him that I had backed into his boat.
As I said the words- I had braced myself for whatever was to come next.
Now- I remember him being angry, just simply by the look on his face…but in that moment- he didn’t yell at me.
In fact, I remember him walking away…probably to cool off...
In my mind- I deserved to be yelled at…but my Dad was gracious to me in that moment.
I also expected to have to pay for my car and the boat as a consequence for my action....
For whatever reason- in this instance- my Dad showed me endless grace...
The longterm consequence I received was that while they paid to have my car repaired, they left the indent from the boat rudder on the side-
For the next 10 years that I drove that car it was a constant reminder of my carelessness, but yet, it also became a constant reminder of the grace I received from my Dad through the whole situation.
define grace vs. mercy
II. Division 1: Grace Given: 1 Kings 19 16 minutes
a. 1 Kings 19: 1-9: Through meeting physical needs: food/water/sleep 3
Last week we saw:
God provided for Elijah through ravens and a widow during a drought
God raised the widows son back to life
Elijah stood up to the prophets of Baal and God showed his power by bringing fire down from heaven
Elijah slaughters the prophets of Baal
and then, Elijah persistently pray’s and the drought ends..
The last verse of chp 18 says that Elijah outran a chariot to Jezreal which was roughly 16.5 or 25 miles...
I mean…who is this guy? I read this story of Elijah and it feels almost unrelatable…almost like reading about a superhero.
But our story today shows us that Elijah was not a superhero…he just a human..no different from you or I…
You would think that after all that He would be even more fired up for the Lord- ready to take a stand to just about anything or anyone...
and yet…in our scripture, we see the opposite...
In chp. 19:1-2 It seems that Ahab went back home and told his wife, Jezebel, all about what had happened at Mt. Carmel…
King Ahab- the King of Israel- so N. Kingdom, married Jezebel in a political move back in 1 Kings 16:31- His marriage to her would have brought peace with the powerful nation of Sidonia.
But with his marriage to her, she brought worship of Baal with her...
So it’s no surprise that hearing what happened angered her-and out she goes out for revenge.
Elijah gets the message that she is out to get him and in vs 3 it tells us he was afraid and ran for his life...
Hold up...Where is the guy who just stood up to 450 prophets of Baal and outran a chariot?
lets read 1 Kings 19:4: He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough Lord…Take my life...”
Elijah was weak....weary…these are words of a person struggling with a deep and dark depression.
I have some counselor friends and the diagnosis for Elijah here is: burnout...
See…Elijah had fought hard against Ahab- he had this big mountaintop moment on Mt. Carmel with the prophets of Baal- he showed the people of Israel it was time to turn back to God and guess what…they didn’t do that. He had traveled alone, was fed by ravens and a widow- which gave him just enough but lets be real, he wasnt kicked back living a high life…he was struggling- and he is tired..
Elijah is looking at this situation and feeling like a failure?
People were still worshipping Baal- and now, they were out to kill him too- Elijah must have been wondering....God what was the point…what was it all for?
Elijah EXPECTED that his moment of courage would result in an immediate turning to God and away from Baal. Instead, he realized that they were not turning from Baal and that judgement would be executed on them.
And when his expectations were not met in the way he saw things going- he became hopeless.
How often do we do this?
We walk in obedience, we boldly stand firm- we do the hard thing and hold our ground for the Lord, and then…it doesn’t turn out like we expected.
When the miracle you expected God to do in your diagnosis doesn’t come with the results or healing you prayed so specifically and persistently for?
When the ministry or church you worked so hard to build…crumbles before your eyes?
The person or child you poured into for years turns away from God?
The sin you are desperately asking God to help you overcome just seems to always be there - and you wonder why can’t you get it under control?
Where have your expectations of God not been met recently?
and What is your response in those moments?
Do you turn to things of this world to numb you- to make you forget- entertainment, food, exercise, alcohol?
Do you get angry with God?
Do you jump to feelings of failure like Elijah?
The reality is-when our expectations are set on outcomes rather than on God we can find ourselves like Elijah....depressed. sad. and hopeless.
So, the theological response in this moment would be:
Elijah- you did not fail. I am God. I have a plan to redeem and restore. You are apart of that plan- I am faithful to keep my promises…trust me.
But, notice what God does here…he does not rebuke Elijah by correcting his wrong thinking...
God is so gracious to know exactly what we need, when we need it- God knew that Elijah’s greatest need was not to have his theology corrected in this moment…in 1 Kings 19:5-9 we see that what Elijah needed was:
shade…so God provided a tree.
He needed sleep.... so God gave Him rest.
He needed restored…so God gave him food and water.
let this be a lesson to us as we care for those in our lives..you should lovingly remind people of God’s truths and promises…but maybe, before you jump to rebuke their wrong thinking- bring them a piece of cake…just saying...
But God isn’t done caring for his servant...
Elijah then travels 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb.
It’s interesting that no where does it say that God told him to go there…it just says that he went…
Now, this is a significant mountain.
Mount Horeb, also known as Mt. Sinai is the same place where God had revealed himself to Moses through a burning bush and where he had given him the Mosaic Covenant…
Elijah knew the significance of that mountain
Elijah appears here to be seeking out God…He is so desperate for more of Him that he mimics the Israelites wandering around the dessert for 40 days and 40 nights and then he goes to the mountain where God had revealed himself.
The journey was about 200 miles- that should only have taken him roughly 10-14 days…instead, it took him 40...
So Elijah, gets to the mountain and in vs. 9 God goes: What are you doing here?
Elijah responds with what seems to be a pity party...
Woah is me…I did all the things for you God..Israel didn’t listen to you…I’m the ONLY one following you..
Now, God could use this moment to correct Elijah- we know from last week that Obadiah was hiding prophets in caves and feeding them- Elijah was NOT the only one following God- and he knew it.
But God knows that Elijah does not need rebuked and told that he is blowing things out of proportion...
God knows that what Elijah needs is simply more of Him..Elijah came seeking God..and so God, knowing that is what he needs...
Tells him to stand on the mountain and wait.
A powerful wind comes…but God his not in the wind..
An earthquake follows…but God was not in the earthquake...
And then comes fire- a way that God consistently revealed himself to his people was through fire…but yet, God was not in the fire..
and then comes a still, small, voice…and there Elijah finds God...
how often do we search for God in the big....and yet forget to look for him in the quiet…in the simple..in the mundane.
God continues to restore Elijah by providing Him with His presence...
For those of you who have put your hope and faith in Jesus Christ, you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you…that means that God’s presence is ALWAYS with you...
He is the God who sees your pain and your hurt and those broken places inside of you and he longs to restore you...
Go to Him in prayer…read His words to you in scripture…ask God to restore you as He fill’s you with his presence.
Just like you always need Him- he is always there- ready to give you exactly what we need.
Remember- in right relationship with God we are whole and complete…seek Him today..
In vs.’s 14 we see a repeated interaction with God and Elijah. God asks the same question from vs. 9 and Elijah gives the same response...
This time…God him a specific assignment to complete and also chooses this moment to correct his thinking...
I love this..God gave Elijah time to grieve and mourn his unmet expectations- to refill him with more of him and now he is like...
..ok....its time to move forward..to take the next step of obedience…I’m not done using you so let’s go.
in 19:15-18, God tells Elijah to anoint 3 people....2 kings and 1 prophet
The Hebrew word translated “anoint” is from the same Hebrew word that we get Messiah.
An anointed one, was a person who had been given a particular task or mission from God.
By being anointed it also gave them authority and recognition to carry out whatever God was calling them to do.
Here, the anointing of the 2 kings would provided protection for Elijah by killing off those Jezebel had sent after him.
And the prophet would not only provide a successor for Elijah, but also a companion.
And then, finally, after all of that, in vs 18..God throws in His rebuke..
God basically says, and oh by the way, you are not the only one who is obeying and following me…I am faithful to keep my promises and there is a remnant who still follows me.
If you struggle with depression or feelings of failure- let this be an encouragement to you. God can and wants to use you! He didn’t wait on Elijah to start “feeling” and saying all the right things to use Him.
He gave him what he needed and then pushed him to do the next step of obedience. God knew that he was ready, even though Elijah clearly wasn’t feeling ready. He was still wallowing…but yet…he obeys.
God created you with a plan and a purpose- your purpose is not complete as long as you are on this earth and God wants to use you…
So in 19:19-21- Elijah anoints Elisha, just as God asked Him to..
Don’t you love God’s grace to Elijah here…Elijah had been wandering around alone- feeling like he was the only one following God.
God not only gives him a task but he also gives him a companion- someone to pour into and remind Him that he was not alone in His love for the Lord.
Main Truth: God sustains his people by graciously providing exactly what they need.
In chp. 19 we see God graciously sustain Elijah through:
rest and food
through his presence
by giving him a companion
and through correcting his wrong thinking...
God didn’t fix Elijah’s circumstance like he wanted- but he graciously provided for him through his circumstances...
How has God graciously provided for you when you have been weary?
Did he restore you physically, providing an unexpected season or time of rest?
Maybe he spoke to you through His word or prayer- building you back up- reminding you of who He is?
Maybe God provided you with community…someone to simply remind you that God has not forgotten you...
And Maybe today...you are currently feeling like Elijah- you are in such a deep depression that you have found yourself asking God to take your life.
I first want to say- I am so sorry that you are feeling that way...
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Would you, like Elijah take your weary and burdened heart to God today…
He is good, good Father who loves you and wants to care for you.
He is waiting…He longs to provide tenderly and compassionately for you
to graciously sustain you by giving you exactly what you need…run to him today.
III. Division 2: Grace Rejected: 1 Kings 20-21 8 minutes
a. 1 Kings 20: After victories
As we move into chp.’s 20 and 21 we are going to see a different story. The same grace that was offered to Elijah is offered to Ahab and yet here we see a completely different response.
At the start of chp. 20, Aram- also known as Syria-decides to attack N. Israel b/c Ben-Hadad, the King of Syria, wanted to control the trade routes through Israel. He also wanted to beef up his own army because he feared that Assyria would attack him.
Basically- it works- and King Ahab concedes to the humiliating terms of defeat.
But, Ben-Hadad, greedy for more puts on even more demands and this time King Ahab refuses.
in 20:13-15
A prophet tells Ahab that the Lord will give them victory so they will know he is God.
Now hold up- Ahab was evil- he allowed his wife to try to kill Elijah and he was leading people into Baal worship.
Why is God saving Him?
Because our God is a gracious God....he longs and desires for ALL to know Him- even the worst of sinners. No one is too far gone.
so, as the scripture goes on in 20:19-21, we see that Israel does defeat Aram....
In 20:22-
another prophet shows up and tells Ahab to get ready because in the spring there will be another battle....
The men of Aram wrongly thought they lost because Israel’s god was a god of he hills so therefore they needed to move the battle to the valley.
See, the people of Aram believed Israel’s God was powerful. It was not uncommon to believe that in both Israel’s god along with other Gods.
Our false gods look different today, but we are no less guilty of worshipping God alongside false gods.
The god of self typically reigns supreme in our culture
everything is about you and for you-you are the king of your own life and your own universe.
we get irritated when our self-ruling plans fail so we move on from the hills-to the valleys- hoping to find something better there.
But- God is the God of both the hills and the valleys…there is no where that he does not reign supreme and is not sovereignly in control
What the prophet predicts comes true and in 20:29-30 we see N. Israel again have victory over Aram.
God is graciously showing his presence and power to both the people of Israel but also to Aram. The only reason that Israel won that fight was because God graciously sustained them through the battle and gave them victory.
God chose Israel to display his glory to the whole earth- all are invited into God’s kingdom…here we see God graciously inviting the people of Israel as well as Syria to recognize him as Lord-
So God, in his grace, handed over the Syrian army to N. Israel-
And what did King Ahab do with the grace God had given him?
God had delivered Syria to Israel, and that meant that Israel would need to be obedient in destroying Syria.
However, King Ahab decides he is in charge and disobeys God and allows Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria to live.
This may look like some compassionate form of mercy to Ben-Hadad, but in actuality, this gave Ahab the upper hand and would offer a future layer of protection for himself in case Assyria tried to attack.
Once again- we see a king disobeying God and making what the world would deem a logical political move.
Where are you taking the glory for yourself when God has graciously provided for you in your life?
Do you look at your financial or carear situation and instead of seeing it as a gift from God you instead pat yourself on the back, congratulating yourself on how hard you worked to accomplish all that in your own strength?
Maybe you look at your family- you have children who are following Jesus and instead of seeing that as God’s grace to you- you instead congratulate yourself on what a good parent you must have been...
Everything in our lives is because of God’s grace to us. Remember- God knows exactly what we need and he is working out his good purposes in and through us.
If we think we are somehow outside of that and accomplishing things on our own then we get the glory and God does not…by definition grace is getting something we do not deserve. If we do not deserve it then we are not and cannot earn it.
Recognizing God’s grace should produce obedience in us as a response to His amazing gift to us. Ahab responds in disobedience.
The end of chp. 20 gives us a dramatic scene to get Ahab’s attention about his disobedience
The scene in 20:35-41 feels oddly familiar.
Here we see another odd story about a lion killing a disobedient prophet..
Again…just like the last story of a prophet getting eaten by a lion was supposed to be a wake up call to Jeroboam...this is about Ahab’s rejection of God’s grace…God is graciously trying to wake him up-
This prophet does find another prophet to finally beat him up so he can make a very dramatic point to King Ahab about how he had disobeyed God and that judgement was coming because of it.
Chp 20 ends this week with Ahab responding to God’s grace to Him by being sullen and angry...
Our scripture this week sadly ends with chp 21.
Ahab attempts to directly violate God’s law by trying to take a vineyard from Naboth’s family.
The Mosaic Law, as seen in Lev. 25:23-28 directly prohibited the sale of property outside a family..
Naboth, knowing God’s law, refuses to give into Ahab.
So..again…Ahab goes off and sullen and angry.
Jezebel decides that she is going to get Ahab what he wants so devises a scheme to have Naboth, and also his sons- which we leran about out in 2 Kings 9:26, murdered. Ahab then takes the land for himself.
The injustice of this whole situation should make all of us uncomfortable and sad and even worse- we don’t have to look too far to see injustices all around us.
In 21:17-26- Elijah confronts and condemns Ahab and Jezebel with a proclamation of God’s coming judgement...
God had graciously offered Ahab, the most evil king to rule Israel to date, multiple opportunities to turn to Him…and Ahab continued to refuse his offer of grace.
However, in 21:27-29:
Ahab shows a moment of repentance- remember only God knows his heart- and God’s response to delay the consequence to his successor must have been sincere because the Lord was gracious with Jeroboam.
Does God’s grace to Jeroboam here in delaying the judgement irritate you in any way?
I mean..he had just murdered a godly man and his sons to get his way…and yet God offered Him grace when he humbly repented.
Is there a part of you that goes- but he didn’t deserve that?
We are no better than Ahab…none of us deserve God’s grace towards us.
God is so so patient with us, just like he was patient with Ahab..over and over he offered Ahab grace-
Ahab continuously rebelled and God continuously pursued Him.
Main Truth: God’s gift of grace is offered to all people.
Grace rejected results in God’s judgement.
Today we receive God’s grace by believing that Jesus’ death on the cross covered all of our sin and living with God as Lord over our lives- knowing that we are fully secure and safe in him. We obey and follow him because of his grace towards us, not to try to earn or get something from Him. We walk in obedience and serve Him because of what he has already done for us.
If you are continuing to reject God’s offer of grace to you in Jesus, would you stop striving- stop rejecting God- He is waiting- He is ready to graciously sustain you through whatever you are walking through right now.
IV. Conclusion 2 minutes
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