0067 Existance of God
Sermon Tone Analysis
Existence of God
What You Know determines what you will about it, what you about it will determine where you would end up! So, it’s important to know the TRUTH from the right authority!
There are 3 Main Authorities that we base all of our arguments on…
Human Reason:(Rationalism) give enough time and people will unlock all the secrets of the universe and lead to perfect life, peace, health, wealth, and continuing prosperity, they believe that with science and latest equipment they will solve all the problems of the universe.
* Science cannot deal with sound and color (ex. Blind or deaf person)
* Science cannot deal with things that cannot be weighted and measured (ex. Your soul)
* Science cannot deal with miracles and manifestation of the supernatural
* Science used to say that:
~ Earth is the center of universe
~ Small rocks fall faster than bigger
~ If he is sick he has bad blood
The Church: belief that Church is representative of Christ and it’s leaders hold a authority to judge the truth. Church is of higher or the same authority as the Bible.
The Bible: Belief that God is revealed through His written Word (Bible)
PROOF #1 God Revealed through the BIBLE
2 Timothy 3:16 “All the Scripture is given by inspiration of God…”
Authority of the Bible because of:
* Walls of Jericho; Resurrection of Jesus; Sun stood still during the Joshua; Moses and 10 plagues against Egypt; 3 Guys in Babylon not burned with fire and Daniel by lions
* 40 authors (educated & uneducated)
* 1,600 years; 60 generations
* different continents & languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin)
* there are no contradictions in the Bible.
Mistakes of people finding contradictions in the Bible:
-misunderstood the historical context - 25 times
-misread the text - 15 times
-misunderstood the Hebrew usage - 13 times
-the texts are compatible with a little thought - 13 times
-misunderstood the author's intent - 12 times
-these were merely copyist error - 9 times
-misunderstood how God works in history - 6 times
-misunderstood the Greek usage - 4 times
-didn't read the entire text - 4 times
-misquoted the text - 4 times
-misunderstood the wording - 3 times
-had too literalistic an interpretation - 3 times
-imposed his own agenda - 3 times
-confused an incident with another - 1 time
-have discovered an earlier manuscript - 1 time
Historical and Geographical (Noah’s Ark)
The odds of Jesus fulfilling 48 of the 61 major prophecies concerning Him are 1 in 10157 (that is a one with 157 zeros behind it).
* Virgin Birth Prophecy
* Born in Bethlehem
* Preceded by a messenger
* Side Pierced
* Crucifixion
* The spherical shape of the earth (Isaiah 40:22).
* The earth is suspended in nothing (Job. 26:7).
* The stars are innumerable (Gen. 15:5).
* The existence of valleys in the seas (2 Sam. 22:16).
* The existence of springs and fountains in the sea (Gen. 7:11; 8:2; Prov. 8:28).
* The existence of water paths (ocean currents) in the seas (Psalm 8:8).
* The water cycle (Job. 26:8; 36:27-28; 37:16; 38:25-27; Ps. 135:7; Ecc. 1:6-7).
* The fact that all living things reproduce after their own kind (Gen. 1:21; 6:19).
* The nature of health, sanitation, and sickness (Gen. 17:9-14; Lev. 12-14). * The concept of entropy, that energy is running down (Psalm 102:26).
It’s survival
* 5 first books were written 500 years before the earliest Hindu Scriptures. Moses wrote Genesis 2,000 years before Muhammad penned the Koran.
* No other book was so loved and hated
Power to Change Lives
PROOF # 2 God Revealed through CHRIST
“He is the image of the invisible God…” Colossians 1:15
To know Jesus is to know God John 8:19
To see Jesus was to see God John 12:45
To believe in Jesus was to believe in God John 12:44
To receive Jesus was to receive God Mark 9:37
PROOF #3 God Revealed through CONSCIENCE
“for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by the nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves,” Rom. 2:14
There is a desire for worship; right and wrong; God is the Lawgiver.
PROOF #4 God Revealed through CREATION
"eternal power and divine characteristics are seen through the creation” Rom. 1:20 As a painting displays the characteristics of the painter, so the Creator's attributes are manifested through His created universe.
The choice is simple: one chooses the self-existent God, or self-existent universe, and the universe is not behaving as though it’s a self-existent.
~ ~ ~ Each star represents a solar system in the universe. Our own solar system has the sun as the center, and it has nine planets revolving around.
~ The earth, as one of the planets, speeds through space at 6,000 miles an hour and takes 365 days to circle the sun.
~ ~ ~ Distance between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth
~ If the earth were to come ten percent closer to or farther away from the sun, all living beings on earth would be either scorched to death or frozen.
~ If the moon were 50,000 miles from the earth instead of 230,000 miles from it, all the oceans on earth would be sucked up by the moon; the land mass would be deluged, and the mountains would be submerged.
~ ~ ~ The law of inference
- tells us that opposition to anything assumes that the thing itself exists. It has been proven in history that it is futile to oppose the idea of God, for no matter how cultures and human governments change, the belief in God always prevails in the end. Throughout history some people have at times opposed the idea of God. The very fact that they have opposed it means that God is there.
~ The fact that some rebellious sons disown their fathers means that they do have a father.
~ The fact that some people try to tear down the family means that the family is a reality.
~ ~ ~ Spinning of the Planets, Orbits, and Moons
(Parts broken out of that dot have to spin in the same direction because inner parts spinning faster then outer)
2-3 planets are spinning in the appositive direction than others; 6 out of 62 moons have backward orbits.
~ ~ ~ Planets Cooling Down
If you put a cup with hot coffee, cup adventally will cool down after a while.
~ ~ ~ Dust in the Moon
there is a less than 1 centimeter of dust on the moon
for one million of years only 6 centimeters of dust could be gathered.
there is not enough of dust on the moon for the Earth to be 4.8 billion years
~ ~ ~ The Oldest Tree
The Oldest Tree is about 4,300 years old. Why because there was a flood about 1,700 years after creation, and everything was destroyed.
~ ~ ~ Creation of Human (man or woman)
Astonishing Facts: heart beats 103,689 times; blood travels 168,000,000 miles; breathe 23,040 times; inhale 438 cubic feet of air; eat 3 to 4 pounds of food; drink 3 quarts of liquid; body maintains a steady; temperature of 98.6 degrees; generate 450 foot tons of energy; speak of 4800 words (man); move over 700 muscles; using 7,000,000 brain cells; walk 7 miles (woman)
PROOF #5 God revealed in 4th Dimension
“God is Spirit,…” John 4:24
~ 4th dimension is spiritual dimension;
~ Universe has 450 billion galaxies;
~ Galaxy is assembly of stars, gas, and dust (a group of billions of stars and their and their planets, gas, and dust that extends over many thousands of light-years and forms a unit within the universe.
~ The smallest galaxy 500 million types bigger than earth.
PROOF #6 God revealed through Philosophy (the Law of Cause and Effect)
The Law of Cause and Effect
- tells us that for every happening there must be a cause.
~ If a book written there must be a author.
~ If a watch keeps time accurately, there must be a watchmaker who made it.
~ If a house stands magnificently on a hill, there must be a builder who built it.
~ If a garden is well-trimmed and fenced, there must be a gardener who is taking care of it.
~ In the same way, the obvious design behind the universe speaks of a Creator who has caused these things to appear the way they are.
We don’t have to SEE everything in order to believe in it. (microwave; radio waves; cars; wind)
We doubt God because we cannot EXPLAIN Him? We cannot explain life, consciousness, sleep and other things but we still use them and not doubt them. Some say I don’t understand God, so refuse to believe in His Existence, can you understand radio waves, how car or microwave operates? But you still use it. Don’t you.