0080 The Truth
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Truth
John Smith - 65 out of 75 not true
Charles Taze Russell – hell is not real; no Trinity; no Jesus – God (Jehovah Witness)
Muhammad the Prophet – persecuted by force; 25% increased in a decade.
Siddhartha Gautama – white elephant had sex with her. There is no God. Heaven is imagination. Left wife and child to find the reason for suffering. Don’t help those who are suffering.
Evolution – you are an accident or animal; than act like one; nothing plus chance equals everything;
~ No body seen History but we accept it’s legacy.
Someone has to be right and someone has to be wrong.
Believing in something doesn’t makes it right.
Jesus is not moral teacher, fanatic, lynitic, madman, lier, prophet, legend,
Religion is man’s attempt to reach God. Christianity is God coming to man.
Standard by which we measure the truth is not miracles, supernatural visitations such as angels, feelings, “grew up with this belief”, good works, but the Bible.
The greatest event in the History that split the History and made the biggest impact on humanity is the death of Jesus followed by His resurrection.
Symbols of the coming Jesus...
garments of skin (Genesis 3:21) sacrifices – making up for sin Abraham giving the only and loving son Isaac being spared and a lamp being killed. Blood protecting and delivering Israel from Egypt. Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert. The bread from heaven.
The Real Jesus.
Predicted: (For one person to fulfill 48 of these prophecies, the number becomes staggering--1 chance in 10 to the 157th power (1 with 157 zeros after it))
John’s coming; Born in Bethlehem; Born of Virgin; Kids killed; escape to Egypt; Anointed by Holy Spirit; ministering in Galilee; teach in parables; enter Jerusalem on donkey; Betrayed by friend; Betrayed for price of a slave; Will be silent before accusers; Would be mocked, scourged, accused, spit upon, smitten, wounded, pierced; crucified alongside with sinners; Others will cast lots on his clothing; Will suffer thirst; Bones not broken; Pierced on side; Buried in riches tomb; Rise again.
Death of Jesus:
~ God cannot be killed. He willfully laid down His life. He came just for that reason.
~ He was crucified not stoned; During His death there was darkness; The veil was torn down; There was a earthquake; There was a resurrection of the saints. Sounds like unusual?
~ He died in someone’s place. Who’s place?
Resurrection of Jesus is a proof that He is who He said He is.
~ Jesus really died.
~ He didn’t recover.
~ Disciples didn’t steal Him.
~ He rose from the death.
~ He was seen by...Mary, Peter, John, woman on the way, two disciples on the way, 10 disciples, 11 disciples, at the sea, at the mountain, Paul.