0125 Heart - Extreme Makeover
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Heart – Extreme Makeover
Quality of man is determined by his heart (Luke 6:45) – not actions, words & look
Quality of life is determined by heart (Luke 6:45) – your heart is the well from which life flows (Prov.4:23)
Quality of heart cannot be determined by physical appearance, words & works (1 Sam.16:7)
Destiny is determined not by outward performance but inward substance
Eliab took care of his face by neglecting his heart
You cannot please God without offending the world
God heals the land not the plant (2 Chron.7:13-14)
The land = people; the damage of the land destroys the plant
If God will bless you He will start with your land not your plant
Secret of fruitfulness is not in the seed but in the soil (Mt.13:23)
Seed is capable of endless reproduction
Seed “Jesus” is covered with outward colt
Unhealthy reproduction is dangerous
Fruitfulness is God’s expectation of the land
Ground is not for entertainment but for productivity
Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth & have dominion (Gen.1:28)
Tree which doesn’t bear good fruit is cut down (Mt.3:10)
Landowner expected fruit from His vinedressers (Mt.21:34)
Branch which doesn’t produce fruit he takes it away (John 15:2)
Kingdom of God is taken from Israel and given to Gentiles who will produce its fruit (Mt.21:43)
Hard Heart (rocks on the top and soil on the bottom – junk on the top and good on the bottom)
Trodden “compressed” ground
Sin hardens the heart
Tradition hardens the heart
Conviction of the Spirit and repentance brakes the hard heart
Seed falls upon it but in it
Hearing information with no understanding
Birds snatch the seed
Unless the seed gets in you it will be stolen
Do not fight with birds – they do their job, but labor on the soil
Double Heart (soil on the top and rock on the bottom – good is on the top and junk is on the bottom)
Seed falls in the soil not just on the soil
Immediate joyful reaction toward the Word
Growth is a process so everything that comes up fast will come down fast
No perseverance in faith when problems come creates a destructive pattern of quitting when things get hard
Soil at the surface and rock at the bottom
Surface Christianity is not exposing hidden and unseen part of us for God’s dealing
Sun scorches the soil and exposes what is going on under the surface
Faith will be scorched if found on anything else except the on God
Wind tests the construction but foundation keeps it from destruction
Sun is to your advantage if the ground is good, are you afraid of sun?
Birds are not responsible for unfruitfulness but rootlessness
Damaged Heart (thorn hurts person and destroys the fruit)
Seed falls in the soil not just on the soil
Soil has no rocks but thorns
Thorns harm fruit
Cares of this world
Working to live or living to work
Serving God and offending mammon
Seek the Kingdom and all of it will be added to you
Deceitfulness of riches
If I will be rich, I will be happy
Riches are solution to the problems
Healthy Heart (healthy hearts feed the earth while unhealthy one starves it)
Quality of soil
Breaking of the ground
Uprooting of the thorns
Removing of the rocks
Quality of fruit
The power of the Seed
Influence of the sun
Rain from heaven
Soil guarded (Prov.4:23)
Key to quality of soil is to yield the ground. Wouldn’t farmer want to see his soil produce fruit?