Christian: born of Spirit, consolidated, grows, baptized by water and Spirit, tempted, power of God, lives for God, light to the world not church, denied himself, has 12 and not just a believer. Christ is his model.
Simeon saw Messiah in a Baby
Crowd saw Messiah in a Miracle Worker
Pharisees saw Fanatic in a Miracle Worker
Herod saw a King in a Baby “devil attacks cause he sees”
Pastor Cho saw revival in the Pensacola while others didn’t
I am not a prophet (Spirit of God is upon you)
It’s all illusion (if you don’t say what God says)
If it’s the will of God it will happen (Israel)
How do I know what I see? You speak what you see and God does what you say
Samuel sees king in young David while brothers see stupid kid
Samuel sees king in insecure Saul while he sees himself differently
Farmer sees harvest in the seed
Speak to your problem about your God instead of to your God about your problem