0176 Stirring of Water
Sermon Tone Analysis
Stirring of Water
John 5
In Jerusalem – this thing takes place in God’s place Great multitude waiting
Many people not few people Those who waited were sick not healthy They were standing in one place not moving no where Moving of water will change them Moving of water is a reality
At certain time God stirs up the water Moving of water changes others Stepping in first has its price and its reward
Price – you get to pass everyone; there are many people in line for your position Reward – change If you want change/something more then others do more then they do Do you want to get well?
Do you want the stirring of water or your health? We forget why we need the stirring of water I have no man to put me into the pool
The only solution for me to be fruitful is to be in the right place “pool” I am the one that stirs that water – I will put you into your destiny not just your pool Fatherless generation – they have no one to put them into God’s will of their life While I am coming, another steps down before
Someone got before you; what you dreamed of someone got it Someone took your position in job, society, church, family and etc Rise, take up your bed & walk
Water didn’t get stirred up but man walked away healed “Kiev, Korea, Columbia” Saul & Jonathan 1 Sam.14
Saul is waiting on the stirring of water Jonathan gets stirs up and goes to fight – God can use few as well as many Take the promise land Joshua 18:3
Miracle of manna is over; walls of Jericho are not falling no more You are the owner of the promise land but the possessor of it What else God didn’t give you to have you possess the land? Mt.28:19-20 – the fact I have the authority; He gave you it; use it… Praying for revival not for them as much as for you Stir the gift of God in you
Stir the water which the Spirit in you – through prayer and fasting and then go and do it
Don’t allow natural to get in a way of supernatural
“How shall I know this? For I am an old man” – Zacharias Luke 1:18
“How can this be if I do not know man?” – Mary Luke 1:34-35
“Fill the waterpots with water!” – Jesus John 2:7-8
“We have here only five loaves and two fish” – Disciples Matthew 14:16-17
“Master we have toiled all night and caught nothing” – Peter Luke 5:4-5