0183 Your Greatest Weapon
Sermon Tone Analysis
Your Greatest Weapon
1 Samuel 17:45-47
Why do you come against me with sticks?
You don’t fight against enemy with these weapons
As long as you look strong you don’t have a chance to win
No one in his right mind will face a giant with a stick: it’s a setup or a trap
No greater shame for a giant then to be defeated by a teenage boy with a stick
You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin
Your weapons are work of man’s hands
I don’t come against you with sword & spear
Strength, ability, experience and etc
Those weapons are not strong enough to destroy you
I come against you in the Name of the Lord
My only possession is the Name Acts 3:6
Baptized in the Name of Jesus Acts 2:38
No other Name given among men by which we must be saved Acts 4:12
Threaten not to speak to no one in this Name Acts 4:17
Signs and wonders are done in the Name of Jesus Acts 4:30
Saul was a chosen vessel to bear the Name of Jesus to all Acts 9:15
God lifted the Name above every other Name Phil.2:9-11
The Name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and is safe Prov.18:10
We can’t take His Name in vain Ex.20:7
Hallowed be Your Name Matthew 6:9
Our help is in the Name Ps.124:8
The Lord doesn’t save by sword and spear
God doesn’t need your crowd Gideon
God delivered Israel without a sword or spear from Egypt
God destroyed the walls of Jericho without man’s strength
God waits till you lose your sword “strength” to give birth to Isaac
God brought victory without even a fight during the Johasaphat’s reign
Don’t afraid to face your enemy without a sword or spear
God doesn’t need your sword but you do need His Name
The battle is the Lord’s
Nothing bothers enemy then when you involve your friends in the battle
When your enemy becomes Kings enemy then your battle becomes His battle