0262 Wait Upon The Wind
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Acts 1:4; 2:2; John 3:8; Song of Solomon 5:16
Wind made waters settle (Gen.8:1)
Noah, don’t get out of ark until water settles, water will settle when wind will blow
Jesus, don’t start ministry without being filled with the wind of God
Disciples, don’t leave Jerusalem until Spirit comes
Wind divided the Red Sea (Ex.10:13)
God’s Spirit is the solution to the obstacles and impossibilities of life
Holy Spirit will come upon you Mary and you will give birth
Holy Spirit upon David allowed him to kill Goliath
Anointing on Gideon made him overcome with army of 300
Spirit of God adds super to your natural and you become supernatural
Wind broke the mountains and rocks into pieces (1 Kings 19:11)
It’s not by might but by Spirit
Wind brought the quails (Num.11:31)
Wind makes the promise a reality
Wind brought the locust in Egypt
Lord added unto the Church daily is the work of the Wind
Wind brought life to dead (Ez.37:8-9)
God’s breath gave life to dead Adam
Good person without Spirit is as dead as good person without breath
Holy Spirit brings life into our life and church. Without Spirit we are dead
Wind can’t be created or controlled
Wind creates but it can’t be created. Holy Spirit is Creator
Wind can’t be led but it can lead you (led by Spirit)
You can’t direct the wind but you can yield to it
Car, horse, people, dogs and everything else expect the wind can be controlled
Wind can’t be stopped
Religion, government, fire can be stopped but not wind
Murder of babies, cross of Jesus, grave of Christ, threads, jail, killing of disciples, heresy couldn’t’ stop it
If you are full of Spirit the enemy can’t stop you
Wind can’t be resisted
It’s hard to fight against the wind but it’s easy to go along with the wind
Pharaoh, Israel, Saul, Paul, Hitler, Stalin went against it and failed miserably
Wind can’t be seen but it’s affects are visible
Open to the blowing of the wind
Don’t be locked up by sin and tradition
Testimony is the result of the wind
Wind can be felt
Priests couldn’t stand in the temple;
In God’s presence there is pleasure evermore; Kingdom is joy and peace; God is love
Wind can be heard
Holy Spirit speaks through Bible, conscience, authority, circumstances and etc.
Holy Spirit speaks but it’s we don’t listen
Don’t get accustomed (used to, adapt, comfortable) to barrenness, wilderness, defeat, poverty, dryness