0266 The Revival Forecast
Sermon Tone Analysis
The reason why we don’t have revival is because we are willing to live without it
Sinners are not our enemy but our customers
Two great miracle catches: in the beginning (Luke 5) and the end (John 21) of Jesus’ ministry
Revival Forecast From Life of Samson (Judges 13-16)
Samson was anointed – Church is anointed (God wants you to be anointed)
God wants you to be anointed to deliver your generation
Samson was nazarite – Church is devoted
God wants you to be devoted if you want to stay anointed
Samson went against the gates – Gates of hell can’t prevail against the Church (Mt.16:18)
Anointing will lead you to possess the gates of your enemies
Anointing will not allow enemies weapons to prevail against you
Samson send foxes – Church sends leaders filled with Spirit
God wants you to find some foxes and let fire fill them up
You can so much damage with others being filled with fire
Samson killed with jar – Church wins with mouth
God wants to use your mouth to destroy the enemy and win the generation
Samson was rejected by Israel – Church is rejected by religious people
Woe to you if everyone likes you, but you are blessed if they don’t
Samson was destroyed from within – Church can’t be destroyed from without
The biggest hindrance of Churches expansion is not Satan is saints
Samson compromised – Church became weak
Church lost anointing because it lost devotion
Samson lost anointing because he broke his nazarite vow
Church became like everyone else – every other religion
Samson went in circles – Church goes in circles
Church that is not anointed goes in circles of routine and religion
Church that lost the vision will go in circles
Samson’s hair started to grow – Church started to grow
Church started to do what Acts Church (water baptism, spirit baptism, miracles, gifts of Spirit)
Power and anointing and influence of the Church is not decreasing but increasing
You may be going in circles but your hair (passion) is growing
Samson was led by a child – Youth will play a role in last day revival
Youth led the first revival and they will lead the last revival
Our mission is deliverance for a generation and destruction for the enemy
Power is for deliverance not ambition (power to set generation free not give us world wide ministry)
Gospel will be preached to all the world than the end will come (Matthew 24:14)
In the last days God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17-21)
Darkness has covered the earth but the Lord will rise over you (Isaiah 60:1-3)
The glory of this latter temple will be greater than the glory of the former (Haggai 2:9)
The stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Daniel 2:35)
The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God (Habbukah 2:14)
Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (Romans 5:20)
Darkness make lighter brighter