Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Preparation for and the Bowls of Wrath
Last week we finished looking at chapter 14, and the 6 angels in it, that brought proclamations to the earth, the first three gave warnings, the second three gave instructions to harvest the earth.
Angel 4 brought instructions from God the Father to Jesus to harvest the lost people of the earth, Angel 5 had a sickle like Jesus did, and Angel 6 gave instructions to Angle 5 to harvest the grapes of the earth, that then went into the wine press of God’s that then was made into the wine of God’s wrath.
Tonight we are going to hear of seven angels, that are being prepared for the bowls of wrath, that God is preparing to pour out on the earth and the unbelievers of the world.
We will also then look at those seven bowls and what happens when those bowls are poured out.
We will be looking at chapters 15 and 16 in their whole tonight as there is only 8 verses in chapter 15, and 21 verses in chapter 16 but these seven angels are preparing to be sent forth with the seven bowls of wrath and these seven bowls of wrath are then poured out on the unbelievers, those that follow the beast, the Antichrist.
The Reliant Word of God
This passage tells us that a group of people in heaven will praise God because they have gained the victory.
How did they get the victory?
Well the key verse here is verse 2: we see there, they stand on a “sea of glass.”
This sea is not an ocean.
Instead, John sees a great basin similar to the one in Solomon’s temple.
Before the priest went into the temple to worship, he washed in a basin.
It symbolized the Word of God that cleanses man from sin.
Ephesians 5:26 tells us how Jesus Christ (the Word made flesh) cleanses and sanctifies the church: Ephesians 5:26
In that day people washed in the sea.
In the book of Revelation, these people do not wash in it because it has crystallized.
They stand up it.
The saints who have come out of the great tribulation are now standing on the Word of God.
When Joshua was going into Canaan, God gave him a formula for victory.
It is older than the Dead Sea Scrolls, but as fresh as tomorrow’s newspaper.
Here is what God told Joshua (and what He is telling us today): Joshua 1:8
Victory comes by the Word of God, which according to Joshua, is to be in our mouths.
The New Testament affirms this: Ephesians 4:29
Do you want victory?
Learn to quote the Word of God, not just in your head but out loud.
And when you verbalize it, you vitalize it.
John Bunyan, who wrote Pilgrim’s Progress, was convicted and converted by listening to a conversation between some women about the Word of God.
If someone were to eavesdrop on one of your conversations, would it lead them to Christ?
Not only is the Word of God to be in your mouth, but it is also to be in your mind.
Joshua said we are to meditate on it day and night.
Meditation is like a song you can’t get out of your mind.
When you meditate on the Word of God, you think God’s thoughts after Him.
And when you do that, you will find out that you have incredible wisdom.
As problems come (and they will), the Word of God will give you the wisdom you need.
Finally, you and I need to have the Word of God in our manner of life.
God told Joshua that he was to do all that is commanded in the Word of God.
Reading and meditating on the Word of God is important, but obeying the Word of God causes the Bible to burst into flame in your life.
When God speaks to you through His Word and gives you a command to obey, you need to stop right there if you are not obeying that command.
Don’t read any further.
Jesus said, John 14:21
All the rest is just religious talk.
You can read and write all manner of notes in your Bible, but when you hear God’s Word and obey it, Jesus said, “You love Me.”
Reading the Bible gives you knowledge about God; obeying the Bible gives you knowledge of God.
God will become real to you.
Would you like to live in victory today?
I don’t mean in the sweet by and by; I mean in the nasty now and now.
You will live in victory as you learn to plant your feet firmly upon the solid Word of God.
The Redeeming Works of God
When the Israelites were in Egypt, they weren’t singing; they were groaning.
But God brought them out of Egypt and redeemed them by the blood of the Passover Lamb.
Their song is found in Exodus 15 after they crossed through the parted Red Sea.
It is the first recorded song in the Bible.
The last recorded song in the Bible is the song of the Lamb.
Both of these songs speak of redemption.
Thank God for singing!
Thank God for music!
The way you celebrate the Lord Jesus is to sing of His works.
Only in Jesus can we sing a redemption song.
May God have mercy on you if you do not offer praise to God with a joyful noise during a song service.
When the Israelites were going into the promised land, they asked God which tribe should go first.
Judah was chosen because the name Judah means “praise.”
Praise precedes every victory; praise follows every victory.
You may say, “I have problems.
I do not feel like singing.”
That is all the more reason you ought to sing.
When Paul and Silas were arrested for preaching the gospel, they were thrown into jail.
Talk about Jail house Rock!
What is victory’s song?
It is not singing about what we have done, but it is singing about the redemptive work of Almighty God.
The Righteous Wrath of God
Many people ask where is God when there is so much sin in the world - wickedness, rape, arson, child abuse, blasphemy, and war.
Where is God?
He is on His Throne!
And you can be certain that every sin will be punished.
Yours will be punished.
Mine will be punished.
The only question is: Who will bear that punishment?
Every sin will be pardoned by Christ or punished in hell, but it will never be overlooked.
Nobody’s sin is ever overlooked.
All sin is dealt with.
These people who are standing on the sea of glass understand that a day is coming when God will put the final period on the final paragraph, on the final chapter, on the final book of history.
Our God is a mighty God!
Seven angels will come from the temple to give four judgments:
A righteous judgment because they are wearing white robes;
A sovereign judgment because they are wearing golden sashes, which represent the priests and king;
A solemn judgment because they have bowls of wrath; and
A sure judgment because the Bible says no man can enter into the temple until God is finished.
The place will be filled with smoke (which speaks of the judgment of God consuming the sacrifice), and the Bible says that no man could approach.
It is almost as if God were saying, “Stay out.
I am busy.
Don’t interrupt me.
I am going to judge this world.”
Now we make our way to the seven bowls of judgment
Bowl 1
Do you see the irony here?
The mark turns into cankerous, contagious sores that is putrefying and incurable.
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