0287 Dumb Sheep
Sermon Tone Analysis
God’s Training Station
God’s greatest generals were trained through shepherding (Abel, Patriarchs, Moses, and David)
Don’t take your work carelessly because your job is your training station
Sheep follow the Shepherd
Forsaking is the price for following Christ. You can’t follow without forsaking
Those who follow Shepherd, grace and mercy will follow them, things will be added, signs will follow
Sheep know the Shepherd
Only those who follow Jesus will be able to know Jesus. The crowd knew about Jesus but disciples knew Jesus
Heaven is open to those who know God not those who know about God
In all your ways acknowledge Him – In all your ways know Him
Sheep know the voice
There is our voice (gut or God), strangers voice (condemnation, accusation), and Shepherds voice (like His word)
The only way to know the voice of Shepherd is to know Shepherd
ILL: Australia story & I know Shepherd, you know the Psalm
Psalm 23 (when written & how written)
The Lord is my Shepherd - I shall not lack
You can’t claim the promise has conditions
Everyone has relationship with God
Those who have God as their Shepherd will not lack. President George Bush – Laura and Barbara
God will meet your need if you realize your need
I am a sheep – smell, wonder off (Is.53), dumb, near sided, no home instinct, & needs to be sought after He makes me lay down in green pastures
Sheep can’t rest when there is fear – fear paralyzes you and makes you pillar of salt
Sheep can’t rest when flies are around
Sheep can’t rest when they are in the fight (pick your fights; is smell worth the fight)
Sheep can’t rest when they are hungry
Rest on the Rock or Rest on the lap
All who are heavy laden come to rest (Mt.11) He restores my soul
Sheep get lost when they drift away from the herd (Noah’s ark & Naomi & prodigal son)
Herding dog helps to keep sheep from drifting away (sides of highway; seat belt; voice of authority)
Shepherd will await for sheep to get desperate
God is about restoring His creation (prodigal son & Peter) – broken grass He puts back
Salvation, healing, deliverance, resurrection, prosperity, restoration of the Earth He leads me through valleys
Rod is a weapon to fight but staff is a tool to direct
Life has seasons – don’t judge me by my season
Rain falls on righteous and unrighteous
It takes more faith to get through the valley than to get out of the valley
God is the God of valley’s not only God of hills
God’s promise is “I will not leave you” not “you will never go through valleys”
It’s possible to be in the valley with God, it’s possible to be in fire with God
Fire doesn’t remove God and God doesn’t remove the fire
Immanuel – God with us