0294 Tree (Leaves - Part III)
Sermon Tone Analysis
TREE (Leaves - Part III)
TREE part I (root). Sustained by source. Needs roots not branches. Needs to soak in water
TREE part II (fruit). Developed not given. First is sour than it’s sweet
Ps.1:3; Gen.22:1-14
Leaves are green so is money
Lack of money is not the problem but it’s a symptom of a problem
Wealth doesn’t equal worth
Money will buy a bed but not sleep; books but not brains; food but not appetite; finery but not beauty; a house but not a home; medicine but not health; luxuries but not culture; amusements but not happiness; religion but not salvation; a passport to everywhere but heaven
Money can buy a house but not a home
Money can buy a clock but not time
Money can buy a bed but not sleep
Money can buy a book but not knowledge
Money can buy see a doctor, but not good health
Money can buy a position but not respect
Money can buy blood but not life
Money can buy sex but not love
God knows your need (Gen.2:18; Matt.6:7, 32)
God provides for everyone (Adam divorced, Cainan, grass, lilies of the field, birds, Matt.5:45)
Rich doesn’t make you righteous
God did what Abraham confessed
Obedience sometimes is painful ()
Obedience sometimes doesn’t make sense (put water in vessels, cast the net on the other side, Job, David, Joseph)
God has a ram provided for you on your path of obedience
Paul obeyed – it was painful, it didn’t make sense but surprise was awaiting him on his mountain
Jewish boys obeyed – it was painful, it didn’t make sense but Lamp was waiting them on their mountain
There is ram (salvation, breakthrough, mate) awaiting you once you reach your mountain
Keep carrying that fire and wood – your ram is awaiting you
Jonah’s rebellion brought storm. Jonah was prophet who went from the presence of the Lord like prodigal
Jonah was thrown into storm to deal with. Going away from God will bring you to crap
God had a fish prepared for Jonah. God had “Fish” prepared for humanity who opened His arms to receive us
God has a Lamb provided for you on your path of disobedience