Romans used its leaves for victory. People did for Jesus’ coming into Jerusalem. People in heaven as well
It doesn’t burn, it’s always green. Symbol of beauty.
The righteous shall flourish
Church is like Jericho, city of palms
God doesn’t plan grass but palms in His house
Doors, walls, bases, posts of Solomon temple and Ezekiel temple is made out of palms
1. Palm trees are usually planted in the sand not forest
Circumstances don’t determine if you will flourish your relationship with God is
The source of your blessing is not soil but God
Don’t surrender to your surroundings
You can flourish in spite of too much sand and too much sun – Joseph
God wants you to flourish when others die – Egypt has darkness but Israel has light
2. Cutting the bar will not kill palm tree
Can you flourish when your bar is cut? Joseph?! Israel?!
Living from outside in or inside out
3. Storm will bend but not break the palm tree
If your storm doesn’t bend you it will break you
Defeat brought Joshua to his knees
Palm tree gets back up after the storm
Storms don’t last long. They come to pass not to stay